17. Natsu

I stand amongst the students, waiting patiently. Luce nowhere to be seen. The remaining time is about 15 minutes. Two buses parked in the spacious area. My heart took flight when I saw her coming my way. A smile glazing her complexion. She's showing off way more skin than usually and I can't complain. Her long legs seems longer in those shorts. Her figure slimmer (if that's even possible). She seems to be glowing. A single bag of luggage, on wheels, are being pulled behind her. "Can I have everybody's attention?" Mr. Laxus questioned and in the process making my train of through crash into the river of subconscious. "Could all the guys make their way to the bus on my left, girls the one on the right? Quickly we should get a move on." Our PT teacher said not loosing a beat. We hurried off in different directions. To say that I don't hate this idea, is an understatement. I wanted to sit next to Luce for the ride. Surely that ain't going to happen. I'll just have to swallow my pride and take a ride with my own gender. The bus ride towards our destination, took much to long for my comfort. I want to get off and start our fun time. I can't wait to see Luce in a bikini. This will be my best chance to show her my affection. I know that the adults won't allow any guys to enter the girls' quarters. I will just have to make do of the beach. Quite frankly I don't give a damn about all of our curious friends. I want to feel her arms around my neck. I need to taste her lips upon my own. I have to show her just how much she means to me, without taking over. Look her in the eyes and tell her that I, Natsu Dragneel, are in fact in love with her. I must confess.

After what felt like a few hours, we parked at the outskirts of a fancy hotel. Headmaster Drayer told us to get settled in and how he wanted everyone to meet up at this same spot in about half an hour. I ended up sharing a room with: Jellal, Gajeel and Gray. To be honest I could've done with someone other than Lucy's ex. Unfortunately that's something I have zero control over.


Erza, Levi, Juvia and I ended up sharing. As of lately, I've had the privilege too get to know Juvia, and she isn't half as bad; per say. Gray could've just told me that he had fallen out of love with me, but instead he took different measures. Showing off a side which I never knew he had. I'm not here to sit around and mope over the one whose been lost in the crossfire. I hope that by the end of the weekend I'll be in the arms of the one that I've been waiting for all my life. I hope that our lips would lock in a passionate kiss. It doesn't matter how many of my friends ends up seeing us together, as long as I could end up in his arms. I will surely be in heaven.

As my friends and I made our way towards the spot, where Headmaster Drayer asked us to meet up after we've settled in. I bumped into someone. Firm and muscular. The familiar smokey odor makes me blush. I stared up and lost myself in his deep onyx eyes. I graced him with a smile. Our friends looked at us, but my attention were on the young salmon haired man. My stomach's turning uneasily. "Hi Luce," Natsu greets me with a coy smile. "Hey-" I started my own greeting, but Levi grabbed me by the arm and dragged me away from Natsu. "See you later," I said from over my shoulder. Off to Natsu's side stood Gray. Our eyes locked for a brief moment. I thought that a smile of relief would paint his features, but that doesn't seem to be the case. There's a hint of sorrow on his face. It leaks from his eyes and joins the corners of his mouth.


I should be happy for Lucy's sake. She seems to be getting rather cozy with Mr. Pyro. Seeing her falling for someone else is breaking me to pieces. Is this how she felt when I cheated on her? I didn't mean to, but who am I kidding? I have made my choice, when I've turned towards Juvia. Practically begging her to be my girlfriend. She's gorgeous, but it doesn't feel the same with her. She just ain't Lucy.

I miss her touch. I miss the taste of her lips against mine. I miss her voice shouting my name. God damn, what am I thinking? I face palmed mentally. Am I turning into a player? She called out and looked from over her shoulder. Our eyes met. I strike a fake smile, through which she most likely saw. I can't compete with Natsu Dragneel. He's got a clean slate, s killer smile and he had been there to glue her back together. I've turned cold and bitter towards her without any explanation. For crying out loud, I couldn't even confront her. I've flashed it all down the drain. Six years worth of memories. For what? A winter's romance! I've ruined her. I've destroyed everything!