The Accident

Today is Karl's turn to make sure Mason is safe.

Mason arranged a room for him so that every time, Karl's shifts end, he would give his place to the next officer and so on.

They will have to stay in that room which was in the first floor because Mason needs some privacy.

Although Mason was popular back in high school and university which made him seem like an extroverted person, he isn't.

If anyone would ask him if he would just stay at home alone or go out with friends, he would definitely want to choose the first option.

However, he knows that it would effect him negatively later if he keeps staying at home every day alone which is why he decided to invite some of his close friends over.

At first, Karl and Hudson refused this suggestion saying that he needs to avoid any contact with any human being for now, but Mason did not agree to that and said they are his friends since they were in high school and they can't hurt him in any way possible.

Hudson as usual could not say no to his son, he loves him too much.

Sometimes, Mason wonders what he did to deserve this loving and supportive dad like Hudson.

Hudson agreed but under one condition which was to only invite one or two friends because Mason has to keep his friend group as small as possible just for the meantime until they can find a solution.

Well, Mason happily accepted that condition because he was only planning on inviting two of his close friends either way.

The two of his closest friends did not go to the same university as him, in fact they didn't even think of going to any university.

The first one's name is Benjamin, although Mason can clearly see how smart this guy is, the latter decided to sign a contract with a football club and become football player because that's apparently his dream.

Mason supported him in this decision, even though he still think Benjamin could have got a very high job with the government because of how clever he is but if that's his dream then Mason would love nothing more than seeing his close friend happy.

Mason burst out laughing when he saw how Benjamin broke the chair that he was about to sit i .

Karl was sitting in the balcony to watch over Mason since the latter's friends have arrived which was almost an hour ago.

They talked inside the house, had lunch together, played some video games then they decided to sit together in the front yard and have a cup of coffee which is when Benjamin wanted take a seat but ended up breaking the chair instead.

There is this thing that Benjamin is very famous of, it's clumsiness.

Mason calls him a destroyer because he literally breaks almost everything he touches somehow.

But what makes it even funnier is how Lucas reacts when this happens.

Lucas aka Mason's other close friend, he also did not join university, Mason still has no idea what Lucas does for living but he asked him once and the latter said he has a sugar mommy… Well, he doesn't, Benjamin is the one who takes care of everything Lucas needs which is why he calls him a sugar mommy.

Yep, he could call him a sugar daddy but that will boost Benjamin's ego instead of teasing him.

However, Lucas is more of the wise and careful person which is why he keeps following Benjamin and every time the latter breaks something he would scold him for it.

This is exactly what Lucas did when Benjamin broke the chair moments ago.

A soft grin found its way toward Mason's mouth as he took a sip from his coffee and kept watching his friends' drama.

He could not help but see Lucas and Benjamin as two old married couple bickering.

Lucas is a very good cook, he loves his kitchen so much which is why he never lets Benjamin inside the kitchen because the latter once tried to make a soup when Lucas was sick, he ended burning the kitchen.

That day Benjamin got kicked out of his own house by Lucas and crashed in Mason's place for almost a week until Lucas finally forgave him.

They are so fun to be around and the atmosphere that they create with Mason makes the latter who is introvert somehow prefer spending time with them even outside more than staying home in his comfort zone.

He still has no idea how these two people quickly became so close to his heart.

In a moment, he defended them against some bullies in their junior year of high school, and in another moment, he found himself unable of staying away from them.

The reason apparently why people used to like throwing words at them and bullying them in high school was that the two were orphans that grew up in an orphanage together which is definitely why they are inseparable.

The bullying stopped because Mason reported the bullies to the police.

He even left his so-called popular friend group in high school just to be with them which is one of the best decisions he made in his life.

" Lucas, I think it's enough. Now, kiss and make up." Mason chuckled when he noticed how Benjamin was frowning which made Lucas sighed in frustration because he could not keep being mad when he noticed Benjamin looking at him with big puppy eyes then he just kiss the top of his head and apologized for scolding him which brought a wide smile to Benjamin's face.

By the way, these two are not dating, they just somehow have this very close friendship or bromance going on between them.

Benjamin gave his hand to Lucan who grabbed his backpack and took a little band-aid to wrap it around the other male's finger that got cut when the chair broke.

Lucas always carries the first aid kits with him just in case Benjamin gets hurt due to his clumsiness.

" TEDDY!" Mason flinched when he heard this sound coming out from the next door's house.

He immediately turned around to look at his neighbor's house just to find teddy running with his tiny legs out of the house with something that looked like a small book in his mouth.

Don't ask Mason why this tiny dog was able to carry a book in his mouth, because he is still trying to figure that out.

The person who screamed Teddy's name was his owner, Mason could easily recognize his deep voice.

" What the hell?" He heard his friends whispering that as they were watching Teddy running out of the house while his owner is running after him.

" Fuck, Mason, the car. It's gonna crush that guy." Lucas uttered after he shook Mason's shoulder to catch his attention and let him see how Teddy's Owner was literally running after his dog that has already went to the other side of the street but there was a car that seemed to not planning on slowing down coming and the worst part is that Teddy's owner is carelessly running right in front of it without realizing that.

Mason cussed under his breath and stormed out of his front yard and jumped above the fence to go stop Teddy's Owner from crossing the street recklessly.