Guess the journey won't be as boring

Dai wakes up. His vision is a bit blurry.

'Uh... I remember passing out on her lap. What was her name... Ah she never told me. But where am I?'

As Dai thinks about this, he notices he was still lying on her lap. Her soft grey hair brush off his face.

'Even though she was alone in the forest running from the monsters, her hair are still so smooth and give off such a nice smell.' Dai thinks to himself.

He tries to get up but he couldn't gather strength.

'Ah sorry. I troubled you, it must have been hard keeping my head on your lap. You can keep me down.' says Dai as he looks at her hand above his head wrapped in green aura.

'Oh you must be healing me. Thank you so much. But I can't seem to gather strength to get up so you can keep me down' Dai repeats while hesitating.

'It ain't much. After all you were injured because of me. I can atleast do this much for you. I would have been dead if you didn't help. But why did you help me?'

'Well, I just felt like helping you. I couldn't leave a beautiful lady in danger like that. Uhmm... by the way can I get your name?'

'Uh- yes, it's Sasha Akinov....'

Dai could feel she wanted to tell him something more, Dai thinks,

'Tch, why does this feels so cliched? I feel like she'll now tell me about her family problems and how she ended up here. Still I guess I'll ask her about that. We might even end up traveling together.'

'Can I know why were you in the forest all alone?'

'Oh uhm yes... I am a Vampire. My family has been in the throne since generations. Recently some internal conflict broke out and people started revolting against my father. A superstrong vampire, Diablo, surfaced and conspired for the throne and got the army to rebel against the king. My family was chased as we were running and unfortunately we had to split.

I ended up in this Judar Forest. Since this is the most dangerous forest on this land, they gave up on chasing me. Since then I'm here trying to survive on my own.'

'The most dangerous forest!? Couldn't the system teleport me to a safer place? Now I feel like I'm really being conspired against' Dai wonders.

'Well, if you're a vampire you should have been able to easily take down that bear.'

'Thats because I'm just level 5 and the beast was level 8. And the vampiric abilities activate after level 20.'

'*cough *cough

You could say I was actually level -3 when I fought the bear.' says Dai while hesitating.

'What do you mean by -3? There's no negative level.'

Dai explains her about his situation. He tells her everything about how they were transferred here and everything about the game like dungeon. He felt a little relieved after telling her all about that. Still he was surprised that the system didn't interfere with him telling her about all the things about the game and the dungeon.

'What!?! You fought the bear with those stats? Are you insane? Even my level 5 stats are higher than your level 6! Even I wasn't able to win being level 5. How did you even survive?'

'Well you see, I had a skill which let me increase my stats by 5 times for a minute when I was about to lose. But there is the after effects of the skill after using it. I think that's why I can't get up right now. Hehe'

'But why did you fight the bear even after knowing it was Level 8?' she asks.

'You mean you already knew it was level 8?'

'Ofcourse, you can check it with character info window.'


'Does this system holds a grudge against me!!? questions Dai angrily, 'Well whatever.'

After some conversation, Dai checks his notification panel.

Notification Panel:

1. Title awarded for defeating an enemy whose level was 8 times higher than yours.

2. The after effects of the skill were applied while you were unconscious. Your strength was sapped out leaving muscle pain.

3. Your total coins: 11,310

4. Your level rose to Lvl.6

5. Skill upgraded to level 2. Dexterity:+15 , Unnecessary disturbances won't disturb you while using the skill.

Profile Window:

Name: Daiki Level: 6

Gender: Male Status: Healthy

Class: Work Hard (?) Party: None


Strength: 29 Agility:26

HP: 120 MP:80

Attack damage: 42 Dexterity: 29

Stamina: 55

Unique Skill:


: You won't die in a single hit when your HP is very low. Cooldown time: 2 hours.

'Huff... Atlast after getting level 6 now my stats are barely above level 3. I still have 105 points in my so soon I'll have the stat advantage.' Dai talks to himself,

'This title looks useful while fighting stronger enemies. Good thing I was level 1 so it was easier to get the title now. If I were level 10 I'd have to defeat a level 80 monster.'

'Hey Sasha where are we right now?'

'In the cave. Where you left me.'

'Oh I see. What are you planning to do now?'

'I don't know. I don't know what to do. I don't have anywhere to go to. I'll just wander here and there in the forest until I either meet my parents or I die first.'

'Why don't you come with me then?' Dai asks with a smile on his face, 'Since I'm also alone, we could both support each other and the journey will be interesting.'

With a shine in her eyes, 'Can I really? Can I come with you?'

'Yes, sure. Why wouldn't I want a beautiful lady on my trip to talk to.' Dai replies smiling while thinking,

'Since she's a vampire and on top of that a Royal one, I bet she'll be a very strong companion if I can raise her level. I'll show everyone in the class and this fucked up system that even if all the odds are against me, I will make my way out even from the pits of hell!'

'But I'm not that strong. I doubt I'll be any help for you.'

'Don't worry about that. Let's just go, we might even find your parents on the way.' Dai gets up as he starts regaining his strength. He gives her a hand as she was still sitting,

'Lets go on a thrilling adventure.'