
 Aizen passed the merchants' guild to hire skilled workers who could manage his business. The guild staff were very kind to him and helped him find qualified people for the job.

 After hiring people, he went to the alchemists' guild, looking for books on alchemy. He decided to learn alchemy due to the potential profit it could bring; moreover, he also needed to buy materials, mainly herbs.


 Aizen looked at the cauldron in front of him with a determined expression. He had paid for a room in the alchemists' guild.

 The process for doing alchemy was a bit complicated. He picked up the books he had bought on alchemy and started reading them.

 —Alchemy is all about mixing, altering, or combining ingredients and their properties to enhance an effect or create something new. Among the ingredients used, the most common are herbs. (...)

 'I feel there must be more to this.'

 Aizen was sure Alchemy wasn't that simple.

 'This involves transmutation…'

 Even though the book only gave a shallow explanation of it, he was sure there could be more.

 'It seems that their knowledge is not enough.'

 The players had a technological and didactic knowledge far superior to the NPCs. World 1 technology is inferior to Zarkar.

 The problem was not with the books, as he had bought the best that was available.

 'Well, let's start with the basics.' He didn't want to delve into that matter right now. He had no basis, only hypotheses. Even if his hypotheses were correct, he didn't have enough power to test them.

 'First, put the herb in the cauldron.'

 Aizen decided to start by making a famous potion, the healing potion. The healing potion is made using an herb called Laceflower, which increases the body's regenerative ability. After placing the herb in the cauldron, he waited a few seconds before adding more herbs to enhance the effect.

   After smelling a refined aroma, he began to stir the liquid in the cauldron. The liquid started to take on a reddish color, now was the key moment.

 Rainbow energy materialized at Aizen's fingertip. When the rainbow energy touched the liquid, the reddish color became stronger.

 'It worked?'

 [Advanced healing potion successfully made]

 'That' s it!'

He knew that this rainbow energy is special; in addition to greatly increasing the power of the effect, it can also change or improve the properties of something. Only experienced magic users could do this using ordinary mana, but the effect wouldn't be as good as rainbow energy.

 'This rainbow energy seems to be a special mana.'

 He couldn't detect this energy in the environment, it was produced in his body. Aizen didn't know what this energy was, but it is similar to mana in some ways.

 'Well, let's get back to work.'


 Aizen spent 3 days practicing potion creation. He only got a few hours of sleep. He tried to make different types of potions to increase his specialty.


 'I need to do something different.'

 He couldn't just make potions that would be easily found in other stores. He would have to make a potion that could attract everyone's attention and eliminate his competitors. The capital was not an easy place for a start-up shop.

 'I need to create something… unique.'

 Aizen picked up several books that were on the table and started reading them. He also picked up an encyclopedia that contained information on thousands of ingredients.

 'Something new…' He needed to find the right ingredient.

 'Something that increases people's power would be a good thing.' Maybe he could make a potion that makes the user more powerful. That kind of potion was rare.

 Aizen went through page by page, trying to find something useful.


 {Eoflolla: Increases physical ability for a short time. Found only on Ivory Island.}

 'Ivory Island…' Aizen tried to remember a place with that name. After thinking for a while, he managed to remember.

 Ivory Island was an island that was close to Stormwind City, It was a level 40+ area.

 {Sunflower: Increases magic ability for a short time. Found on mountain peaks.}

 'Maybe if I can mix these two plants…'

 He didn't know the negative effect it would have. Perhaps mixing these two plants could have the opposite effect. However, he still decided to try.


 Aizen decided to take the Sunflower first, as its location was on the mountain peaks. He thought it would be easy but couldn't find her after almost 2 days of searching. He then decided to look for higher mountains, which was a good idea; However, all the Sunflowers he was able to find were in mountains over 9,000 meters high.

   Aizen did not expect this flower to be so difficult to obtain. After taking Sunflower, he went after Eoflolla. Ivory island has level 40+ monsters, but Aizen didn't intend to fight. After all, he couldn't waste much time.


 "Amarys, all the construction has been done, but that guy hasn't shown up yet." Manzai said, with a disgusted expression.

 "Don't worry, he will come. For now, we'd better focus on growing." Amarys replied. They had chosen a city where they could grow up without the big guilds bothering them. It was dangerous to be exposed to possible attacks from large guilds. Elysian City also has good player traffic, so selling items here could bring in some profit.

 "We need to explore more dangerous areas, areas close to Elysian City are not yielding more XP like they used to." Now that they've leveled up a lot, they couldn't just be exploring areas around Elysian City.

 "You're right." Amarys agreed. They had already hired guards to defend their base, so they could leave without looking for each other with the onslaught of players.

 "Leader." Ryo entered the room with Alura and an unknown young man beside him.

 "Looks like you made it." Amarys said, with a smile.

 "Well… it was quite complicated." Ryo replied, with a sigh.

 The young stranger watched Manzai and Amarys for a moment.

 "Welcome to the Hunters Guild." Amarys said, with a smile.

 A new member had arrived.