VI: Too Tight and Too Big

The night passed by with Julian contemplating which could be the perfect dress to wear for his first ever drag show. It would be his first time since everything that he did in his previous life was study and drag racing.

He scrunched up his hair in a fist and sighed. This was the next mission that the system gave him, followed by a sudden message from his friend that he first met at the hotel.

"This is getting ridiculous as time passed by. I need inspiration and even any motivation to think of a way on how to incorporate everything with this dress."

He looked at his phone again and saw Leo's message about the show tomorrow night. "Checkered flag and a home run" was the theme for tomorrow's show. The young drag racer sighed as he searched for some clothes online to get inspired to.

From RuPaul's fashion dresses to Alyssa Edwards' makeup, Julian searched it all. He even searched for some performances to go along with the get up in a caseaction that Leo or his drag mother, Lucian, asked him to do shit—freestyle.

"Hah. This shit is hard. Yo, duckie! Do you have any tips?"

The alien duck looked at his muse before sighing. Finally, his muse asked him for help.

"Oh, I will gladly help you, young master. Checked flag and a home run is the theme for tomorrow's show. Wasn't that like the same with drag racing? Minus the checkered flag because you guys always use green flags?"

Julian gasped in realization and nodded. The youngster smirked when an idea hit him. He went to grab some papers and a pen to his desk and immediately draw his inspiration for this dress. He drew the lines and colored them black and white, making sure that everything was perfect before showing it to his system.

"What do you think? Is this any good?"

Duckie looked at the dress and was amazed that his muse had thought of something that was as extravagant as this.

"Wow, young master. That looks awesome. But how will you make that? Do you know how to sew?"

Julian thought for a minute before pressing a button near duckie's ear and a blue screen showed up. The young man was murmuring through the settings and gawked when he found the right button he was looking for.

He pressed the button, and it showed all the files about this drag queen's family. It was also shown there that his mother taught him how to sew. Problem to that was, Julian doesn't know how to sew.

The young racer sighed once again before closing the blue screen and flopped to his bed. Watching videos on sewing would take a lot of his time.

"What to do?"

Julian murmured as he stood up and paced around the room. He saw the sewing kit sitting at the corner of his desk and grabbed it. He didn't know what to do with it, but his body felt as if he knew what was going on already.

His body moved on his own and sewed the dress that he drew and imagined. He scattered patterns after patterns of clothes and different materials across his room as Julian stopped for a moment and played a pumped up song.

He lowered half of the volume, making sure that his parents won't have any noise complaints just because he maximized the volume of the speaker. He didn't want his parents to get an earful by some police officers just because of a music being played around three in the morning.

As Julian bopped his head to the music, he continued working on his new dress and made sure that everything was made and ready to be assembled. After a few hours of sewing and cutting the patterns of the dress, Julian thought of an idea and cut the base of the top part of the dress and made it look like a sports bra.

"There. Now that is better."

He measured every corner of his body to make the dress as fitted as possible. But not to fit to where he couldn't dance or move. When the dress was done, it satisfied him with what he came up with and what he envisioned came to life.

Once again, the system was amazed by what he made. Truthfully, when A.D. first met his muse, he wasn't that promising for a host. A lot of his friends rejected the offer of making him as a host because Julian was arrogant and a jerk too many.

But A.D. saw something in him at their first encounter. Yes, Julian already met A.D. before he even died at that horrible and deadly prank. It was when Julian was still a child and A.D. wasn't even promoted as a system.

Looking back from the past, Julian was now more matured and less aggressive towards people. Maybe seeing how his mother died at the tender age of ten made him realize something important in his life. Whatever that was, it was probably something awesome.

A.D. watched as Julian wore the dress skirt first before the top part. When Julian finally wear the skirt, the latter stopped and looked for something until he spotted it beside his closet.

"Oh, come on. Doesn't he have like another pair that is not as big as this? They look heavy as fuck! Plus, look at those heels. I could stab anyone with these heels."

Duckie just rolled his eyes, knowing that Julian would wear them, anyway. And as expected, Julian wore them. Carefully sitting at the edge of the bed as he put one leg after the other and zipped the heeled boots properly.

Julian wobbled as he tried standing up straight. He flopped back to the bed when he lost his balance and groaned. He sighed for another time before shaking his head.

"Shit! Okay, let me try again!"

Julian tried standing up for the second time as he balanced himself with the heels and sighed.

"Phew! Now, let me try wearing that top part then fucking walk."

The young racer wore the top part and fixed his pinkish blowy hair. He heaved a deep sigh and slowly released that breath and stroll towards the door. His legs were still wobbling, making him stop for a while and thought about any way to accomplish this shit as soon as possible.

"Ah! Let me search on the video app."

Julian took a good fifteen minutes searching for a technique or a shortcut on how to walk in a 12 inch heeled boots. He gasped when he found the video that he was looking for and immediately did the technique that was instructed and did it for the fifth time.

For the last try, he finally did. He felt awesome by doing so as he continued to walk and practice for his performance. And as the sun slowly came into view, Julian's body flopped to his bed and slept throughout the remaining hours before the night of the show began.

[Ding! Congratulations on completing your mission, young master! Good luck on your first show!]