Be My Partner(-in-Crime)

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" 

Zhe Chouhen cleaned up Luka, and placed a band-aid over his neck. When he woke up, Zhe Chouhen immediately put his hypnotism on him.

"You never went here. You never met me. You were pushed by three assholes and sustained these injuries from the shard of glass in the garbage bin..... along with this one on your neck."

Luka stared blankly, transfixed in his eyes. Then, he nodded robotically.

"Good. Good... Fuck." Zhe Chouhen rubbed his forehead. "Go back to the party now. Act normal." 

Luka sleep-walked outside his room and continued walking down. Zhe Chouhen watched him with a sigh. If this had followed the plot of the School fo Dracula book.....

That meant Jonathan and Van Helsing saw him.

He was not worried about Jonathan at all. But.....