I Will Love You Unconditionally

Zhe Chouhen was bored at the hospital.

The food he was eating tasted very bland. They only tasted delicious when Stein was the one feeding them to him. But eating all by himself with no Stein or Captain Clerval by his side made even the act of chewing a chore. 

Staying down and laying here felt like he was just wasting away, so he stood up without permission from the doctors or any of the medical officials, and paced around back and forth. He felt like he himself would go insane if he did not move around a little and spent time just looking at the ceiling like a man on his death bed.

Yet as he paced around, he was still full of unstoppable thoughts.

Particularly, the things back from his dream when he was still under comatose.

(My ideal man is someone who is not petite or feminine like most shous portrayed in BLs.)

(I prefer a man that is almost the same build as him, almost the same height, and almost the same age.)