Lich Raid


 Elizabeth looked at the boy who was sitting, apparently lost in thought.  She felt a strange sensation looking at the boy.

 "Is something wrong, miss?"  the man beside Elizabeth asked.  He's her guard.  His name was Balrus.  His main role in this mission is to ensure Elizabeth's safety.

 "Is nothing."  Elizabeth changed the subject.

 "Get ready, we'll leave in 1 hour."


 Several carriages moved together.  Fate was the possible stronghold of the Lich.

 This Lich has been causing problems for Stormwind City.  The duke sent people to kill him, but Lich's ability to switch bodies prevented him from permanently killing him.  However, a Lich was also temporarily weaker after its soul was sent to another body.  After a few kills, the lich lost much of its power.

 Elizabeth asked her father to have the honor of completing the mission.  Not thinking there was any danger, he ended up allowing her to do it.  Of course, he made sure to send a trusted person to protect her, Balrus.

 "Elizabeth-Sama, we're almost there."

 "Balrus, notify the adventurers and soldiers. We will form groups and split up."



 Aizen's carriage stopped.  Looks like they had arrived.

 After descending from the carriage, he saw a new scene.  A giant bridge connected two locations.  Across the bridge, Aizen could see destroyed buildings, dead vegetation, and the place had a negative feeling.  The place looked like an abandoned city.  big mountains

 The carriages stopped near the bridge.  They would have to walk across.

 "Attention! We will split into groups of 11, each of you will receive a communication item. If you find something, activate the item and we will immediately go in your direction. Does everyone understand?"


 Elizabeth began organizing groups.

 "You come with me."  Elizabeth spoke to Aizen.

 Aizen joined his group without speaking.

 "...Well, let's continue."

 After forming the groups, they were ready to leave.

 "Wait a minute."  Elizabeth took an item from her storage ring.  NPCs didn't have an inventory like players.  They stored their items in storage.

 Elizabeth took something resembling parchment from the ring.  She picked up the parchment and threw it in the air.

 The parchment glowed blue and magic circles began to appear.

 'What kind of item is this?'  Aizen was curious.

 Magic circles began to form around the abandoned city.

 "This is a sealing matrix. If the Lich is here, he cannot go through the matrix and escape."  Elizabeth explained.  This matrix repelled creatures of darkness.

 "Oh! As expected from Elizabeth-Sama."  Soldiers and adventurers began to praise her.

 Balrus took a mask from his storage ring and used it.

 "What's the problem?"  Elizabeth asked.

 "Elizabeth-Sama, this place smells awful!"  he exclaimed.


 Some adventurers also put on masks.  Places, where negative energy is very dense, tend to generate undead, so the place can end up smelling bad.

 "Let 's get going."

 Aizen frowned a little.

 'I better think about it later.'




 Elizabeth's group crossed the bridge.

 'This place smells like decaying corpses.'  Aizen thought.

 "Be careful, this place has a lot of negative energy."  Elizabeth warned.  In places like this, creatures of darkness tend to be born.

 Elizabeth was right, a moment after entering the city, several strange creatures began to appear.



 Level: 30

 Information: An undead is a corpse animated by negative energy.  These creatures exist in fantastic variety - there seem to be as many types of undead as there are living beings.  Some not only retain the intelligence they had in life, but they also surpass it.  Others go insane, trapped in memories.  But almost everyone loses any ability to think

 Alignment: Neutral-Evil



 The undead held different types of weapons, swords, spears, bows, etc.  Its appearance was zombie-like.

 "Get ready."  Elizabeth drew her sword and set off towards the undead.

 The soldiers in the group went into battle formation.  Aizen was the only one in the group who was not a soldier.  The adventurers were separated into other groups.  Why was he here?

 The amount of undead exceeded 50.


 Aizen made a blade of ice and cut the arm of the undead who was approaching him.  However, the undead seemed to feel no pain and continued walking towards Aizen.


 Aizen cut the monster in half.  However, he still wasn't dead.

 "They won't die if you don't do severe damage to their entire body or brain."  Elizabeth warned.  The undead who tried to approach her was frozen to death.

 'Is he a user of the ice element?'  Elizabeth also used the element of ice.  She was also good at the air element.

 Aizen froze the living dead, killing him.  Killing high-level monsters gave a higher amount of XP, so Aizen would gain a lot of levels in this mission.

 The soldiers didn't have too many problems either.  They didn't know how to use magic very well, but they had many years of experience.

 "Let's move on, we're just at the beginning."  Elizabeth said.


 Elizabeth's group has gone deeper into the city.  The closer to the center they got, the more strange things happened.  The smell got worse and worse.  The feeling that the environment gave made even the soldiers uncomfortable.

 *screams of agony!*

 "What is it?!"  The soldiers were on alert.  The screams they heard were so frightening they made her shiver.

 *Beep beep!*

 Elizabeth's communication item began to beep.

 "Looks like something is up."

 Elizabeth's group ran towards the group that had given the signal.


 "What is happening?!"  Elizabeth asked when she saw the adventurers looking into a moat.

 "E-Elizabeth-Sama… look at this."  The screams of agony did not come from the adventurers.

 Inside the moat, several dark ghosts screamed.  Their screams showed their agony, fear, anger, despair.  They looked like they were being tormented.

 The soldiers who saw this broke out in a cold sweat.  Adventurers have seen similar things, so they were a little calmer.

 "Corrupted Souls…" Elizabeth muttered.

 Corrupted remnants/Souls are soul fragments that failed to go to the realm of the dead and ended up being corrupted.  Lichs and other creatures end up using these fragments for gruesome experiments.

 "Tsk! This is unbelievable."  Elizabeth hated beings who played with people's lives.  This is unbelievable in her view.

 "Elizabeth-Sama, allow me to purify."  Balrus requested.

 "Go ahead."

 Balrus took a scroll from the storage ring.  This was a scroll that contained cleansing magic.

 When the light of purification touched the souls, they began to scream even louder.  Purification also hurts dark creatures.  Before being purified, they felt a lot of pain.

 After a while, the remaining souls glowed goldenly and disappeared.


 The atmosphere was still a little tense among the group.

 "Go back and get some rest. We'll go back to looking for the Lich later."


 Aizen took one last look at the moat before leaving.