I Swear By This Hand, I Will Love You Forever

Cecilio quickly grabbed onto him, clinging to his thigh. 

"Franklin! No! Don't go! Don't go! I'm sorry!!!!"

He begged again and again, tears streaking his face and irritating his skin like ants crawling down. Franklin regarded him like some disgusting pest, and tried to take his hand away. Yet the prostitute clung on desperately to his client.

"Let go of me." He said in a mild even tone. "Let go, or I will be have no choice but to forcefully make you let go."

"Franklin, please forgive me! Forget everything I said. I don't care if you keep treating me like some toy to play and experiment on, just keep playing with me!" Cecilio shook like a flower under the storm, petals barely staying together. "I only love you! Only you!"

"Love? You said you do not understand what love is. How can you be sure that you truly feel it? How can you be sure that it is not any shallower than mine?"

Franklin bent down to Cecilio's eye level. He lifted his chin up.