I Won't Suck Anyone But You

"M-Mr. Redd!" Jonathan almost felt like his heart would leap out his throat at this.

"Oh, pardon me. It was out of reflex." The mysterious man grinned at him. "You never sucked on a scratch before?"

"Yes..... but it's usually my own. I don't..." Jonathan looked at his finger. "I don't suck anyone else's...."

"Ah, then I'm really sorry about that. That's quite embarrassing, let's forget about it. Ok?" 'Mr. Redd' said with a tilt of his head.

Jonathan was weirded out, but he was compelled to follow everything this man says. He just wiped his finger with white cloth, and continue eating his meal. "A-Alright, about the travel...."


Zhe Chouhen could not wait to arrive in England. The thing he did earlier.....

God, it makes him want to puke!