I lay down on my bed, at home for once. The weekend's luggage is ready and packed. Tomorrow is Friday and we have no school, so I can sleep in for a bit. We're all to assemble at noon, at the school's parking lod. Where we'll be taking a bus to our destination. A weekend without my mother and sister would be heavenly, not like I despise them or anything, but some away time would do me wonders. A weekend away with my friends. Some alone time with Natsu. My toes curls by the mere thought of him kissing me. I can feel how my cheeks heats up, as I try to think how kissing him would feel. It's not like imagining the action could actually shed any light on the matter. My bedroom door slightly swung ajar. Mom poked her head in through the opening. "Mind if I come in?" She asked sweetly. "Nope," I answered as I smiled back at her. She and I looks so much alike. My sister, Michelle, isn't home tonight. She's having a sleepover at her bestie's. This weekend Jessalin will be sleeping at my sister. At least they could keep mom company. I sat up and she joined my side. "It's been a while since I've last seen you so happy," mother told me. I blushed slightly. "I know better than to think that this is all Gray's doing, after he shattered your heart. So, spill the beans- whose the lucky fellow?" She questioned curiously. Her eyes lit up. "Natsu Dragneel," I said mostly to myself. "So when do I get to meet this charming young man?" She caught me completely off guard. "Mom! We're not there yet... w- we haven't even k- k- kiss," I whispered to the end. She laughed endearingly at my embarrassed reaction. "Don't rush it, my dear. Everything at its own pace. If he's the right one for you, he'll walk through fire, to please you," she remarked motherly. "How can you even be so sure, mom? And by the way you haven't even liked Gray. Why was that?" I asked the one question I've never thought of asking before. "That's because dear, he seemed so cold at times. Like his personality was fake. Plastered on even." We laughed at her revelation. "I'd like to think that this Natsu kid could be the real deal," she continued to my dismay. After some more small talk, mom left me to the comfort of my own room.
I do believe that my, mother and sister, are going to like Natsu. The boy with the salmon colored hair. His smokey odor tends to make me crazy. His huge onyx eyes swallows me in everytime. I want to taste his lips and lose myself in his embrace. His smile is always warm and affectionate. I'm so deeply in love with the boy. We've promised to be friends forever and something more when the time is right. Perhaps that time is upon us. With that thought in mind, I fell asleep. A smile painted on my face.
I woke, at a quarter past nine. The heavenly whiff of bacon and pancakes swirled around the room. Faint but unmistakable. I followed my morning routine as quickly as I could muster, not wanting the cool morning air to spoil my breakfast. I dressed myself in the outfit I've put together for today's occasion. Semi-short ripped jeans and a white buttoned up shirt. The last few buttons intentionally left unfastened. I took the two loose folds of my shirt and tied them together. The shirt's low V-cut shows off a bit of my blue bikini top. I ended my look of with cute little sandals. Hair up in my signature style. Gloss added to my lips and some waterproof mascara. In a rush I made my way downstairs. A plate already waiting on my arrival, a glass of juice flanking it. "Eat up, you'll need your strength," mom said with a broad smile.