Chapter 84:Heroic Personalities(Part2)

All of the fifteen kids began to reveal each other's heroic stories of yesterday. It seemed that everyone enjoyed their time yesterday.

"Did you guys not faint after being whipped this many times? I fainted when I was whipped five times." One of the girls asked out of curiosity. She could not understand. Were her fellow disciples this strong that they could endure so much?

"Those devil sisters had struck a deal with healing cultivators. They toyed with us like we were being broken and repaired again. We could not even enjoy the feeling of being healed." One of the boys fell into the bowing position. His knees and hands touched the ground. His tears fell down on the ground. It seemed that he was the saddest of all.

"Forget about everyone, this great man was whipped one hundred and nine times. Even I could not control my tears after seeing his turn." One of the boys suddenly pointed his finger toward a kid. He had called the kid a great man as a respect for a great personality.


Everyone was speechless. They looked at the great personality. They saw a kid was standing at the end and his expression was serious and gray. His eyes exuded a heroic aura. His sleeves moved along the gentle wind. His eyes looked straight as if he was examining the situation.

Whaaattttttt! How did he know that I was whipped one hundred and nine times? I remember that when I was whipped, there was no kid from my class present at the moment: The kid who was whipped one hundred and nine times thought. This great man was left speechless after hearing the kid. He could not believe that his heroic deeds were revealed to the others.

"Yeah, let me introduce you all to the second great man. Look at him, this great man was introduced to the whips two hundred and fifty times." Suddenly, the same kid who told everyone about the first great man introduced everyone to the second great man.


Elder Wang:"..."

The Sky:"..."

The Earth:"..."

The Air:"..."

Elder Ren:"..."

First Great Man:"..."

Even the Second Great Man:"..."

Everyone's mouths opened wide, they were left completely speechless. Even the kid who was whipped two hundred and fifty times was left speechless.

"When did this happen?" The Second Great Man thought to himself.

On the other hand,

The three stages out of the four stages had two kids on them each. Seven kids were already on the four stages. Only one stage had one kid on it whilst the other three stages had already been occupied. Whereas two kids were fighting below a stage, they were fighting to get to the fourth stage. But Yang Zhai still did not move and kept on watching all of this from the side.

"Why is he not getting onto the final stage? Is he not afraid that the fourth stage would also be occupied? What is he thinking?" Elder Wang muttered to himself when he saw that Yang Zhai was standing still in his position and was not moving to get on the fourth stage.

"Yeah, I too am perplexed by Yang Zhai. What is he thinking? He has the best opportunity to get on the fourth stage and fight to get to the third round, but he isn't. Did we think wrong of him? Or does he have something else in his mind?" Elder Ren ignored the heroic personalities and said to elder Wang. They were baffled by Yang Zhai.

After a while, all of the four stages were occupied, with each having two kids on it. Only two competitors were left below the stages. One was Ha Kun and the other was Yang Zhai.

"Sh*t, I lost the competition without even a fight." Ha Kun was angry and stomped his left foot on the ground. 

"Ehehehe, Yang Zhai, you lost the competition. Now, you won't be our leader anymore." Si Kim said loudly to Yang Zhai.

"Hahaha, just wait till I become the next class leader, I will show you." Ci An also said loudly to Yang Zhai.

The other kids on the stages also started mocking Yang Zhai following Ci An and Si Kim.

Whilst Yang Zhai was calm and did not say anything.

When the kids saw Yang Zhai did not say anything, they flared up even more and started to shout at him loudly. 

Yang Zhai was still calm and did not say anything.

"Maybe he is so scared thinking about his circumstances after a new leader is chosen that he cannot even speak." Hong Mi said.

"I think you are right." Ci An followed after Hong Mi.

"Forget about him and let's continue our battles." Si Kim did not bother with Yang Zhai anymore and wanted to continue the competition.

After the kids heard Si Kim, they also ignored Yang Zhai and continued the competition.

The battles began, and all four stages were having fierce battles now.

Yang Zhai quietly examined all the kids that were on the stages. He tried to examine their auras, their techniques, their battle styles, and more. However, he could not see clearly anymore. He was unable to examine the kids fighting styles, techniques, and appearances. Thus, he could only examine their auras.

The battles continued, and the kids were getting injured and tired. They were already tired from the battles, which happened below the stages. But after getting into more fierce battles, these right competitors were getting out of stamina quickly.

Right at this moment, Yang Zhai took a step forward, but no one gave much attention to it. Then he took the second step, third step, fourth step, eighth step, the twelfth step, and after a while, he came close to one of the four stages.

On this stage, the two boys were fighting each other fiercely. Both of them were injured. They did not notice Yang Zhai and focused on their battle.

Yang Zhai moved forward and took a step onto the stage. When he did that, he attracted the audience's attention. Even elder Ren and elder Wang looked toward Yang Zhai.

Yang Zhai then took his second step and stepped onto the stage.

"What is he doing?" Everyone thought.

Then suddenly, one of the two boys who were fighting on the stage was sent flying out of the arena.

The other competitor looked at the reason that sent his opponent out of the arena. He saw that Yang Zhai retrieved his arm back. He saw that Yang Zhai's face was tranquil, no expression could be seen on his face.
