Chapter 48:Do You Dare

"My name is Wang Yeol. I am going to train you from now on, but before your training, I need to know about your Essence Water limit. So, all you have to do is to stand on this tile." Elder Wang pointed at a tile that was on the ground. It was one meter in size and on one side of it were placed many essence stones. 

Elder Wang was burly and was bald. His eyes were black. He exudes the aura of a beast, it could be seen how fierce he was. He was also wearing blue attire. Even though the elders wore blue attires, all of the kids were allowed to wear whatever they liked.

"When you stand on it, your aperture will be filled by itself, and the essence stones at the side of it will be consumed according to your aperture limit. As you are only twenty-nine kids, I doubt that more than five essence stones will be used. These essence stones will help this tile fill your aperture." Elder Wang continued and pointed at another square— that was twelve inches in size— and said, 

"As you all know that this is the absorber and has the ability to absorb your essence water. When your aperture's limit is reached, the tile will automatically stop, then you will place your hands on the absorber, and it will absorb all your essence water without any failure. Let's begin."

After Elder Wang said this, kids began to stand on the tile one after another. This tile was a Rank 3 material as well, and it had the ability to absorb the spiritual energy from the essence stones and fill up the essence water in the aperture of the one standing on it. If a person's aperture could only contain fifty percent essence water, then the tile could only fill it up till fifty percent was reached. If a person's aperture was already filled, then the tile will not react. This tile was used so that nobody could lie to the academy and hide their essence water limit.

After the elder Wang checked everyone's essence water limit, he said,

"Only four above seventy percent and only one with eighty percent essence water. Whatever, let's now begin the training,"

Everyone was standing in a huge wooden hall.

Outside the hall was an empty field, but to the left side of the hall were attached two rooms. There were many rooms and halls in this Academy, but there was a certain amount of distance between them. And all the rooms and halls were in pairs of three. One room was for teaching, the second room was used for other purposes, and the hall was for training. And they were standing in the training hall.

"I will teach you guys a rank 1 earth technique today. What you need to do is learn it in three days and show me. One of you, who uses it better than everyone else, will be the leader of this class. And everyone in this class will have to listen to what the leader says, except for the decisions that harm the clan. Whoever doesn't listen to the leader will be punished, so I suggest you work hard during these three days. Now look closely, I will first show you this earth technique and then give you all, the scriptures to learn this technique." 

Elder Wang moved his left hand forward and a ball made of dust appeared in his hand. He shot it forward, and it struck a wooden puppet that was placed in front of them about ten meters away from them. Nothing happened to the puppet as this technique was only a Rank 1 and this wooden puppet was also reinforced.

"This is the technique that you need to learn. There are twenty-nine scriptures placed on the table to your left side. Everyone needs to pick one and learn it in three days. This technique doesn't leave much of a toll on your body. But remember, after you practice the technique, you still need to clean the adverse effects to be safe. And remember that your competition is also coming soon, so we must choose the leader in three days. You can leave after picking up the scriptures. However, if you need help with something related to the technique, you can ask me, but only one time." Elder Wang said.

Subsequently, everyone began to pick one scripture each. Yang Zhai also picked one, even though he didn't need to. After all, he had already learned this technique in his previous life. In fact, he had even evolved this technique to rank two. But he could not say it or deny to take a scripture with him, lest he arouses suspicion.

"Hey, brother Yang, I want you to become the leader. After all, you are quite knowledgeable, and I think you will be quite suitable. You are also aware of the clan rules. And when you saved brother Chin Mae, you were so confident speaking to the elder. I don't think anyone will be more suitable than you. Anyway, my name is Ha Kun." A boy with a fair face and dark brown hair came to Yang Zhai's side and said. His eyes were red, quite opposite to his hair. 

"Oh, so it is brother Ha. I wonder if you need something from me." Yang Zhai asked with a smile. 

"No, I just wanted to be friends with you. I am curious about what you are going to do after the Academy. I was wondering if we should sit and have a nice lunch." Ha Kun said with a smile. His aperture contained 76 percent essence water. So, a pride could be felt in his tone.

"Ah, so that's why. Well, I was just going to the Blue-Black inn. If you want, you can also come with me." Yang Zhai didn't mind. And also, for a certain plan of his to succeed, he needed some people. Thus, it was ideal for him if the people presented themselves to him.

After they left the academy, both of them went to an inn. On the front wall— above the inn's gate— was written Blue-Black inn.

Yang Zhai and Ha Kun chose a table in the middle, as it was the only place empty. Yang Zhai ordered some dishes to eat. This time, Yang Zhai ordered the meat of an Antelope. It was cooked with care and was quite tender. It was one of Yang Zhai's favorite dishes.

"Brother Yang, would you like me to order something to drink?" Ha Kun asked. He was also eating the meat of an antelope.

"No, I will just drink sparkling water. This is good for digesting and is refreshing." Yang Zhai said casually. While they were conversing, a loud voice came from behind Yang Zhai.

"Cultivators, what are they? These fools, they act high and mighty just because they managed to become cultivators. They are just lucky and nothing."

This voice belonged to a man. It seemed that the one who was speaking was drunk.

"What are you saying, brother Lan? What if a cultivator appears? You should not drink more." A man tried to stop the one who had just insulted the cultivators.

"Why are you so scared of them, brother Ki? What can they do?" The man named Lan spoke again.

Yang Zhai was listening to all of this, but he didn't mind this. It had nothing to do with him, it's not like their insults could do anything to him.

"These fools, if only I had a few techniques or Kas up my sleeves, I could have shown them what cultivators really are." Ha Kun said angrily. He could not believe that someone was insulting cultivators in the open.

Yang Zhai looked at Ha Kun's angry expression silently. Ha Kun was just acting like a well-mannered person just a while ago but was angered by just a few words now. Well, he could not blame Ha Kun, after all, Ha Kun was just a kid.

Yang Zhai kept on hearing their remarks and did not say anything. When Yang Zhai was almost finished eating, a voice came from behind.

"Hey, you two kids, you have the insignia of the academy of cultivators. I can see that you two are cultivators." The man named brother Lan said loudly and came toward them.

"You fools, do you think you can do anything to us just because you are cultivators," he grabbed the right shoulder of Yang Zhai from behind and said.

"What are you doing, you rogue, do you not understand what cultivators are? Are you crazy or out of your mind?" When Ha Kun saw the man's behavior getting out of control, he shouted angrily. He could not believe their attitude.

"Brother Lan, what are you doing? Are you crazy? They are cultivators." Another man came from behind and said to brother Lan.

"Get lost," Yang Zhai stood up and waved the man's hand away from his shoulder and was about to leave. He didn't see any benefit in arguing or teaching this guy a lesson.

"Do you want to fight with me? You fools. You cultivators are too proud of yourselves. You see us as slaves, I will teach you a lesson today." The man named Lan was too drunk to think straight and was venting his anger on the two kids.

Yang Zhai didn't mind him and kept on walking towards the exit of the inn. Ha Kun also ran to his side.

"See, they are scared of me, hahaha. Can you guys see them? They are running off with their tails between their legs. If you don't want to fight, I will just beat you," 

When Yang Zhai heard this sentence and heard the footsteps coming toward him from his behind, he turned around and said, 

"Do you dare?"
