A new life, a new adventure


Dai just appeared in a forest. He checks the world map. It shows his location at the top left area. 'The great Judar Forest'. Daiki had read in the guidelines that players start with 1000 coins from a city at the center of the map and then explore the areas in different directions. The coins can be used to purchase different items, skills or stat points from the shop.



'I guess there's no use of spending the coins on stats points since my stats are already below the normal. I'll just buy some normal gear and items.' talking to himself he purchases

Dai sees the items and .

Dai checks the item information.

Note: 1. The item is reusable but the price increases on subsequent purchases.

2. This will not have an effect on players.>

Dai checks his Profile Window:

Name: Daiki Level: 1

Gender: Male Status: Healthy

Class: Work Hard (?) Party: None


Strength: 15 Agility:13

HP: 80 MP:55

Attack damage: 25 Dexterity: 18

Stamina: 40 Def: 28

Unique Skill:


Dai talks to himself about the skills being okay and aren't too shabby if he can use them for his benefits. But he still couldn't understand the meaning of the '?' after his class. He thinks about leaving it for later and checking the items for now.

'Since I have the skill I won't need the . But the Rename Tag will be useful for me to conceal my identity later. Also the vest and shoes looks okay but I'm not sure if I can use the daggers properly.' while talking to himself, he walks away to find something to hunt since the food items in the shops weren't too good and were costly.

'It will be same whether I hunt and eat or purchase from shop since what they offer is also uncooked food' saying so he purchases a lighter and a bow, storing them in the inventory and moves away with remaining 660 coins.

'Better save the money when I need it. I'm already this much unfortunate, I don't know what kind of situation is waiting for me.'

As he moves ahead he sees an open area surrounded by trees. Daiki thinks of this spot as perfect for practicing his skills and the weapons.

He takes out his and starts aiming for targets.

'This is harder than I thought' while continuing his practice.


Dai continues his practice.


'BEGINNER'S WORKOUT ACTIVATED: Stamina- 40+2 , Dexterity:18+3'

'So this means I can get new skills as I progress, that sounds good. And lucky for me to get the intermediate skill instead of apprentice. And the is also working well.'

Hoping to earn a dagger skill Daiki continued to practice with his daggers but not knowing what to do resulted in nothing.

'I should rest for a while after this much workout. I don't want to wear out myself.'

And he lies down on the leaves he collected. After lying down there for an hour and collecting water from nearby lake(which he could purchase from the shop) he decides to head forward in the forest.


Dai suddenly hears a girl's screaming. He rushes to the voice and stopping from a distance he could see a girl with grey hair got cornered by a wild bear.


Rescue the girl from the Crescent Bear

Condition: Keep the girl safe.

Rewards: 500 coins, The girl will make your survival easy in the forest.

Failure: The girl will die and the difficulty of survival in the forest will increase.