Chapter 2:Transmigration

The leader's name was Tai Zin, and he was very ruthless to even his friends. He could do anything for the throne, but in front of the clan he was a very good leader, and his decisions were filled with justice.

At this moment the entire hall was silent waiting for the leader to make a decision.

Because Yang Lee was silent, the elders thought that he was accepting his crime. His friends were expressionless, but inside they were also sad, but for their families sake, they had to do it

"Because killing your own blood is considered taboo, you'll be punished by death. Prepare the fire" Tai zin said expressionlessly, shocking the hall.

Yang Lee's friends were shocked to the core because this wasn't the deal they had made. Tai zin told them that Yang Lee would only be imprisoned. They didn't think that Tai Zin would directly give the order of execution.

"What are you doi….," one of Yang Lee's friends tried to speak, but he was directly suppressed by the leader's aura. Others tried to speak as well, but they were the same.

Elders did not say anything because they were afraid of offending Tai Zin, after all, he was their leader.

Guards quickly tied Yang Lee, he didn't resist at all, like he had already expected this outcome


It was evening, the sun was setting, the sky was red like blood, and on the horizon, trees were standing tall with white leaves. The scene was breathtakingly beautiful and below there was a light red fire raging high. This fire was named the soul-burning fire because it burned everything including the body with the soul leaving nothing behind. When everything in it is burned, it stops burning, not even leaving the ashes behind.

And in front of it were standing some people including Yang Lee, who was going to be thrown into the fire.

At this moment Tai Zin shouted, " throw him in". Which was done according to his orders.


In the morning, the sun rose on the horizon, the sky was clear after raining. There was a mountain filled with green trees. The mountain was huge, expanding thousands of meters. Its name was Si mountain because it possessed four types of trees in abundance.

There was a village at the top of the mountain. The village was called Bai village, the territory of the Bai clan. The streets were bustling with people and were clean. Kids were playing on the streets and roads were made of stones, looking beautiful. They were the kids of mortals and their parents were working. After all, how could the kids of cultivators play instead of gaining the teachings of their families? But there were some kids of the cultivators who didn't like studying and liked to play. One such kid was playing with his friends when he suddenly fell. The other kids thought he fell because of carelessness and started laughing. After a while, the kids thought that he was dead and started panicking. They quickly informed his family.


"How is he?" a man's voice entered the room.

"He is fine, but you need to take care of him because there are fluctuations in his soul" another voice of a man entered the room.

"Will he be fine?" a female's voice entered the room.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine as long as he doesn't suffer like this again" the second man spoke again.

Inside the room

A boy around the age of 12 was lying on the bed. It was Yang Lee, he was unable to muster any strength to stand up, but he could hear the voices of people.

"What's happening, why can't I stand up," Yang Lee thought to himself.

After some time Yang Lee understood that he had somehow transmigrated into someone else's body and this body was around the age of 12. This boy's name was Yang Zhai.

"I was schemed against big this time, even though Tai Zin wanted to save his position as a leader, he shouldn't be able to do this. If he did this to everyone who is a little popular and talented, then how could the clan rise to the heights it is today?" These were Yang Lee's thoughts

"I know that there are elders far stronger than the leader in the clan. Even though they don't appear in front of everyone, they should know what's happening in the clan, right?"

"But they still didn't stop him, this can only mean one thing. Tai Zin is only a pawn, someone else was pulling the strings but who could it be, what could that person get by killing me? I need to find out. I should go back when I am strong enough."

These were Yang Lee's thoughts at the moment.

Yang Zhai was silent, he didn't speak. After this day he remained silent for most of the time. He knew that he couldn't act suspicious if he wanted to develop peacefully. If he attracts suspicion in some way, he may have to face trouble in the future.


It was already noon outside, there were people in the room talking to each other. One male and one female, the room was mostly dark and at the corner of the room there was an oil lamp making two shadows of the people on the opposite wall. They were Yang Zhai's uncle and aunt.

"What do you think happened to him, if something happens to him then what will we do?" aunt spoke.

"Don't worry, he's fine now. But I do wonder, what happened to him all of a sudden, there was no fighting or anything else, so how did he fall unconscious? Well, this doesn't matter as long as he is fine, from now on take care of him. We need to take care of him for our son and daughter and ourselves, so make sure that nothing happens to him, do you understand?" Uncle spoke.

"Yeah, I know. But nothing like this will happen to him again, right" aunt spoke.

"Don't think about it anymore" the uncle said.


Six years passed in the blink of an eye. Yang Zhai was 18 years old now and was already at the Rank1 peak stage.

It took him almost two years to reach this stage and now was stuck at the peak stage. It took him this long because breaking through stages in a rank requires the essence water and his aptitude was very low.

There were of course other ways to advance, but this was the most basic way and also because he was poor. If he was rich or if his aptitude was good enough he wouldn't have many problems in breaking through stages and the clan would have also helped him if his talent or aptitude was good enough.

But as for why he was stuck at the peak stage for almost a year? That was because breaking through the Ranks required a lot of essence water or some other ways. To break through to the bigger rank with his aptitude was difficult, even though he possessed 51% essence water in his aperture.

Of course, he could break through if he uses his essence stones to produce more essence water, which was created by heaven and earth. But if he did this, he might go bankrupt. Even if he does this he might not be able to advance, after all, 51% was his limit and his essence water couldn't exceed this limit no matter what. If he does want to advance in this way, he needs to use his essence water and then hurriedly refill it using essence stones.

Right now he was in a battle against a young man who was his cousin, the son of his uncle and aunt.

Yang Zhai's clothes were tattered, and he didn't want to give up because after winning this battle he'll be rewarded with twenty essence stones which could help him to break through to the next rank, but he knew that he couldn't win this battle no matter what after all his opponent was already in the 2nd rank.

After a while, the elder overseeing the battle suddenly called out "the winner is Bai Lie Yi"

Yang Zhai walked off the stage with a gloomy expression.

While he was leaving the stage he suddenly heard a voice:

"Didn't I say that you wouldn't be able to win against me no matter what, but you still wanted to participate in this competition, now look at your pitiful look" it was Bai Lie Yi.

"Why don't you just beg before me, I might give you some essence stones, hahaha"Lie Yi suddenly started laughing

When he said this the crowd burst into laughter. They were also looking down on him, after all, Yang Zhai was stuck at the peak stage for almost a year, and also because they wanted Lie Yi's favor because his aptitude was second only to his sister and was nurtured by the clan.

Yang Zhai always felt that he had transmigrated to a place worse than his previous clan, but he still didn't give up and continued to work hard


Another eleven years passed, and he had finally broken through to the 2nd Rank and was now at the Rank 2 middle stage.

These years had been hard on him, and he was now more cautious than before and didn't make many friends but even so, he still cared about the people and didn't like to kill.

He remained silent for most of the time. It was like he had lost a part of himself and looked lonely, even his cousin and his enemies didn't tease him anymore because no matter what they said, it didn't matter to him or at least what they thought.

However, they didn't know that in these eleven years, he had lost everything, even his enemies. Simply because Yang Zhai wanted to keep himself away from trouble. It wasn't like before when he even spared his enemies and even liked to make them his friends.

But now whoever he made friends with would start to make trouble for him because of his personality and liked to make fun of him. They didn't make him their friend simply because they wanted but because they knew that Yang Zahi liked to make friends. So they started to play with him in a new way.

So, Yang Zhai knew that he shouldn't make many friends or his cultivation would be hindered, and he won't be able to go back to his previous clan and discover what had happened.
