An Opportunity

Li Wang Jiao, son of the richest bachelor in the country. Bachelor since his father never married his mother, even if he got her pregnant. His mother kind of agreed with that, since his father was known as a player in his days.

Now that his mother passed away, his father regretted everything that he had done to his mother. He should've married the woman who loved him entirely, despite the women that he kept on bringing to his home from time to time—which also means every day.

Growing up, the man never despised his father because of his mother's care and love. She taught him how to grow love with his father even if he never cared about his son at all. Despite all the care and love that his mother gave to him, he grew up resentful of his father.

Still, Wang Jiao grew up into a fine young man that even took his father's business to the top of the food chain. Their company was now known to be one of the best company in the country, earning a badge for being a natural treasure to their country by bringing honor and richness to it.

But tonight, he wanted to show that he was not just a son of a rich bachelor who loved to experiment with different women each day. That he was not just any rich heir who tested cars to make sure they were fast as they look.

That he was not just any man who had shown none defeat towards their opponents. He wanted to show that he can do anything if he put his mind and heart to it. He wanted to show that despite the effort of being at the advantage of the game, he will still lose.

Because the moment that they arrived at the third curved of the circuit, the Mitsu LEX that he despised the most, had passed by him with a clean drift. The young man gritted his teeth as he focused on a new strategy to surpass his opponent.

He knew about Mitsu LEX and the engine that the company used to build the car. Of course, he knew. The company bought the engine from them. His company was the ones who made that car the fastest at his time.

Wang Jiao gritted his teeth even more than he pressed on the gas pedal, reviving his engine as it roared in the middle of the night. Every spectator on the side cheered for him and the unknown opponent. Everyone was on the edge of their places as they raced to the finish line.

Julian was rather relaxed during the race. With Duckie's instructions with the course and the warnings, he had a feeling that he might win. He tried not to be ignorant of his opponent since anything could happen in this race, but looking at the rearview mirror, the familiar man was too far away from him.

Julian was rather shock at the sudden thought. He never thought that he had time to think of his opponent's strategy. This made him angry to where he wanted to stop the car in the middle, stop the other car and knock some sense towards the driver.

But he has a goal for tonight. He shook his head and focused on the course again. He needed to win this race and prove to Xiao Meng that he was not joking when he said that this car he was driving was hella fast.

"Never mind him, Julian. Just win this race."

Duckie looked at his muse when he heard what he murmured as he drifted into the car and passed down the last curved corner of the circuit. This would be the last race and the system knew that they had just won the race.

The system looked back to see if their opponent was still behind them, and he was not. He was a bit shook that Julian just passed by him in an instant during the third curved.

[Holy shit, young master! You just won!]

Cheers from outside of the cars were being heard as he approached the finish line and went past the checkered flag. The team were Xiao Meng was, were jumping out of joy by the sudden win. Their opponent arrived a little later as Julian opened the door and stomped his way to the other car.

"Come out, you little shit!"

The celebration stopped as they watched Julian forcing the other man to come out of his car.

"What the hell was that?! You were driving the fastest car in the world, yet you delivered a terrible race! Do you really think that the car is fast on his own?!"

Julian was about to jump on the guy to knock some sense out of him when Xiao Meng grabbed him by the waist and pulled him away. The big guy was even shocked by how light Julian was as the jet black haired man kept on flailing his arms towards his opponent.

"You know a win would not be sweet if the winner has a shitty opponent!"

Wang Jiao looked at the man with an expressionless face and he could see the tears that were about to escape from his eyes. Why was he crying? He just won. He should just be happy, that's what he was thinking.

But the words that escaped from Julian's lips stabbed him straight into his heart. Giving him the same pain that he felt when his mother died.

"You just wasted a splendid car, you dumbass!"

Xiao Meng finally pulled Julian away from the other man and secured him with his other friends. Julian's identity intrigued the people who were watching the fight, especially after winning the race. And one of those people was Xiao Meng himself.

Julian was still fuming in anger as he glared at the other side of the track and watched as the girls flocked around the man, giving him compliments he should've never had. He didn't deserve them, anyway.

The young racer shook his head and looked at the big man who took the prize for the race as his team shouted their cheers. He gave them a small smile while Xiao Meng showed his brightest smile.

Julian stood up and grabbed his bag as he walked away from the crowd and to the darkness of the trees. His mind was at peace even if he experienced a terrible race. Driving a Mitsu LEX was one of his greatest dreams.

He wanted to experience it again. As walked down the lighted pathway of the forest, a voice was calling an unfamiliar name. He tried to look back, but there were no shadows or any figure of a man that could be seen.

He shook the voice out until a stiff arm grabbed him from behind and pulled him back.

"Yang Shin!"

Julian turned around to see Xiao Meng, drenched in sweat as he was panting heavy breaths.

"B-Brother Xiao?"

Xiao Meng smiled at him as he heaved a deep breath and looked straight into Julian's eyes. Those tantalizing dark brown eyes, the best one he had seen.

"Drive for us."

Julian's mind suddenly came to a halt as he tried to process what he meant.


Xiao Meng took another deep breath as he tried to say the words again. When he heard about Julian's techniques on the curves, that sort of talent shouldn't be wasted.

"Drive for us. Show the world what you got! Join my company!"

Julian was beyond shock of the offer and stuttered as he tried to comprehend what was happening.

"That talent of yours should not be wasted. Join me, Yang Shin."

[Notice! The increased by five percent.]