This works..?

They start working. They started by making a 6 metre tall, 5 metre long and 6 metre broad chamber with the wood. Then they covered the sides with mud in such a way that it made a inclined mud platform on all 4 sides to reach the top.

They dug the earth inside the chamber to make it a little deeper.

"Skill has been activated. Chances of succeeding will increase."

"Skill . has been activated. Unnecessary disturbances won't disturb you. Dexterity+15."

Then they used some wood to make the lid for the chamber. They attached a heavy spring at one side of the lid which could take the lid's weight and attached it to the top of the chamber.

The idea behind it was to lure the monsters to the top of the chamber where the lid would open downwards if extra pressure was applied having the target fall down. The spring attached to the lid would close it again after the target falls.

It took them 1 full and an other half day to make the mechanism.

They covered the insides of the chamber with plastic tarpoline and filled more than half of it with oil to make the monsters inactive and to prevent them from trying to get out.

Constructing it wasn't an easy task since they were doing something which both of them had never done.

The next task was how to kill the monsters trapped inside.

Sasha suggests, 'Why don't we use the ivy extract and mix it in the oil? It is poisonous enough to kill an orc within 30 minutes.'

'But how do we find it?'

'They do grow here in this forest. They have white color flowers with a shade of purple in the inner end of the pettals.'

'Ah that's nice. Let's split up and find the ivy flowers. I'll go in this direction and you go there. We'll meet here after an hour.'

'Oh-okay' Sasha replies with a slight unhappiness. She wanted to go together with him.

After an hour they return to the killing chamber and put their gathered flowers in one place. Sasha had collected quite a large number of flowers as she was already familiar with them. Dai got a little less than her and he found it shameful.

'Let's get to work then.'

They pluck the pettals and grind it fine. Then they add it to boiling water and wait for the solution to vaporise leaving a thicker translucent liquid.

'We are all ready. Now let's just add it in the oil, hang the bait and all done.'

They mix the ivy extract in the oil. Then they hang the meat at a height from a tree branch and pour some monster blood on it and spilling some on the lid.

'It's already evening now, let's head back to our camp and rest. We've already been working hard for sometime. We'll return here tomorrow morning and see for ourselves if it works.' Dai suggests and they return to their camp.

Sasha cooks him a meat and vegetable soup and they eat it together beside the fire.

'Sasha you're a really great cook' with his mouth full,' I don't know how I would manage to eat if I didn't met you.'

'No no... If I had ingredients I could make a better dinner for you' she hesitatingly replies.

'Well I wanna eat those dishes too, but these are also so delicious.'

'Okay then have some more' Sasha replies happily. They finish dinner while laughing and enjoying and get their sleeping bags ready. They turn off their notifications before sleeping otherwise monster killing would disturb them.

They get in their bags. They both were full of thoughts before sleeping.

'I wonder what the other people of my class might be doing. I still hope they are doing fine. Afterall the most liked, responsible class president and the Hero aka Haruo is leading them. Aoi must be doing fine too. If I guess correct, they must be clearing the city quests right now and must be having fun, and their life should be easy too since it is the starting city and here I am fighting life and death battle on the very first day in the most dangerous forest' with a tear in his eye, not because of his emotions but because of tiredness. Dai continues,

'But I'm enjoying myself too. I'm working hard and it is actually paying off. Maybe that's the use of my class. And also I met a beautiful girl who's so nice and dependable. And also she's so cute... She's so nice and beautiful one could hardly believe she's a vampire. Even though my life is harder than others, I'm also enjoying my life.'

'It's been so long since I've been seperated from my parents. I've been wandering here and there, running from monsters, hiding from rain, collecting edibles, and what not while having no one to talk to. I was so lonely. I remembered my family so many times, I cried so many times. Atlast when the bear was about to kill me, I thought it was the end to my sufferings. I couldn't take it anymore.' Sasha was getting emotional,

'But then Daiki came in. For the first time in so long I saw someone, and that too protecting me. He even risked his own life to save a stranger like me, who couldn't even protect herself. He's kind, he talks nicely, he cares for me, I feel so grateful for him. I'll never betray him and will always support him. I wish I can stay with him forever, but I know that's asking too much.' thinks Sasha with a tear in her eye, not because of sadness, but because she was happy.

Next morning,

They check their Notification Panel. They were now level 17. +4 levels overnight was a pretty good outcome. They quickly rush to the killing chamber.

'The outcome exceeded my expectations. The most I thought we could level up was +2 since we both were sharing half experience. And I also earned 13000 coins. Check the notification panel-

You killed Crescent Bears X 8

You killed Wolves of the pack X 13

You killed Carnivore Rabbit X 21...'

Meanwhile they reach the killing chamber. The bodies were already dissappeared but the items were still there. They collected the items since storing them in inventory didn't require direct contact.


•100,000 COINS

• Skill