Your Blood is Mine

Zhe Chouhen watched the door open slowly for him.

"He's here." Wilhelm said, eyeing him suspiciously. "Who's looking for him?"

"A friend from Transylvania." 'Dracula' said with a small smile. "May I come in?"

Wilhelm looked unsettled while staring at him, and took a while before he called out. "Johnny, someone from Transylvania is looking for you!"

"Oh! Mr. Redd--- Ow!" He heard Jonathan exclaimed and then hit his head on something, possibly a shelf. 

He waited patiently as the two boys scrambled at his arrival, and focused on how Wilhelm acted instead.

As a vampire, he have enhanced senses. He can tell how fast someone's heart is beating, how much blood flows in their veins..... And this allows him to have a bit of a mind-reading ability. Though it's more like an empathic link that allows him to guess someone's thoughts from emotions.