Commercial Expansion

Aizen flew towards the capital of the Kingdom of Salia. His aim was expansion; He needed to increase his capital, especially now that players were gaining access to major cities. A great trader must have a great business.

In the capital of Salia, he could start his expansion. He knew that the capital would be more competitive and it would not be easy to gain space, but he had a plan; His main target was not the NPCs, but the players.

Players needed resources that could help them in their progression. Now that they have reached the big cities, the farm areas are more difficult.

'I need to acquire manpower too.'

His main problem was the labor because he couldn't spend all day crafting items for players, so he needed to find people to do it. Hunters weren't a good option, as they only knew how to fight. Ideally, players focused on professions that focus on crafting, e.g. blacksmiths, alchemists, etc.

'Alchemy, huh.'

Alchemy was an underrated profession, with most players using only healing potions. However, Aizen knew that this profession had potential.

'I better learn alchemy too.'

He thought about learning cultivation, but he didn't want to do that right now. The magic was enough for now. He needed to learn things that could make money.


Uryphia City, the capital of the Kingdom of Salia. The most promising city in the Kingdom and where the royal family resides. Uryphia City became the capital of the Kingdom after the War of Light.

The difference between Uryphia and Inaross was abysmal, even in technology. Uryphia was a very wealthy city as most of the elites were here.

When Aizen was near the gate, he landed, because it was not allowed to fly into Uryphia. He noticed that there was a long line of people who wanted to enter the city.

Aizen didn't want to wait in line and headed straight for the entrance. The guard prepared to stop him, but he showed the insignia of nobility, and the guard let him pass.

'Well, being noble has its perks.'


Uryphia City was more lively than usual today, children were running down the street with a smile on their faces.

Aizen watched everything with a curious expression. Uryphia had some similarities to Stormwind City, mainly in the model of the houses and buildings. Buildings are rare in small towns, even rarer in villages.

Uryphia was separated into two districts. District 1 is where the elites live, also called the noble area. District 2 is where ordinary people live. While district 1 is where the nobles live, district 2 is where business is done. After all, most people live in District 2, so the selling power is higher.

Aizen thought that the main reason why there are 2 districts is the arrogance of the nobility. Elizabeth warned him that the nobility has many arrogant people who thought they were superior to normal people.

'It looks like they are exactly as they are described in the books.' He thought.

The nobility never had a good reputation, even in the stories. However, he had found good people within the nobility, so his first impression was not bad.


Aizen spent the rest of his day analyzing Uryphia, looking for land where he could start a business. Of course, he would choose land in District 2.

"So you want to buy land?" The man looked at Aizen, with a curious expression.

"Yes, do you have any to recommend me?"

"Well, check this out." The man presented a terrain model to Aizen. "It's in a good area, and the price is only 200 gold."

The man presented good ground as he noticed that Aizen looked like a wealthy merchant.

Aizen looked at the location of the land, with a thoughtful expression.

"I want one that's on Main Street." He said.

"Are you sure? The prices are high." the man said.

"All right." Aizen had a significant amount of gold coins to spend.

"Well, here it is." The man showed a plot of land that was on the main street.

"How much is it?"

"600 gold coins." The man replied. The main street was the busiest area in town, so the price would be high.

Aizen showed the earl insignia to the man, causing him to frown.

"M-Forgive me if I was rude. 500 gold coins." The man didn't want trouble. Besides, nobles are entitled to discounts.

"450." Aizen gave his price.

'This brat still wants to trade?!' The man thought.

"This land is close to the famous stores, don't you think the traffic to my business would decrease considerably?" Aizen played a mind game on the man.

"But-" The man tried to retort.

"Also, I see that the previous owner of this land was someone troublesome, what if someone comes to bother me?" Aizen said.

"But you are an earl..."

"This nearby piece of land sold for 470 gold coins, which coincidentally is very similar to mine. Maybe I should look for another seller." Aizen was adamant, trying to get one more discount.


"A-" As Aizen prepared to say something, the man interrupted him.

"You're right! 450 gold coins." The man just wanted him to leave soon.

"Done deal."


After purchasing the land, Aizen paid some engineers to build a 2-story shop. Constructions are extremely fast due to the use of magic matrices to speed up the work.

'I need to hire workers.' That was the main problem now. He would also have to go to Stormwind City, as he would also build a shop there, But this time he wouldn't pay anything, as the Duke gave him one of the best lands for free.


'I have a lot of work to do.'