Chapter 47:Kas And Treasures

"Silence." Ren Fang said loudly, making everyone silent.

"You are here to become cultivators, so act like one. I am going to show you something; thus you need to look at this closely." 

After he said this, he moved his right hand forward. A gentle white glow began to appear on his hand, then after a few seconds, a small box, the size of half a foot, appeared in his hand. It was brown. And then his entire hand was contaminated with black color. 

"As you can see, I only made a small box appear with the help of a wood craft technique, but my entire hand was contaminated and the toll on my hand was so great that it completely became black."

"Just like that, a person's entire body is affected by the continuous use of the techniques in a battle. Some techniques leave a heavier toll than the other techniques. So, when using a technique, you must have complete knowledge of its effects." Ren Fang stopped for a while before continuing, 

"Let's continue from where we left. When humans saw that the techniques impacted their bodies and could not be used to defend themselves, they created treasures. What are the treasures?"

"They are used to defend. A treasure's main use is to defend. Almost every treasure has the ability to defend the owner. But there are some other treasures as well, like a storage treasure, which is extremely rare. As for the attacking treasures and treasures with other uses, they are even rarer. And legends have it that there existed even the soul capturer treasures and many other kinds of treasures, but they are only the legends. But the defensive treasures are quite common, as they were first created for this sole purpose." Elder Ren continued.

Just like that, humans began to gain an advantage over the beasts, and wars started to break. Heavens became enraged with both humans and beasts, so the heavens created Kas to control them. A race so powerful that it contained the natural laws of the world. It contained pure powers.

When humans discovered that this race contained pure powers and natural laws, they began to find different ways to control them. They soon came up with a way, and that was to contaminate their wills and enslave them. After humans did that, they began to dominate the world. Beasts were being suppressed by them. They soon gained the advantage and established their territories.

"And what is a Ka? A Ka is a living being, an entire race. They contained all kinds of abilities. Their shapes differ from each other. Usually, a Ka contains a single ability, but there are many Kas with two or more abilities; however, they are even rarer than Rank 5 Kas."

"As a Ka is a living being, it also requires food just like other living beings. In the cultivation world, it is also said that they require sacrifices, in another word, the food is also known as the sacrifices."

"Just like the animals, they have certain requirements for food. Some can eat anything, some require different kinds of foods. Just like earth path Kas, as the earth can contain every type of thing, the earth path Kas can also eat every type of food. However, the amount increases and the time limit also increases." 

All the kids were listening carefully and were entranced by the information being provided by Elder Ren Fang.

This was crucial information for them, and their future actions would also require this information.

"Then there are the Paths and Ways. But you don't need to worry about that yet. As it does not require your attention for now. Now, about your cultivation." Elder Ren continued on, 

"Remember this, that your aperture is only a container. Container of your essence water, your Kas, and your sun."

"What is the sun I speak of? When you advance to Rank 2, a yellow sun will appear in your aperture. It has many abilities, like it has the ability to absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world and then convert it into the essence water. But it absorbs automatically, you are not able to control the sun to absorb more spiritual energy from the outside world."

"At Rank three, the yellow sun gets another ability. And at Rank 4, the yellow sun becomes the black sun. They are extremely hard, both Yellow and Black suns. It is said that no outside force can break the sun, but if you yourself wish for it, it will break like a mirror."

"According to the legends, there are a total of 13 major Ranks with four sub Ranks, Early stage, Mid stage, Third stage, and Peak stage. To advance a sub-stage, your aperture wall needs to absorb the Essence water. "

"There are other major things that I need to tell you, but we will leave that for tomorrow: like the lines that appear in the aperture, differences between a path and a way, how to advance a major rank, and many other things." 

Kids started to clamor after the elder stopped talking. All of the information was new to them.

"Did you hear the elder? I didn't think that the techniques were this dangerous."

"Do you think that we should not learn the techniques and only use the Kas, as they are safe?"

"No, I would not recommend that. If a situation occurs where we don't have any Kas, techniques would be very helpful."

"And I did not think that the treasures existed as well."

"You didn't even know something like that? Are you serious? Treasures can basically save your life, but you didn't know this. And you want to become a cultivator."

"Be quiet. All of you should remember that regardless of what you use, whether they are Kas, techniques, treasures, or cultivation, all of them require Essence Water. Therefore, I would warn you to use your Essence water carefully in a fight, you should all learn to use your Essence Water effectively. " Elder Ren said again and continued, 

"And bear in mind that this world is a cruel place. So, always be vigilant."

"And to enslave a Ka, what you need to do is to use your essence water to suppress its mind, and when you manage to do that, send your will in its mind to try to control it by contaminating its will. You can send your will through your Essence water."

"But there are some Kas, whose wills are so strong, that there might be a backlash. As a result, your mind can get hurt, or your aperture might be damaged. In the worst case, you can even die. So, be always careful. Now I will tell you guys how to…" 

Elder Ren Fang was about to say something when the room suddenly shook violently. Everyone was confused by this as to what was happening.

On the other hand, Yang Zhai smiled. He was waiting for this moment. A thing that could help him greatly had appeared.

"It was an earthquake, don't worry, it's nothing serious." Elder Ren Fang said after confirming. The earthquake had already subsided. 

"So, it was just an earthquake. I thought we were being attacked."

"And tomorrow will be your essence water test and training session. The leader of the class will also be decided in three days." Elder Ren said.

"Yeah," all the kids heaved a sigh of relief.


At dusk, the sky was red. The sun had almost set.

Yang Zhai was sitting on his bed. He was meditating. Inside the aperture, his essence water was decreasing. His aperture wall was absorbing the essence water. When his aperture was completely empty of the essence water, he opened his eyes.

"Impressive, as I thought. My speed has increased." Yang Zhai thought.

For the previous week, he had been feeling that his cultivation speed was fast. His essence water was only 59 percent and according to this limit, his speed should not have been that fast, but it was exactly the opposite. 

Even though it was not as fast as a physique or a person with eighty percent essence water. His cultivation speed was around a person with seventy percent essence water.

"Could it be because of the Aurora that my aperture has? First, my Essence water increased, and now my speed as well." Yang Zhai thought to himself.

"There can only be two reasons:First is that because the Aurora is in my aperture, maybe that's why my Essence Water and the aperture are improving. Second, it is because my soul is linked with it. Whatever is happening, I am sure of one thing, and that is that my improvement is definitely related to the Aurora." Yang Zhai was contemplating his unexpected improvements.


Ka Meaning: (in ancient Egypt) the supposed spiritual part of an individual human being or god, which survived (with the soul) after death and could reside in a statue of the person.