Chapter 3:Bon-Hwa

Just like that, in the blink of an eye, another twenty years passed and Yang Zhai was already a peak stage expert of 2nd rank. He had already reached the peak stage sixteen years ago but wasn't able to advance any further because he couldn't find any opportunity.

Right now, he was in a forest. He had already left the Bai clan fifteen or so years ago to find an opportunity to advance. But he couldn't find any opportunity, instead, he had to endure many difficulties and trials on his journey.

It could be said that he has gained more experience than before his transmigration into this body, not because of his battles or his journey, after all before his transmigration into this body, he was a hero who had fought many battles and journeyed more times than his current body, but because of the people and their use of other people for their own benefits. 

He now understood many different things about this world and the people living in this world. But understanding didn't mean that he had changed or something. After all, understanding and changing were completely two different things. He was still the same as before, and liked to make friends, and didn't like to kill. So, what if the world was different, he still believed in himself.

Right now, he was in a cave. At this moment, he heard some noises coming from outside the cave. This cave wasn't big, at the very least a kilometer long and two meters wide. 

It was evening right now outside the cave. Yang Zhai hurriedly used his methods to scan outside the cave. He discovered that there was a man dressed in blue clothes, severely injured. This man's face was round, with sharp blue eyes and black hair. He was not tall nor short, around 5.9 feet (1.8 m). He was handsome, but right now, he was in an extremely miserable state.

Seeing this, Yang Zhai hurriedly ran out of the cave and tried to help the man.

But when the man in blue clothes saw Yang Zhai he became extremely nervous and took a few steps back and said to Yang Zhai,

"Don't come near me, even though I'm injured I can still fight"

"Calm down a little, you're severely injured, and you've lost quite a bit of blood. If you don't get treated right now you might die" hearing the man in blue clothes Yang Zhai immediately said.

"Who're you and what do you want?" The man in blue clothes said

"I'm Yang Zhai and I don't want anything from you, it was you who came here. Let me help you heal your injuries, or you might die" Yang Zhai hurriedly answered.

Right now, he really wanted to help this man, and he was a man who couldn't see anyone die in front of him, or he might regret that even though he was able to help, he didn't.

The man in blue clothes immediately relaxed, and as soon as he relaxed he fell to the ground, unconscious.

After some time, when he came back to his senses, he saw the ceiling of the cave in front of him. He sat down straight and saw that Yang Zhai was cultivating at a corner of the cave. 

"Why did you help me?" the man in blue clothes asked.

"No reason, I just don't like to see someone die in front of me" When Yang Zhai heard the man he slowly opened his eyes and answered.

"How can there be someone like that, especially in a place like this, he might be planning something.'' The man in blue clothes thought to himself while frowning.

"Don't worry, I am not planning anything, you can leave when you get better." Yang Zhai seemed to know what the man was thinking and said.

"Huh…" the man in blue clothes reacted, and his face turned red from embarrassment.

"Anyway, what's your name and how did you get injured this badly?" Yang Zhai asked.

"My name is Bon-Hwa, and I'm a lone cultivator. I used to be in a clan but not anymore. And I'm a Rank two cultivator" the man in blue clothes introduced himself.

"Right now, my goal is to reach Rank five as soon as possible so that I can go back and annihilate my enemies. How dare they accuse me of something I didn't even do," Bon Hwa said. Right now, he was furious, and his expression was distorted.

"So, what are you doing here and how did you get injured so badly?" Yang Zhai changed the topic and asked. He knew just how dangerous the world was, and he wanted to avoid getting involved with someone else's matter. Even though he was kind, he wasn't a fool.

"There's an inheritance nearby and from what I could discover, it should be of rank 4 cultivator," Bon Hwa said. 

"What do you plan to do now" Yang Zhai understood that if Bon Hwa was telling him about the inheritance, he most likely wanted Yang Zhai's help. But even though he understood it, he didn't want to get involved.

"I plan on taking the inheritance, and there's a ka that can help a cultivator advance from rank two to rank three" Bon Hwa said and looked towards Yang Zhai's face as if expecting a reply.

Yang Zhai looked like he was thinking about something. After a little while, he said, "So where is this inheritance"

Even though he didn't want to get involved, he was searching for an opportunity to break through, so he couldn't resist.

"Huh, not far away, we can reach this place by nighttime" when Bon Hwa heard it he was surprised and looked happy.

"So, when we get this inheritance, how will we split it". Yang Zhai wasn't just going to help without an agreement first.

"It's like this, there should be two kas which can help us breakthrough and some other things. We'll both split them in half. What do you think?" Bon Hwa answered

"Very well then, I agree with you, but there's one thing I don't understand, how do you know that there are kas to break through, and you know the number as well? How can you be so sure" Yang Zhai was a little suspicious of Ban Hwa. How is it that he knew about the inheritance so clearly? 

"Huh, there's a content list you see when you enter the inheritance ground," Bon Hwa said. He knew why Yang Zhai asked him that, but he didn't mind.

"Ok let's go" after saying this, Yang Zhai left the cave with Bon Hwa.


It was nighttime, the moon was covered with clouds, and there was a dense forest below filled with green lush trees.

There was a man covered with injuries and blood all over his body leaning against a tree and was panting heavily. It was Yang Zhai.

"I should've known why would a person tell his background to someone he just met, he wanted my sympathy to help him after seeing what kind of person I was and when I didn't ask about his background, he told me about the ka, he knew I wanted to break through," Yang Zhai thought to himself.

Bon Hwa was a demonic path cultivator and the background he told was wrong, this was all to gain Yang Zhai's sympathy. When they reached the end of the inheritance, Bon Hwa suddenly attacked him. Because Bon Hwa attacked suddenly, Yang Zhai was unable to defend himself, resulting in his current condition. But he still managed to get the Ka, which could help him break through.

"If I was just more cautious this wouldn't have happened," Yang Zhai thought to himself. 

After this day, he decided to be more cautious and the following events slowly turned him to be unable to trust anyone so easily without considering every angle and consequences. 

Even though he became cautious of everyone, he didn't show it on the surface to not hurt others' feelings. After all, he wasn't this kind of person. He always cared about others and their feelings. He didn't want to hurt anyone.


In the blink of an eye, another forty years passed. He had just broken through to rank 4 mid-stage a few weeks ago. He still looked to be in his twenties.

Yang Zhai was sitting in front of a waterfall and there was a garden of blue and pink flowers nearby. He was looking at the garden, thinking about something.

Right at this moment, he heard some voices, and following that he saw two girls walking past the trees and going towards the garden. He didn't say anything and just watched. He wasn't worried about the girls because they both were Rank 3 peak stage. 

The girl at the front had black hair extending to her shoulders, a slim waist, and a beautiful curvy body, her chest wasn't that big nor small but normal size, her eyes were of black color, and was wearing green clothes looking extremely graceful. The other girl also had black hair and was ordinary-looking. She seemed to be the servant of the girl at the front.