New Mission

 Aizen noticed a difference in his merchant card.  The color was silver now.  That means he was promoted.  The promotion was very important, as Aizen would have access to more resources, information, etc.


 Aizen looked at the large building in front of him.  This was the guild of wizards from the city of Stormwind.  The building is even more beautiful.  He could also see a giant library inside.

 "Hello, how can I help you?"  The receptionist greeted Aizen.

 "A magic room, please."  Aizen asked.

 "Okay, that's 5 gold coins a day."

 Aizen paid for two days, despite being expensive.  The functions that this room had were quite useful.

 Magic rooms are rooms where people use to train magic.  They have the anti-energy function, so spells won't destroy the room as long as the spells don't go over the limit.  She also has denser mana inside them, so it improves learning.

 Before entering the magic room, Aizen bought some books.  Expert mana manipulation, expert fire magic, expert ice/water magic, advanced earth magic, advanced air magic.

 Expert books cost around 10 gold coins.  Aizen spent about 43 gold coins in total (including the gold spent in the magic room).  Aizen has only 3 gold coins now.


 Aizen spent 2 days inside the magic room.  His training consisted of mana manipulation, fire magic, ice, earth, and air.  

The book also had an interesting topic about compressing mana and making your spells stronger.  Aizen already had an idea about this, but it was good to read.  Your fire and ice magic has also evolved greatly.

 Aizen was doing this training to prepare for a possible mission.



 [Reward for placement]

 1st place in Treasures |  extra bonus

 1st place in level |  extra bonus

 1st place in Fame and Honor |  extra bonus

 1st place in three leaderboards |  extra bonus


 3 items SR

 50 gold coins

 150 Fame and Honor points (already allocated on the leaderboard)


 [Thanks for always playing.  Keep striving]

 [The next reward will be in a few days]



 'So that's what they call Sugar Daddy.'  Aizen did not expect to receive such a generous gift from the system.

 The top 10 players received rewards from the system every few days.  Depending on placement, rewards may vary.  1st place always receives bonuses.  Aizen was first on all the tables, so his bonus was pretty big.

 Over time, the rewards get even better.  Each "payment" was more generous than the last.

 Aizen left the magic room and headed for another place.




 "Can I see what quests are available?"  Aizen asked the receptionist.

 "Can I see your ID card?"

 Aizen handed over the ID card.

 "H-Eh? So you're a that young man."  The receptionist was a little surprised to see Aizen's ID card.

 "Um… do you know me?"  Aizen was confused.

 "How can I say- ah! Some stories are already circulating about you. They say that you defeated a King Lizardman and 3 lords on your 3rd day of work. I also heard that you are a skilled magical blacksmith. (...) " The receptionist started telling stories that had been circulating about Aizen, not all of which were accurate, but there were a lot of things right.

 'Honor and Fame, it's really something impressive.'  His stories were already circulating.  The guild of adventurers and merchants helped a lot to spread his name. Being a magic smith also boosted his fame a lot, as it was difficult to find such skilled magic smiths.

 'Probably the system is also responsible for this.'  The system that makes the Fame and Honor table so must influence these things.

 "You can go up to the 3rd floor, maybe you'll find the missions you want there."  The receptionist gave Aizen access to the 3rd floor.

 "Thanks."  Aizen thanked him before going upstairs.

 When he reached the 3rd floor, he saw several papers taped to the wall.  Those were the missions.  The 3rd-floor quests were different from the normal guild quests.

 Aizen looked for some mission that interested him.  He realized that many quests had connections with nobles.

 The nobility.

 The nobility rarely welcomed by people in the real world.  That's because in most stories they are very arrogant.  And indeed, they are.

 Well, Aizen didn't care about that.  He just wanted some decent mission.


 >Mission: Raid Lich

 Stormwind has been suffering from attacks from an unknown lich.  Elizabeth Silverlake, daughter of the Duke, decided to make a group of adventurers and bring down the Lich

 Remaining vacancies: 3

 Reward: 10 Gold Coins

 System reward: XP, a mysterious box

 'Lich…' Aizen knew what kind of being this was.  When he passed the adventurers' guild, he ended up getting a book that talked about some creatures.  This book is very useful and Aizen reads it in his spare time.

A lich is born when a mage "embraces" the non-living state and uses necromancy to push beyond mortal limits.

 Lich's are powerful mages who have used necromancy to turn your body into the undead, thus breaking mortal boundaries and living forever.

This is necromancy.

Lichs preserve their intellect from when they were alive, with new OP abilities. 

enemy. Lichs can also transfer their souls to other bodies, making them a very troublesome enemy.

 'Lich is usually very strong, this mission can be dangerous.'  Liches are often very strong.  Some stories tell about Lich's reaching the Divine Realm.  Well, no one knows if that's true, but it's an interesting story.

 'Well, I have nothing to do.  XP must be generous.'  He was also curious about the nobility.  The nobility were the people who held the power, so it would be interesting to interact with them.

 Aizen decided to stick with this mission,  He took it to the receptionist.  He learned that the mission starts tomorrow.

 'I better sleep.'

 He decided to get some sleep and come back for the mission tomorrow.




 "What do you think you're doing? Do you think you can be soldiers like that? And you adventurers thought you'd make easy money coming on this mission?"

 "No, Miss!"

 "Do not lie."

 "Yes ma'am!"

 Aizen was confused to see 30 people doing push-ups on the floor while a woman gave orders.  He came to this place to carry out the mission, but the first impression was unexpected.  Whether men or women, adventurers, or soldiers, everyone was doing push-ups.

 'Well, I have nothing to do with it.'

 He sat on a bench and waited for the mission to begin.  The number of people who would go to the mission was 33 (counting him).  20 of them were adventurers, the other 10 were soldiers.  He also had a guy next to the woman, he seemed to be his guard.

 Aizen realized that soldiers were stronger than adventurers.

 'Perhaps they are here to protect that woman.'

 That woman was Elizabeth Silverlake, daughter of the Duke.  Aizen thought she would be more reserved, but he was wrong.  Did she look very "cruel"...?

 "Come on, what are you waiting for? 500 push-ups."

 "Yes ma'am!"

 Elizabeth Silverlake's fame in the kingdom of Salia was very different from that of other nobles.  Her personality made people a little afraid, especially soldiers.

 Anyone who didn't know her would never say she's only 18 years old.  Her appearance was also very young.  Blond hair braided with a blue bow at the end. Gray eyes, a thin, delicate face.  Her lips were covered in red lipstick.  Her beauty was enchanting to many people.

 'Level 40…'

 It wasn't just Elizabeth who had a high level, the soldiers were all level 35+ and the adventurers were level 30+

 The man next to Elizabeth was level 50.

 Aizen also noticed an interesting situation.  Despite being only 5 levels above the soldiers, Elizabeth was much stronger than them.

 'Well, the level is not always reliable.'  Elizabeth must have received several resources, as she was the Duke's daughter.  She had access to a lot.  Soldiers should only receive training and few resources.

 While the level will boost your strength, it's not something you should depend on.  Even if you pick up a sword and start killing monsters every day, and do it until you reach level 50, you won't know anything other than killing monsters and swinging a sword.

 The level also has an interesting function.  The power boost when leveling up isn't the same for everyone.  

Using a pretty exaggerated example, a goblin, and a dragon.  The power boosts a goblin gains upon leveling up is much less than that of a dragon.

 "Prepare for the mission."  Elizabeth warned.  The mission would begin.