First Kill


Rescue the girl from the Crescent Bear

Conditions: Keep the girl safe.

Rewards: 500 coins, The girl will make your survival easy in the forest.

Failure: The girl will die and the difficulty to survive in the forest will increase.

'They didn't even need to give me the quest to save her, I would have done it anyway. She looks quite beautiful but what is she doing here. Since they are offering me coins and it makes the survival easier, I will gladly do it. The only thing is how do I defeat that bear. I'm sure I can't do it with the stats I have right now.'

He looks up in the shop if he could use something. He quickly purchases and takes out his .


'Perfect. Exactly what I needed right now.' Dai aims at the bear.'

Skill has activated. Dexterity: +15.


'You dealt 70 damage. Total HP:800'

The arrow hits the bear's eye. It roars in pain and gets a bit away from the girl. Dai rushes to the girl, grabs her hand and starts running away with her. The girl followed him without any hesitation. The bear chases them. After running for few minutes they find a huge cave where he hides the girl, 'Stay here for sometime. I'll be back.'

'B-but why are you saving me? I don't even k-know you and you are putting your life at risk for me. P-please don't go, you might die.'

'Dont worrry about me and stay here.'

Dai leaves her and gets back to the bear who was at some distance chasing them.

He takes out his daggers.

"SKILL ACTIVATED: Stamina: +2 , Strength: +3."

"SKILL ACTIVATED: The fear of the danger will be reduced and will keep yourself calm."

"SKILL ACTIVATED: Dexterity will be increased by 15. Using daggers will be a bit easier."

The bear starts dashing towards him. Dai waits for the bear as he prepares his stance. As the bear leaps on Dai, he quickly bends backward as to let the bear jump over him, while keeping his daggers facing upwards.

*Slash* *Slash*

The bear got past Dai but got 2 clean cuts in his breasts. The bear roars loudly. Loud enough that even the girl heard it. She got nervous and worried.

'You dealt 190 damage. HP remaining: 540'

'If everything goes like this I might defeat it' Dai talks to himself while taking out his bow again. The bear again leaps at him. While dodging Dai fell on the ground and got bruised. Ignoring it Dai released his arrow and it hit again at the bear's back. The bear roars.

"CRESCENT BEAR USED THE SKILL : The bear's strength and agility will increase by 30%"

'Shit,shit,shit,shit, this sounds like trouble.'

His eyes starts shining red. The bear became even faster. As he attacks him again Dai couldn't dodge and one of it's claws grazed him.

"You suffered 70 damage. Remaining health: 10"

'Shit! He only grazed me but still dealt 70 damage. My HP was already low to begin with and now I'm bleeding. I don't think I can keep this up.'

Dai fell on his knees. He felt his strength slowly going away.

'Agh, Will it just end like this just as Noburu said?' *cough *cough 'No it can't end like this. I will not let it end like this. That fool, I will show them and this fucked up system that I can be stronger than anyone even if all odds are against me' says Dai as he was getting up on his legs.

"UNIQUE SKILL ACTIVATED: The results of your hard work will show, the chances of winning will increase."

"Skill ACTIVATED: You overcame your exhausted state and stood up to fight, you'll be able to break your limits and your stats will go up 5 times for 1 minute."

Dai could feel the strength flowing through him. He got up at once and stared right at the bear. The bear flinched. Dai grabbed his daggers with all his strength and dashed towards the bear.

In just a second several slashes could be seen on the bear's body. The bear kept on roaring and roaring in pain.

"Remaining HP: 150"

The girl also arrived at the scene. As she saw him with injury at his back fighting with bear, she started crying.

'Don't die' she yelled while crying, 'Please don't die because of me.'

Dai glanced at her but didn't respond to her and again charged at the bear. The bear attacked him with his claws but Dai dodged them swiftly, jumped from a distance towards the bear's head and pierced his remaining eye with one of his daggers and the other one in the neck.


Daiki fell on the ground after this. He was exhausted with no strength left. As he was lying on the ground, gasping, he got all these notifications.

"You got 250 coins and 500 exp"

"You are now level 3"

'A portion of your HP was recovered'


"You got 500 coins and 400 exp"

"You are now level 4"

'A portion of your HP was recovered'

'Your health is now out of danger.'


"You defeated an enemy whose level was 8 times higher than yours.

You're are the first one to complete the achievement, FEARLESS (Epic), which will be given to you as your new title.

When there is a huge power gap between you and your enemy, this Title will help you lessen the gap."

'You are awarded 10000 coins and 2000 exp'

'You are now level 6'

Current number of coins: 11,310

'That's quite a number...' *guhk *cough *cough

The girl hurries to him and puts his head on her lap.

'Why did you do this' with tears in her eyes, 'look at your condition'

'Well no particular reason, I just felt like helping after watching your beautiful face' replies Dai half jokingly with a smile and passes out on her lap.