Lock The Door

Mason spent his first day at home just reorganizing everything in his old room and the rest of his day, he just spent it chilling on the bed after order a large pizza for dinner.

The sunlight that was peaking through the curtains annoyed the deep sleeping male who grimaced his face and buried it in the closest fluffy pillow to him as a failed attempt to block the annoying sunlight, but quickly after that, he had to open his eyes because he could not fall asleep again no matter how much he tried, that was not only because of the sunlight but also because he has had enough sleep.

Mason could not help but grin when he realized the fact that he is in his home, in his bedroom, in the exact same place where he spent the best years of his life.

A sigh escaped from his mouth as he quickly checked the time, it was ten in the morning, then he stood up heading the bathroom while stripping on the way.

He left a line of his clothes that started from his bed to the bathroom's door.

He took a cold shower to freshen up and walked back inside the bedroom with a towel around his waist.

Before he could put some clothes on, his phone started ringing which is why he walked toward the nightstand and picked up the call " Good morning, dad."

" Mason where are you?" On, no good morning? Hudson sounded so worried which made Mason realize that moving back to their old house without informing his father was probably stupid decision.

Of course Hudson will get concern when he does not find him in the house.

Mason grabbed a small towel and started drying his hair after he connected his phone with some AirPods " Dad, I told you I want to spend the summer in our old house. I spent the night in it."

He could hear a pissed off sigh coming out of his dad's mouth " Mason, you should have told that you are leaving this early. Do you have any idea how worried I was when I didn't find you in your room this morning?

" I know, I wanted to let you know before coming here but you were busy." Mason answered his dad as he could not stop himself from walking to the balcony that is attached to his bedroom because the weather today is his favorite, it's sunny yet not to hot but not cold either, it's just perfect.

He could hear the sound of some movements through the phone which means his dad was either rushing or gathering his stuff, it might be both " Listen to me Mason, I want you to go lock all the doors and widows of the house."

Mason was about to talk and reply to his father but his eyes caught a glimpse of Teddy running around the next door neighbor's backyard which brought a tiny smile to his face.

That smile quickly changed to curious facial expressions when he noticed Teddy's owner walking into the backyard with a little soft smile on his mouth.

Teddy's owner was dressed in a light brown cardigan with a black tang top under it and some white wide pants.

His hair was visible this time, it was not covered with a hat. His hair was light brown but with reflection of the sunlight some of his tufts seemed blond.

The sunglasses were still covering half of his face which did not help Mason recognize the male's features, but that did not mean, he did not keep watching him crouching down next to his dog that started doing some tricks to get treats from his owner.

The aura of Teddy's owner is so strange and new for Mason. He has never felt this curious about someone just after seeing them once or twice.

Also, the guy had this warm energy around him, maybe it's his style of clothing, or the way he walks so carefully and slowly.

He looks so chill.

Mason definitely needs some chill friends because all of his friend group are crazy and reckless.

It would be a good idea to introduce himself to his neighbor, he started planning on doing that later.

" Mason, are you even listening to me?" Mason got startled when his dad suddenly yelled at him through the phone which pulled him out of his daze " Yes, I am. Why do you want me to lock the doors and widows? Is it finally a zombie apocalypse?"

He joked while walking downstairs to obediently do what his father asked him to do.

He heard Hudson sighing again through the phone which confused him " I wish it was, I really wish it's zombies but no, this is worse. Look, I'm in the police station right now, I will come and explain everything to you. For now just do what I said and don't open the door to anybody, I will call you when I arrive."

Before Mason could even open his mouth to question his father about what in the world is going on, the latter hang up and left just the beeping sound behind.

" Why is he in the police station?" Internally wondered Mason while locking the back and main doors also made sure to lock the windows just like his father wanted.

He grabbed a bowl of cereal and added some milk with a cup of coffee before rushing to his bedroom in order to put some comfy clothes on and then he immediately went back to the balcony to study Teddy's owner but he got disappointed because the latter was nowhere to be seen in the backyard or anywhere around the house.