Chapter 83:Heroic Personalities(Part1)

Yang Zhai was sitting on his bed. He pulled out the bottle of Ginger Ointment and a small knife. After that, he slashed his right palm with the knife. A deep cut appeared on his palm and the blood began to fall on the towel that he had placed on the bed.

He then applied a little bit of the Ginger Ointment paste to his wound. When he did that, the blood stopped. And the wound began to heal slowly. It was proof that the paste he used now was Ginger Ointment.

"It's real. This should do the work. Now, I should sleep and give my body a little rest." Yang Zhai stored the bottle of Ginger Ointment in his Bloody Storage Ka and slept.

The next day,

On the day of the second round of competition, ten kids were standing in a straight line. A total of four teams had passed the first round, and each team had three kids; so, there should have been twelve kids, but, since Yang Zhai was left alone from his team, only ten kids were going to compete in the second round.

"There are a total of four stages in front of you. All you have to do is to fight in these stages. The person who wins a fight will move forward to the next round. And like this, in all, a total of four people will be moving to the next round." Elder Wang was standing beside a stage. He was looking at the kids whilst explaining the second round.

Four stages were prepared in a row. Every stage was 10 meters in length and width. Every stage was made of wood. All four stages were wooden. However, these stages were very hard, even harder than a rock. So, there was no fear that rank 1 ordinary cultivators would be able to break them.

However, this was quite disadvantageous to Yang Zhai. This was because he could not use the Dug Worm Ka now. And as he was almost blinded, it was going to be difficult for him now. His eyesight had become too weak after his face was burned, he could only see slightly.

And now that the Dug Worm Ka was useless to him, he now had one less Trump card. Thus, he had to do with the techniques and the wooden fists Ka.

"Ok, you can decide the stages yourself and who would be the first to fight. Remember, no one is allowed to use any kind of weapon. No one can kill their opponent. If someone does kill their opponent, they would be executed on the spot. Ok, begin the competition." Elder Wang said this and jumped backward. He went to sit with elder Ren. 

Both the elders were sitting on chairs at the side of the four stages. Behind the elders were standing the remaining fifteen kids, whilst on the other side of the stages were the competitors' relatives. Right now, on one side were elders and the fifteen kids, opposite to them, on the other side were the relatives of the competitors whilst on the third side of the stages were standing the competitors.

After hearing the elder Wang, all the nine competitors looked at each other, obviously not wanting to go first. They wanted to examine the situation first before going on to any stage. Whilst Yang Zhai was calm and only looked forward. He did not care for anything like this. He took a step forward and everyone looked at him. They did not do anything and only stared at him, obviously, wanting to observe Yang Zhai. 

However, he suddenly stopped before he could take the second step. Then, he stood on the spot, looking like he was lost in thoughts. Yang Zhai rubbed his chin with his left hand and looked at the elder Wang.

"Elder, can I ask you something?" Yang Zhai suddenly said, taking everyone's attention. They could not understand what Yang Zhai was up to.

"What is it?" Elder Wang replied.

"If I am not wrong, you said that a person who wins a fight will move forward to the next round, and only four people can move forward to the next round, right?" Yang Zhai asked.

"Yes," elder Wang said with a smile, whilst he thought to himself inwardly:So, he caught the crucial point, impressive. He truly is a genius, he is a perceptive kid. However, if he was intelligent, he would not have asked me this question and would have kept it to himself.

"Then, which means that only eight kids can fight, the four kids who win will move to the next round, whilst the remaining two kids will not even get a chance to fight, they will be eliminated without even a fight." Yang Zhai said, startling everyone, even the audience was shocked to hear Yang Zhai.

Yang Zhai was right, the real competition was not just within the arena, but outside the arena as well. This was a trick to evaluate everyone's behavior as well as their strength. Like, no kid moved right now because they had not thought of this point. However, Yang Zhai revealed the real point to everyone, showing his perception. 

It meant that it was beneficial to go to the stages before everyone else. But, nobody noticed it and all the nine kids stood on the spot.

Thus, after Yang Zhai revealed this, everyone ran and wanted to get on the stage before everyone else.

One of the kids was about to jump onto the stage when a punch came from behind and hit his back, he fell down.

"You basta*d. Who attacks someone from behind? You are a cheater. Let me teach you to be good." That kid hurriedly stood up from the ground and got into a fight with the kid who had punched him.

On the other hand, one of the nine kids got onto one of the stages. Whilst the other eight kids got into fights below the stages.

Whilst Yang Zhai smiled after seeing this. He did not move from his place at all, and only stood where he was.

On the other hand, 

"What are you thinking, Yang Zhai? I am interested to see it. After all, you would not be so foolish as to reveal such a precious piece of information to everyone, and this smile of yours…" elder Wang muttered to himself. He smiled after seeing Yang Zhai's smile. This kid was definitely up to something.

Elder Ren heard what elder Wang muttered.

"Brother Wang, don't you see what he is up to? Check again and tell me what you understand. He only mentioned half the information. But if I am not wrong, then he is definitely…." Elder Ren said to elder Wang.

When elder Wang heard elder Ren, he looked at Yang Zhai and the other kids again. Then, he looked at Yang Zhai again.

"Don't tell me?" Elder Wang's eyes widened after he thought of something.

"So, you finally understand. That's right, he is just watching and not doing anything. He wants everyone to injure themselves and when he sees the weakest kid on the stage, he would hurriedly run onto that stage and win the battle easily. His strategy is impressive. We only wanted everyone to fight to choose a position on the stage, but we never thought that someone would take advantage of this." Elder Ren explained and smiled as well. This kid, Yang Zhai's planning mind was impressive.

"Yeah, so that's why he revealed the information before stepping onto a stage. He wanted to weaken everyone. Now, he just has to wait and jump onto a stage with the weakest competitor. Impressive, truly impressive, hahahahaha," elder Wang laughed after he saw what Yang Zhai was up to. Even they had not thought of this point.

"Yeah, everyone fell into his scheme. All the nine kids would surely regret it later and would not be able to sleep tonight after they find out about Yang Zhai's plan, hahahaha," elder Ren also laughed. It seemed that they were enjoying the show in front of them

The kids behind them:"..."

They were speechless at elder Ren and elder Wang. Were they really elders? Which elder laughs like this?

"Hey, do you think they have gone crazy?" One of the kids asked.

"I don't know."

"Do you think we should move somewhere else? I think it is dangerous to stay behind them. We can watch the competition from somewhere else. After all, they suddenly started laughing loudly for no reason."

"Hey, be quiet. Do you want to be whipped again? My back is already hurting from the ten whips that were given to us yesterday." One boy started sweating after thinking about yesterday.

"Don't remind me of that nightmare. I could not sleep last night because of the whips."

"They totally fooled us yesterday. Those senior sisters of mine fooled me into accepting five Essence stones in return for ten extra whips. They had said that they would beat me slowly, but… those ruthless devils whipped me with all the power they had and they did not even give me the Essence stones they had promised." One of the kids clenched his fists. His eyes were teary and his mouth was opened widely. 

This kid was the unlucky kid who was whipped twenty times for nothing. 

"You fool,"

"Yeah, you fool, who does that? You invited your own doom"

"Don't you know that they enjoy whipping kids like us, but you still accepted it?"

"Who are you to speak? If I remember correctly, you were whipped thirty times."

"Yeah, yeah, and what about you? You were whipped thirty-five times."

"Yeah and this girl, do you know how many times she was whipped? A total of forty-one times."

"At least I was whipped forty-one times, but you, you were whipped forty-nine times." 

Elder Wang:"..."

Elder Ren:"..."

Elder Wang and Elder Ren were speechless after hearing the kids talk. These kids were really heroic personalities.
