[Special Chapter] Take Me to Wonderland

Daoist Panda was busy replanting the cucumbers destroyed in Zhe Chouhen's garden. He felt sorry for him and did not want to put all his efforts to waste, so he bought seeds and carefully tended to them during the times he were away.

"I should have you all grow as big as his own cucumber..... Whatever that size is." Daoist Panda sprinkled the tiny saplings with the watering can. "I did see a bulge from time to time so it may be big like he claimed it to be."

While thinking of growing cucumbers, Daoist Panda noticed a special plant by the side.

He read the placard on its flowerpot. "Ariestofilus Monxillus. Common name is.... Surprise Plant. Huh."

The plant was a strange horned kind of flower, resembling a baby goats head. There was also a long goatee by the end of it. But it was also said to be a fungus, not a flower. 

Daoist Panda observed closer to look at the spores, when...
