Experience Farm?

Dai and Sasha go for collecting food materials for their departure. They collect fruits, herbs, water and hunt some little animals. Dai was amazed to see her moving. She was quick, smart and definitely stronger than Dai. Not to mention, her elegance.

Pure white face with a tint of red on her cheeks as she smiled. The dazzling smooth grey hair and her red eyes blended so beautifully one might mistake them to be fake.

Every step she took, every movement she made, her concentration, her swiftness, her way of doing things, everything looked so beautiful a simp would have fallen for her several times in a few minutes.

Daiki admires her beauty and makes a long face at his uselessness.

'Shall we go to where I defeated the Crescent Bear? I wonder if he dropped any items.'

'Sure, let's go.'

They both move towards that area. He could see something lying there where the bear died. The body had disappeared.

The hard claw of the Crescent Bear which is used for making or upgrading other items. Can be sold in the shop.

The thick hide of the Crescent Bear used for making cold resistant clothes. Can be sold in the shop.

A bottle full of monster's blood which gives a foul smell and attracts the predator type monsters. Can be sold in the shop.

'I have more than enough coins so I don't need to sell them right now. I'll just store them in inventory.' says Dai, 'Now shall we proceed?'

Sasha nods and they start moving towards the south east since Dai was teleported to the farthest corner of the north western part of The Judar Forest. They wanted to go towards the middle kingdom.

They hunt many small monsters on their way. At night they would light a fire and monster repellant and sleep in the sleeping bags bought from the shop. While in the day they would move ahead and kill monsters while levelling up. Meanwhile Dai's skill let him gain some extra stats points. But killing low level monsters was still very inefficient for levelling up. 1 week of continous grinding could just make Dai level 12 and Sasha level 11 and leaving Dai with 12500 coins.

Daiki was tired of all this since he had to become stronger before meeting his friends and make sure to be the MVP of the game. He suspected the other players might make a selfish weird wish that might be dangerous. Also he wanted to level up Sasha to level 20 so that she could activate her vampiric abilities. Suddenly Dai brightens up with an idea in his mind.

'Let's make a coin and exp farm.'

'What do you mean?' asks Sasha confused, 'You want to grow experience and coins?'

'No no, I mean building a mechanism where we can automatically earn experience and coins way too easily without much work. Meanwhile we could utilise the time for something else.'

'How will we do it?' she asks with a light smile who now completely believed him.

'We'll make a mechanism in a place near the monster wave or at a place with high monster density which would attract the monsters and trap them. Then we can easily take them out at once while getting loads of experience and coins. And you'll progress to level 20 quickly.'

'Sounds good to me. Let's do it.' she replies with a smile on her face.

'And I need a new skill so let me check the shop for a moment.'

Dai opens the shop. He could find many costly skills there. He browses the skills for few minutes until he selected a few.

Releases a slash shockwave following the swing of the blade which deals 60% of your attack damage to the enemies in a cone shape in one direction. Recharges after giving enough damage to the enemies. Can recharge instantly after damaging 4 enemies in a single slash.

COST: 2000 coins

Releases a laser from the tip of your finger consuming 5 MP and dealing 150% of your attack damage. Can deal damage to multiple enemies in a line.

COST: 3200 coins

Remaining coins: 7300

'Now let's start with the blueprint.'

They start drawing the blueprint while adding their ideas. They discuss about how to attract the monsters and trap them, how to move them to killing chamber, how to kill them efficiently without getting hurt. Dai already purchased a skill which could make killing easier.

After 2 hours they finally complete their Blueprint. Now they had to gather the materials and build the mechanism. They purchase axes and start gathering wood, vines etc. Meanwhile also killing some monsters while gathering.


Name: Daiki Level: 13

Gender: Male Status: Healthy

Class: Work Hard (?) Party: Dai's Party(2)


Strength: 40 Agility: 38

HP: 155 MP: 100

Attack Damage: 65 Dexterity: 45

Stamina: 80. Def: 70

Unique Skill:


Common knowledge of using daggers ingrains in the user's mind.

Name: Sasha Level: 13

Gender: Female Status: Healthy

Class: Vampire Party: Dai's Party(2)


Strength: 48 Agility: 44

HP: 170 MP: 140

Attack Damage: 90 Dexterity: 48

Stamina: 90. Def: 100

Unique skill: (Yet to awake)

Skills: Heals the user and their ally. Slowly and continuously consumes mana.

Let's user to learn the use of various weapons after minimal practice.

Heightens the user's battle sense. Strength:+20% , Agility:+30% , Attack Damage:+50% for 10 minutes. Cooldown time: 30 minutes

Dai barely caught up in stats to Sasha but she still had more stats points even after using the .