
 The King was sitting on his bed with a thoughtful expression. The current situation in the nobility is worse than expected because most of them already know about the immortal humans on Salia.

 The nobility was pressuring the royal family to do something about it. The "problem" was that these immortal beings were more peaceful than expected.

 The King had received messages from spies about the players' behavior and realized that most of them had no interest in things like politics. Moreover, many of them enjoy helping other people for free. Of course, they did it to get a quest, but the King did not know that.

 "They also keep saying weird words like 'NPCs'."

 'What is it?' The King was confused.

 'Maybe it's the way they refer to foreigners.' He thought this hypothesis was plausible.

 *door opening*

 "Dad." A young girl entered his room.

 "Ophelia, have you finished your mission yet?" He asked with a curious expression.

 Ophelia Runewing. She is the princess of the Kingdom of Salia, and the rightful daughter of the King. She belonged to the Runewing royal family.

 Ophelia is a beautiful girl with dark blonde hair. Her gray eyes felt pleasant. She was 1.57 tall and had a body that could easily charm other boys. She had white skin.

 "Dad, I came to bring a report, but first, check this out." Ophelia handed over a power potion and told him about its effects.

 "Hoh… was it some royal alchemist who developed this?" the King asked, curious. He was surprised to see that there was a power potion with such low negative effects, it would be very useful if they were mass-produced.

 "No, it was a boy," Ophelia replied. "Aizen LightStar."


 "What?!" The King exclaimed.

 "Dad… do you know him?" Ophelia was confused to see her father's expression.

 "No, but I've heard about this Younger. He's an earl." The King said.

 "Earl?! I've never heard anything about it." Ophelia hadn't expected the boy to be a noble of the Realm.

 'That makes everything more problematic.'

 "He was named earl by Duke Silverlake. I didn't expect him to be so talented." The King had already received the Duke's communication that he had bestowed a noble title on a younger. 

 Dukes is the 2nd highest Rank in the Kingdom, so they are free to grant titles of nobility to some people.

 "We had some disagreements today. I suspect he's one of those immortal people, or rather, I'm pretty sure." Ophelia had noticed the players' reaction to seeing Aizen appear, so it intrigued her.

 The King frowned.

 "Are you sure about that?"

 'If Ophelia is right, then I can try to negotiate with him.' The King thought. The Duke had already said that Aizen is a good guy and that he wouldn't cause unnecessary trouble.

 Ophelia initially thought about attacking Aizen to test her hypothesis, but attacking an earl could get in trouble, especially when a Duke could intrude. 

 "Father, I…"

 "Don't do anything. I'll work it out." The King thought of talking to Duke Silverlake about it. That was the best solution.

 The Duke did not communicate to the King about Aizen being one of the immortal humans. The King had some assumptions about that. The first was that the Duke was covering for Aizen. The second was that Aizen never said anything about it.

 In fact, both were wrong. Although Aizen didn't tell the Duke anything, he did tell Elizabeth. However, she refused to reveal this information to the Duke, fearing that the nobility would come after Aizen.

 "Tell me everything that happened between you and this boy."

 "Yes, father."


 in Kiron City:

 "Elizabeth-Sama, this is…" Faust and the other nobles were shocked to see what was on the table.

 "Yes, that's right, a moon gem," Elizabeth replied.

 "We started production of moon gems. In a few weeks, we can start selling small quantities." She didn't expect the moon gem to grow so fast. Aizen's rainbow energy helped a lot to make it happen.

 'At this speed, we can start selling in small quantities in a few weeks.' she speculated.

Selling in large quantities was impossible, but they could start selling in small batches in a few weeks. Even if they sold little, the moon gem had a high price, so they could earn a reasonable profit from those sales.

 "Elizabeth-Sama, this is amazing! May I verify where the gems are produced?" Faust asked with a smile.

 "Verifys are not necessary," Elizabeth replied.

 Aizen had told Elizabeth to watch out for Faust because he might try to do something. She didn't like him either, so she didn't want to leave important things in his care.

 Faust wanted to curse her but knew he might lose his temper if he did.

 "With this, we have the chance to revitalize this city!" Gin exclaimed.

 "Well, I want you to see this too." Elizabeth took several pieces of meat from her storage ring.

 "...Is that centipede meat Abrah?! This is worth a lot," Maron said. He runs city security, so he's needs to know information about many monsters.

 "Yeah, we have a lot of that, tons." Elizabeth had several tons of food that Aizen had brought back from his trip. She was surprised and wanted to know where he had kept so much food.

 Elizabeth thought about what to do with so much food, but Aizen gave her an idea.

 "We will make a feast for the entire population." She said.

 "What?! Are we going to feed these beggars- plebs, so much?!" Faust got angry. This amount of food would certainly yield a considerable amount, but Elizabeth intended to "give away" everything.

 Maron, Gin, and the others were also confused by Elizabeth's actions.

 "Yes. Despite being named the new Lord of this city, I couldn't do anything for my people. I will distribute all this food, and I will eat together with them."

 "B-But-" Faust tried to object.

 "Shut up," she ordered. "Prepare a space for a great feast. I hope this is ready by the appointed time."

 Elizabeth got up and left the room.

 'Fuck!' Faust was angry, but he couldn't disobey.

 "Prepare everything, I'll organize security." Maron got up and left the room.