Cultivator and New Family

It may be because he had just been born, he had no love for his current family. Afterall, love needs to be cultivated. But now it seems fate wants to add some hardship to his already fragile life.


'This is not fair. I was abandoned but I still don't feel any anger towards them. How can I bring out my latent potential without rage?'


Somehow Asce seems to have forgotten about his circumstances. He seems to have forgotten, he is just a child with no latent potential hidden or whatsoever. In a roundabout way, you can say this is the consequence or maybe symptom of reading too many fantasy web novels.


Now I feel scared. Bugs are crying everywhere, making me feel nauseated. It has been almost 'some time' since we were left here. It seems that somehow there is no moon in the night sky, which should be impossible, as moonlight has illuminated the night.

The other children were still crying. They should be shameful.

Can't they see a newborn-by-some-days baby thinking quietly?

Then the wait continued. We waited...for our demise...or... our cheerless childhood...

Faint moonlight was illuminating the sky. Rustling leaves and cry of insects echoed in the forest. Somewhere inside the forest, there was a cart full of children of varying ages. They seemed asleep. Their body posture shows their displease toward their wooden bed. Among a group of children, there lies a valiant newborn-by-some-days infant. He was looking listlessly towards the night sky with an expression that shows he was...bored?


'I am bored.'

'Well, the sky is beautiful. But still, I am bored.'


I was never an active person. In my school days I may be a little more active. Still, I had spent most of my time idling, watching anime, reading manga, and web novels. Towards the last moment of my life, I was listening some spiritual speech which was supposed to make my life more colorful and vivid.

It worked, but not in a way I had hoped. Struck by a colorful lightning and vivid memory of death counts...right?


I wanted to ignore everything and sleep but the unknown still scares me. Not having the guarantee of my life for the next hour is a pretty scary thought.

I was wondering what will happen to us. According to the usual circumstances of a cultivation world, this should be some kind of sacrifice to an evil god or demon.

But I am not afraid. I am a reincarnated person with some cheat…. Ahem…. Some blessing and knowledge. At the very least I should die emotionally in some big battle.

I believe in my luck...


Then, a cinematic scene occurred. The leaves rustled, insects stopped crying, a shadow loomed over. In a now-quiet forest a low growl was heard.

Our protagonist twisted his head to the side and saw a big black tiger looking at them with its blue eyes.


What strange circumstances; an evil tiger with no red or green eyes but deep blue glowing eyes. I never knew eyes could be a luminous object.


Today the BBT was very happy. There is an infant in the meal.

*mental woo-hoo!*


This tiger was not a regular demon. Regular demons were the result of long period of cultivation, but this BBT was different. It had somehow, due to some tiger-shit luck obtained a dead cultivator's body.

Biologically it was a tiger. It liked meat. Also, it was a cultivator's body. It was very appetizing meal to an animal.

A cultivator's body is so appetizing for the animals that they would stop in the middle of their climax just to dine.


Being a demon is a natural evolution path for an animal. Even if the animals don't know about it, they will subconsciously guard or eat any material used for that purpose.

Long story short, the tiger ate the body.

Tearing the meat was easy for it but digesting was super hard. It took the tiger about 4 months to devour the cultivator. Then another 2 months of hibernation finally made it a demon.


After coming out of hibernation it coincidently found a caravan passing near its cave. One-sixth year of hunger was too hard for it to endure and as a demon it had no need to endure so it attacked the caravan.

There was absolutely no method for a group of about 10 mortals to kill a demon so they became an easy prey. One was in the process of evolving into higher being whereas other was crawling in the ground eating dust. So, killing them was fairly easy for a demon.


At that moment when it tasted the human flesh, it became captivated.

The cultivator's body didn't count. Its taste was beyond mortal standard making it tasteless for the animals or any other still-mortal beings.


From then on for a whole year, it attacked human settlements.

One day, it ate a human child. Maybe that child was a cultivation genius... After feasting, it found out that its rate of strengthening was getting faster. And it just so happened that it has inherited common languages from his non-mortal food. So, it decided to go to a bit faraway village to ask for some tender meats.


It wanted a sustainable food source so it didn't attack the village indiscriminately. All it did was to strike a seed of fear inside the villagers' heart which by time, germinated and rooted strongly within them.

But during these three years no other children it has eaten has given it any benefits. It who was close to lose its patient smelled a familiar scent today.

It was a smell of opportunity from the infant in the cart, so it was very happy. You can say that the luck of this tiger can make it a protagonist of the animal kingdom.


The tiger was not in hurry. It had already decided to first have its dinner and then the main course. So, it did what it was supposed to do. It gobbled up the children one after another, in the tiger's sense of elegancy. It held no pity towards them. Their sobs and cries were no more than a clinking and clashing of a plate and spoon for the tiger.

But here I am getting freaked out. Seeing the bloodied mouth of the tiger I wanted to vomit but I had nothing in to let out. It was scary. Scarier than any of the horror movie I have seen in my life. I want to faint to stay away from this experience but my mind was frozen for any logical thing to process. Left with no other option, I started crying. It was the most emotional cry.

It was my,,,crying symphony...of death...


'I don't want to die.'

'I have a cheat.'

'I am a reincarnator.'

'I have boundless luck...'


He decided to encourage himself but seeing his death arriving faster and faster, he lost hope.

But there was no way heaven could watch him die. So, they sent him a savior.


Abruptly a loud voice was heard, "DEMON STOP".

Then there came a flash of light and the tiger was beheaded. Covered in blood of tiger the child slowly went unconscious feeling happy on avoiding his death.


'So that must be a cultivator.'

'I am safe.'

'I want to sleep.'




This time he slept for a long time.

He had a dream. He dreamed of moving mountains, splitting stars, and finally... getting eaten by a huge tiger. Then he woke up.

I looked around my immediate surrounding and started crying. This time I was crying because of happiness.

'I'm saved.'

'I didn't die.'

This was the happiest moment of my two lifetimes combined. For the first time, I felt the resolve to get work hard... What was weird was that it was coming from myself.

I again started crying in a frequency of melancholy. This time saying farewell to my plan of peaceful cultivation life. After all, if there was no battle, there wouldn't be any martial progress. But still, I think, I can take cultivation slowly.


It may be due to his cry; a group of people entered the room hurriedly. They were all wearing the white coat. They seemed to be …. Doctors maybe. When they saw the baby crying, they started smiling happily.

After some check-ups, one of the older doctors said something to another accompanying younger doctor. That doctor nodded and hurried outside.


Now I began to check my surrounding.

I was in a room. It was a huge room with a huge bed. Right above the bed, there were some floating glowing orbs of light. They looked like a small round crystal ball. They were producing a rather soothing light. It was very comfortable sleeping under the light. It felt like my very soul was shouting with joy under this light.

Looking properly, I came to an answer.

'It seems to be a cultivator's house.'


While I was looking around, a woman came in from the door. She nodded to the doctors and waved her hand.

The doctors bowed and left the room.


When I saw the woman, I was captivated. Unknowingly, a small strand of drool left my little mouth.

The woman chuckled at the antics of the baby.

Her chuckling voice was absolutely beautiful. I am sure that even in my previous world, even with an auto-tune on, there would be no such beautiful voice. Then inappropriately I felt hungry, and I started crying.

What can I do? I seem to have baby-instincts.


Ela was startled when the baby suddenly started crying. She became confused to what to do. Then she remembered she hadn't given any food to the baby. She smiled and gently lifted the baby, carrying him and put her finger in the baby's mouth.


Now, I am getting confused.

'Is she a different species?'

'Her milk come out from her finger?'

Then an airy thing entered my mouth and started spreading throughout my body. It felt very comfortable like bathing in a hot water in the cold winter. Within two to three seconds, she stopped. But I was satisfied. I felt full and stronger.

I was excited feeling my strength and hurriedly checked my head for the cultivation manual. Then I felt dizzy and fell asleep.


Ela smiled watching the sleeping baby. Suddenly out of thin air an old woman came.

"Mistress, is this the child?" she looked at the child carefully.

"Aunt Ma, can't you feel it?"

"Feel what?"

Ela sighed.

Three months ago, she had gone to an island on the western sea. She was searching for a special type of tree found in those regions. Two days ago, she finally found the tree. When she was returning, she felt the presence of a rather strong demon with respect to this place. Curiously going there, she found that the demon was going to eat an infant with a bloodied mouth. Seeing that she attacked the demon immediately. When she checked on the child, the child had already fainted.

At first, she had decided to give the child to the nearby village but suddenly she felt a call...a call in her very soul. She was startled. She looked around and found nothing. Then she looked at the child. She surprisingly discovered that the call came from the child. The call got stronger and stronger, and she suddenly shuddered. She looked at the child with her eyes wide open. Resonance... she felt her soul resonating with the child. She was surprised, bewildered, and didn't know what to do. She surprisingly discovered that she didn't want to leave the child. She looked at the child and sighed. She raised her hand and flashed a rectangular item. That item glowed and they disappeared.


Aunt Ma tried to feel the child but she got nothing. She looked at Ela and shook her head. Ela sighed and left the room showing her shapely back view. She suddenly stopped at the door and looked back towards aunt Ma.

"Aunt Ma, announce the region that the Stone family has a young master. A month later there will be a celebration."

Aunt Ma was bewildered by the sudden decision but she still accepted the task. She may be the young mistress's caretaker since young, but still, she didn't have any right to question her. After all, this is a cultivation world. Here, power is everything.