VII: The Hell is a Reading?!

The drag show came in a flash and Julian was now ready to go to the club and meet up with his friends that he met at the hotel. He took everything with him in a black duffle bag and hid the wigs and other products underneath the dress.

He took another bag to put his heels in and was about to go out when he heard a commotion downstairs.

"Your son is gay?! How could you let him stay in this house if he was one?!"

Julian walked slowly and quietly before peeking from the second floor to see what was going on. The latter saw a middle-aged man, probably in his fifties, yelling at his parents about their son being gay.

He thought up for a moment before calling out the system for help. Duckie showed up in an instant and gasped when he saw who the man was.

[Oh no, young master. Don't go outside unless that man went away. He is dangerous.]

Julian nodded at the warning and hid behind an immense wall to block his presence from his parents and the man. The young man asked the system of who the other man was, but Duckie remained quiet.

[Julian: Looks like he is important if you stay quiet like that. Is he a villain in this story?]

Duckie slowly nodded his head, making Julian understood a little of the life of this host.

"Do you know how much pain and scolding I got from the higher-ups when they found out that Jayden was my relative?! How could you not tell me about him?! I should've thrown him at the mental institute to be cured?!"

Wait… Cured? Julian leaned a little towards the opening of one railing of the second floor and listened carefully to the conversation.

"I am a Senator of this country! You know how much our government hates that community it involved him in! Tell him to stop his nonsense and be a better man!"

With that, the man stormed out of the house, into his vehicle, and drove off. Julian's mother sighed as she shook her head and Julian's father looked at the second floor as he saw a familiar black duffle bag and sighed.

"Come down now. He is long gone."

Julian perked up and looked at the opening of the railing, and smiled. The young man stood up and walked down in the direction of his parents before asking them about the man.

"Julius Zhang, one of your uncles. He's a huge homophobe just like the government that we are living in."

It shocked Julian to learn that the government was some huge homophobe, even if they filled this world with drag queens. But then again, it reminded him of what Leo told him when he asked Leo and Joseph if he was gay.

The latter thought for a minute before remembering that he needed to go to the club for the show.

"Oh, shit! I will be late! Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad!"

His mother kissed him on the cheeks while his father asked him if he could service him to the club, to prevent detection from his homophobic uncle. Julian was grateful that his parents were fine with him doing drag.

"Thanks for the ride, dad. I will go now!"

"Julian, wait!"

Julian stopped in his tracks when he heard his father's voice. He turned around with a curious face as his father's mouth gaped like a fish. The young racer waited for any words to come out from his father, but there was nothing.

At the end, Julian's father shook his head and let the latter enter the club by the back door.

"Never mind. Have a great time!"

And with that, his father drove away with his motorbike while Julian just shrugged what happened earlier. His head needed to focus on what was about to happen during the show. Even if he practiced doing his routine last night, anything could happen at this point.

[Are you okay, young master?]

Julian perked up when he heard A.D.'s voice. He looked to his side and saw the concern on the duck's face and smiled weakly.

[Julian: I am scared. I've never performed on any stage in my previous life. What if I do something wrong?]

The younger man sighed as he entered the dressing room with his name on it. He looked around the room and saw an enormous closet filled with different heels and huge wigs. They hung some dresses up to the other side of the closet, but what stroke him the most was an old picture of him.

Truthfully, when Julian first saw his face in the mirror of his room, the face that he saw was his. The one that he had from his previous life. Younger and bolder. He more looked like a man than a drag queen. But the one in the picture was different.

His features were softer and smoother. They were like those from women who used a lot of products to keep their face youthful and smooth. He grabbed the picture and looked at it closely before sighing.

"This Julian in this picture looked like more of a woman."

Duckie popped out of hiding and looked at the picture himself. What his muse just said was true. This Julian look like a woman, even with no makeup on.

Both of them sighed as the latter put the picture back in its original place and grabbed his bag to prepare for his things. According to Leo, the show would start around ten in the evening and would end around five the next morning.

He put all the makeups on the table before hanging up his newly made dress in front of the closet. He took his phone out of his pocket and played some music to entertain himself while doing his makeup.

When he found the perfect song to listen to, he pressed play and swayed as the song progressed. Julian sat in front of the mirror and primed up his face before done his makeup that he practiced for minutes last night.

"Okay. Let's do this shit."


Outside of the dressing room and inside of the club itself, a man was sitting in his boredom while watching his friends having fun with the girls. Some already offered him free drinks, free flirting sessions and whatnots, but his boredom just grew bigger instead of the entertainment that he wished to have.

It has been a terrible day for him and he wanted to get out of his office and get entertained, but here he was drinking the last sip of his whiskey before sighing to death.

"I came here to be entertained, not to be bored even more. Guess it was a mistake."

One of his friends heard him and sighed when he saw how bored his friend were. Truthfully, he was the one who invited him to go clubbing with them since he had been working in his office for days now.

"Cheer up, man! I'm pretty sure something entertaining will pop up soon."

The man sighed to his friend before filling his cup with whiskey once again as he looked at the stage and saw a huge yellow wig.

"Hello, lovely people of the world. My name is Muchacha Alakazam and I am the Drag Mother of this club. And today, at our very special event. My children will do a reading!"

The man rose his brow up and chuckled.

"A reading? Seriously? What are we, kids?"

Muchacha laughed when he saw the confused faces of the people inside of the club. He chuckled and mocked their confused faces before speaking once again.

"If you think my children will read you fairytales and bi-bidi-babidi-boo stories, then you are wrong! Because that is not the right reading that we will be doing. Now, seat back and relax as I welcomed you, my children!"

People clapped their hands as each queen came out from the backstage and one queen caught his eyes. Who she was? He wanted to find out.

He put down his cup and focused on the show that was being presented as he eyed that one pinkish haired Drag Queen with his checkered black tracksuit and 12 inched booted heels.

"My name is Julianna Neverest. Because resting was never on my agenda."

[Ding! Congratulations for unlocking the new feature, young master. The system would activate and explain the new feature after your entire performance! Good luck!]