CW: this chapter includes 18+ content

Mafuyu didn't stop shaking the entire ride home. Alex constantly checked on him and noticed how his body was all tense, his face had a dead stare, puffy eyes, and he was only focusing on his feet. Mitsu had red scratches on his arms, which concerned the young boy. He couldn't help feeling overwhelmed by the whole picture.

When they arrived at the apartment, Mitsu opened the door with his shaking hands and entered without turning the lights. He walked straight to the bed and fell onto it. Alex stepped inside and closed the door as quietly as he could. The place would have been pitch black if it wasn't for the building in front. He couldn't decide if he should turn the lights as maybe Mitsu wanted it that way.

Awkwardly, Alex approached the bed and sat next to Mitsu, who turned away to hide his face. Alex noticed he was shaking even more than before, he was probably restraining himself on the car.

'Mitsu,' whispered Alex with a slight desperate tone.


The boy curled and tensed. His position demonstrated how he was shutting everything away, including Alex.

'Mafuyu!' the younger boy groaned louder this time.

Alex grabbed his arm and pulled it towards him, revealing Mitsu's face - cheeks damped from tears and a painful expression.

'Say something' he begged

Mafuyu moved his head to his sides, saying no in silence. It felt like not a single word could come out of his mouth, immersed in his emotions.

Mitsu incorporated and his hand looked for Alex's. Their fingers met for a moment. The scared boy looked at him worried, realizing this reaction wasn't from the pain per se… he was seeking comfort - probably from something that triggered.

The older boy pulled Alex into an awkward hug, and with hesitation, he hugged him back. Mafuyu nuzzled his face against Alex's neck, who felt his warm and wet cheeks. His scent invaded his nose, head, and then his body. A warm feeling in his stomach built up as he realized how much he liked it.


Mitsu hugged him tighter like he wanted to trap him so he wouldn't look at his face.

Their chest was smashed against the other, making Alex feel Mafuyu's heartbeat through his clothes. His pulse was racing more and more. They were powerful heartbeats.

Suddenly, the older boy leaned against Alex's, making him fall into his back, who realized he was immobile by Mitsu's body. Mafuyu placed his hands beside each of Alex's ears and pulled up, holding the weight of his chest. He looked into the young boy's eyes differently than before. It was no longer sad and painful but intense.

Alex widened his eyes as he realized the change of semblance, and before he could ask, Mitsu kissed him with fervor.

Just like had happened before, Alex couldn't resist the touch of the older boy's lips on his. He was tired, half-drunk, and half stoned but wouldn't lose the chance of something he had craved for so long. The young boy placed a hand on Mitsu's head and interlocked his fingers in his long hair, pulling him closer and returning the kiss. He had left all fear - there was nothing more but Mafuyu's scent and warmness at that moment.

As Alex grasped with vehemence, Mafuyu let go of a low moan which activated every cell of the young boy's body. He kissed him passionately and felt brave enough to lock Mitsu with one of his legs and turn him around. They had never encountered this side of him before but didn't judge it. He for once didn't feel powerless over the older boy and the fire grew inside his chest, letting something almost primitive from him. He wanted it, and he had got it. He did as he pleased too.

Stronger, Mitsu's hands quickly searched the end of Alex's shirt and took it off his body. The boy gasped for air and went back to kiss him. Nothing could stop him now.

Mafuyu pulled back a little and, for a fraction of a second, smiled, making Alex feel he was in trouble. The older boy liked feeling overpowered but not for long. He got up vigorously and put Alex on his back, who felt like he was trapped again. The young boy was so keen to have that wild power growing inside him that he had forgotten Mitsu was physically stronger. While being on top, the boy took his own shirt off and grabbed Alex's neck, getting closer again.

Their legs were interlocked, so Mafuyu pushed hard on his hips and legs between Alex's, who slipped out a groan. He rapidly widened his eyes in embarrassment. Their gaze met, and everything went away again. He could only focus on Mitsu's hungry eyes.

Mafuyu grabbed both of Alex's hands and held them by his head. Before he could lean to kiss the young boy's neck, some white, round, and prominent scars on his arms caught his attention. Alex took the opportunity of this distraction to take over again by pushing his legs forward. Still, Mafuyu quickly and effortlessly responded and grabbed his wrists firmer, pinning him down to the bed *with his whole weight.

He glanced down at the pale boy. His wide brown eyes and forehead were completely on sight as his hair was messily brushed up. Alex looked blushed entirely and stared at him back as he still was trapped by Mafuyu's grip on his wrists.

'You turn me on so much,' Mitsu mumbled as he wanted to confess it, and rushed his lips to kiss Alex, who shut his eyes firmly and allowed himself to sink into it with no resistance.

Mitsu pushed his hips against Alex's, making his breathing accelerate but he held his moans.

He looked down at Mafuyu's torso and noticed a large bruise showing.

'Hey...' alarmed, he started to say, but Mitsu cut him off by kissing him and biting his lower lip harshly. Alex gut dropped.

Mafuyu's fingers slipped under Alex's shorts, making him quiver, and placed his mouth on his neck to bite it arduously, and created a red mark.

Alex throbbed and bit his own lip with pleasure and pain, attempting to stop what was coming naturally from his mouth. Mafuyu kept nibbling down his skin, sweating too, to which the young boy grabbed his head and pulled it to make him look at him, but Mitsu quickly grabbed his wrist and pinned it again to the bed, while he smiled mischievously.

He started to move down to Alex's waist while kissing all along his skin. As much as Alex wanted to control his moans by shutting his eyes and contracting his body, he knew he was close to yielding.

And Mitsu started to head down with his kisses. First he went through his collarbones and then further down to his chest.

Alex's heartbeat was as agitated as ever; he had never experienced this feeling before. All his skin felt on fire as Mitsu got closer to the edge of his shorts.

"Mafuyu…" he called, alarmed. The older boy was about to place his hands on Alex's zipper when a loud ringtone interrupted him.

It was his phone. Mafuyu sighed in frustration, shut it off, and then threw it on the bed. While the boy adjusted, Alex tried to catch his breath and notice how his body was shivering. He put his hands on his face to get rid of the sweat when Mitsu surprised him by grabbing his shorts impetuously and forced to pull them down.

"Wait" Alex called again, panicking, but Mafuyu had pressed his mouth against the edge of his boxers. Alex was left with no air and shut his eyes tightly.

The phone started to vibrate, receiving a call. This made Alex come back to reality and realize what he was doing with Mitsu and that someone was calling just at that moment.

'Ignore it,' Mafuyu commanded. He was about to slide down Alex's boxers, and as the younger boy felt Mitsu's warm breath approach, the phone began to vibrate again. That was three calls already, so Alex's anxiousness made him decide to stop the older boy and gesture him to answer.

Mitsu sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, cursing. He picked up the phone and answered exasperatedly. His semblance changed to confusion, and he sat on the edge of the bed. An unintelligible but loud voice could be heard coming from the phone.

Alex sat back up too, feeling the sweat on his body starting to cool down, getting goosebumps all over.

'Hold on... hold-' Mitsu expressed with a severe tone that Alex had never heard before from him. Both of them came down to reality.

'Hold on. Wait'.

Mitsu got up, showed his back to the young boy, and quickly walked to the bathroom. He shut the door and locked himself inside. The last thing Alex could catch off Mafuyu's body was a new dark bruise on his lower back.

Alex saw himself alone on Mitsu's bed, and rushes of emotions invaded him. He realized his bare chest, undone and lowered pants. His heart hadn't stopped beating as if he was in a race. Rushes of excitement and surprise flooded, making him doubt if he was awake.

'Did this just happen?'

His hair was sweaty, pushed back and revealed his forehead. He shook it and put it to the side again with his hands. He noticed all his things and clothes on the floor. Shoes were thrown around the room, and Mafuyu's keys had also fallen off. Alex could barely believe what he was seeing. He looked at the shut bathroom door that showed a leak of light coming from under.

'Holy fuck' he lifted his hand and covered his face, embarrassed.

Almost a half-hour passed, and Mafuyu hadn't come out.

Alex felt the worriedness taking over him, and the cold spring night made him sneeze. He decided to put his shirt back on, realizing the moment was completely gone.

The moment was gone entirely, and it seemed there wasn't anything else to do. The adrenaline he was feeling before had faded and the insecurities about his feelings about Mafuyu came back.

Alex realized he was in the same situation a few hours earlier. The thought of this made him feel tremendously insecure, and he started to doubt what was really happening between the two. He was getting carried away by Mafuyu's lead without knowing his true feelings.

But all of that wasn't as important as the older boy's taking too much time inside.

'Did something bad happen?'

Alex got up and strolled towards the bathroom door with hesitation. He decided it was better to check out on the boy, so he knocked a couple of times.


The lock clicked, and the door opened. A somber and concerned Mitsu emerges from it with his phone in his hand, unlocked. He didn't look at Alex's eyes, only at the floor, and walked towards the room, with his shoulders and head down, passing past the young boy. Alex swallowed and took a few steps back. Mafuyu had utterly changed his attitude.

'I'm sorry' he finally muttered, still not looking at Alex directly.

The young boy's stomach turned as he thought he was referring to before.


Mafuyu shook his head and mumbled:

'I... that bastard beat the shit out of me. It hurts all over.

Alex stared at him, unmoving, feeling how his throat tightened. He coughed, trying to get rid of the pain, and added:

'Rig-' he hawked. 'Right. I better go home'.

Mafuyu didn't say anything. Alex started to gather his things, hoping the older boy would say something. He was hesitant to leave, but none of them said a word, and Mitsu avoided eye contact.

'Get some rest,' Alex said honestly, and Mitsu nodded, dejected. His long hair hid half of his face, and his bare chest moved up and down with Mafuyu's deep breathing. The young man wanted to add that he should call the following day, but it didn't feel right.

He felt like a completely different person and couldn't believe any of the things that happened that day were true. Alex wanted to make sure the older boy wouldn't disappear again and hoped that anything that had happened, they could talk about it, and he could be helpful. Alex walked away and stepped straight into a cab.

When he arrived home, his parents were asleep already, so a yawning Shaggy greeted him as he entered. He locked the door of his room and took off his clothes - Mafuyu's clothes. He couldn't resist snuggling his nose onto the T-shirt. It smelled as sweetly as when he was on top of him. Alex carefully folded it and left it on his chair.

Although he wasn't tired, he got into bed and went over what had happened. He remembered how affected Mitsu got after the incident with Nick. He was shaking like a scared little boy, and his eyes showed deep pain. Probably waves of trauma were taking over him on the way home. He remembered how shocked and unuseful he felt when he saw Mitsu trying to suppress his crying. The scratches and bruises on his body. Mafuyu pulled him into a hug for support. The kissing. The rubbing. All of that led to what Alex had decided was the greatest and hottest night of his life.

'And we didn't even get to do anything,' Alex whispered to his face, blushing and covering his face with the bedsheets. He felt concerned but pleased at the same time, and his body would react immediately to any of that night's memories.

He covered his eyes and sighed. The tiredness started to feel heavier on his body, making him relax slowly. The last thought on his mind was that Mitsu would call him tomorrow.