Need To Apologize

Mason's heart was hammering against his ribs, he felt as if it could jump out of his chest at any second as he tightened both of his hands on the forearms that he was holding.

Everything happened so quickly, when Lucas warned him about how Teddy's owner was going to get crashed by the black SUV that came out of nowhere and was not stopping, he quickly jumped above the fence that's around his house and rushed as fast as he can.

The first he did was grab Teddy's owners by his forearm and forcefully yanking him away from the street, less than a second after he did that, the car passed by them leaving just dust behind it.

The car's driver was an idiot, because who the hell drives this fast in a neighborhood? Also, why the hell did they not stop even though they saw the guy crossing the street?

Only if Mason could have seen the car's plate number, he would have reported them but unfortunately he was busy saving Teddy's owner's life.

Mason was panting, he was scared because only if he was a second late, this guy could have lost his life right before his eyes.

" Are you dumb or blind? Why would you run into that car like this?" Don't blame Mason, because he seriously is still trembling in fear and worry as if this car will come back again crash the both of them.

What pissed Mason even more is how Teddy's owner is so calm. He didn't talk or even react which confused Mason a little bit.

He quickly calmed down when he realized that Teddy's owner might be shocked which is why he didn't react and stayed calm because perhaps he was not able to process what has just happened.

Mason could not understand this earlier because Teddy's owner was still wearing his shades which is why he could not see his eyes and understand what the other male was feeling.

" Teddy. Where is he?" In a fierce, calm yet serious voice tone uttered Teddy's owner in his soothing deep voice that sent shivers down Mason's spine.

His body's reaction to that voice kind of shocked Mason because not in million years, he would have expected to get goosebumps just because of someone's voice, let alone a man's voice.

He cleared his throat and slowly let go of the man's forearm "I'll get him for you." Because you must be scared…

Mason wanted to finish his sentence but didn't because he didn't want to point the male's fear out or say anything related to the accident that almost happened earlier.

Karl immediately rushed downstairs when he saw what Mason was about to do but when he noticed the latter was okay, he just stood in the front yard with Lucas and Benjamin and silently watched Mason crossing the street and ran after Teddy just to pick him up in his arms.

" You are a very naughty boy. You almost killed your owner, Teddy." In a baby voice Mason scolded the dog in his arms after he took the book out of his mouth.

Teddy started wiggling his tail and licking his hand which made him chuckle, of course the dog would not understand what he said or even be aware of what he almost caused minutes ago.

Mason looked left and right before crossing the street again to reach his neighbor who was still standing in the exact same spot on the sidewalk while looking straight ahead of him.

'How can someone be this calm? He didn't even move. He doesn't even look like he is breathing.' Internally wondered Mason as he finally reached the sidewalk " Here he is."

The calm guy just opened his hands and waited, Mason furrowed his eyebrows in confusion because he expected him to come closer and take Teddy from his arms and not wait like this.

However, Mason slowly placed Teddy in his owner's arms who gently carried him as if the dog was made from a very delicate piece of glass that could break any second.

Mason waited for him to say something or even thank him then go back inside his house but the guy just kept standing calmly.

He is so strange.

" My book?" In a very low voice tone the calm guy whispered this time which made Mason gasp in realization of the reason why Teddy's owner was standing calmly like this.

" Oh, yeah here it is." Mason gave the calm guy his book in embarrassment.

Ok so this is when Teddy's owner is going to thank him so that he can say 'no, it's okay, you are welcome' then he would apologize for yelling at him also the calm guy would say ' no, it was my bad. no need to apologize. you saved my life.' then finally they can become friends.

Well, none of that happened which made Mason's facial expressions die down when he noticed how Teddy's owner calmly walked back inside his house as if nothing happened and left Mason standing alone like an idiot.

" Did he just— I can't believe this guy…" Mumbled Mason in disbelief before walking back to his house's front yard.

Karl made sure he was okay before going back to the balcony so that Mason can be comfortable with his friends who silently watched him drinking his coffee before suddenly Lucas decides to speak " You need to apologize to that guy, Mason."

Mason's mouth hang low " Are you serious? I wanted to apologize but he literally just ignored me and left as if I didn't exist. I don't think he even wants to see my face. I don't know what I did wrong, I only saved his life."

Lucas and Benjamin carefully listened to every word that was coming out of their friend's mouth before talking " Look, I get it, but you scared him. He flinched when you yelled at him. Look at Lucas he always apologizes when he scolds me and he is my best friend now imagine a stranger yanking suddenly and yelling at you when you are scared and shocked because you almost lost your life."

Mason frowned after what Benjamin has just uttered, a pang of guilt spread all over his body when he realized how stupid he was to yell at his neighbor in that situation " I need apologize to him or else I won't be able to sleep tonight."