Stein exclaimed and reached out, but it was too late. His hand wasn't able to catch anything, not even a piece of Cecilio Rossi's hospital dress or a strand of his fire red hair.
The window was completely broken, and there were shards that followed after the lunatic that just jumped. Stein almost keeled over but managed to catch himself and hold on to the window pane. From there, he had a glimpse of the bloody mess below.
Cecilio Rossi was lying faced down, but he did not die immeidately. He managed to turn himself over with his last bit of energy, and faced the sky along with the building where he was kept caged for many years. He also saw the shirtless lone figure looking at him from the broken window, and at this, he smiled...
That was the last thing he ever did. He smiled and hummed to himself the song he always sings, closing his eyes.