
"How, how is that possible? You took the bracelet from my hand right in front of me." A shocked and gloomy expression appeared on his enemy's face. He was shocked because he did not sense any aura of Ka being activated on Yang Zhai and there was also no storage treasure visible on Yang Zhai's hands.

This was the benefit of the Bloody Storage Ka, it could not be sensed when activated, and also when it was activated, no signs appeared on the hand indicating that it was being activated. This was the reason that the bracelet disappeared in Yang Zhai's left hand.

Yang Zhai simply smiled.

However, to his opponent, this smile seemed to be mocking him. He was already furious at Yang Zhai for taking his bracelet, and now, he was even being mocked. This angered him even more.

"You basta*d, don't get too cocky!!" He shouted at Yang Zhai and jumped at him out of anger.

Yang Zhai and his opponent were engaged in a battle once again. They fought with each other with their bodies again. However, there was a difference this time around and that was that his opponent was fighting out of anger and was overcome by rage. He was making many mistakes, which gave Yang Zhai the chance to overcome him.

Yang Zhai took advantage and began to gain an overwhelming advantage over his opponent. Yang Zhai jumped and kicked his opponent in the face, before running to him and beating his face ruthlessly with heavy blows. If Yang Zhai wanted to kill his opponent, he first had to break his opponent's defense. Otherwise, there was no benefit in attacking a rank 2 cultivator with a normal knife that he had in his Bloody Storage Ka, especially, a body cultivator.

His opponent's face was bleeding because of the heavy beating. However, he could endure these many injuries as he was a body cultivator. He knew that if this kept on, he would die in Yang Zhai's hands. Thus, he used his right knee to kick Yang Zhai from behind his back. Yang Zhai was thrown away because of the kick. 

Yang Zhai balanced himself in the mid-air and landed on his feet. He did not stop and hurriedly ran toward his opponent. He wanted to end his opponent before giving his opponent any chance to counterattack.

However, his opponent hurriedly stood up and began to run. It was not difficult for a body cultivator to endure these many injuries. Unless body cultivators were heavily injured to the point of death or their limbs were broken, they would still be able to run by putting in some struggle.

And even though, Yang Zhai was strong, he did not have many Kas to help him. Right now, he was not prominent in body cultivation as much as his opponent was. He did not have a strong defense, nor did he have as tough skin as a normal body cultivator would have at rank 2, nor did he have any powerful body cultivation moves to give his attacks a boost. So, how could he heavily injure a body cultivator to the point of death with his body cultivation of the same rank?

However, it still remained a fact that he was stronger than his opponent right now. He managed to injure his opponent greatly, even though not to the point of death. But, if it was maintained for a long time, his opponent would surely die in Yang Zhai's hands; thus, his opponent thought that it was better to run than die.

Yang Zhai tried to chase him, but could not do it because his opponent's speed was faster than his. And he did not go further as he did not know if there were some enemies hiding in the dark waiting or not. If there was someone hiding in the dark, then he would simply be putting his life in danger. And there was no point in chasing as his enemy was faster compared to him.

Hyun Hae had also followed Yang Zhai and came after him when he tried to chase his opponent.

"It seems he has a speed-type Ka. I should probably return back to the elders before some enemy arrive." Yang Zhai muttered and was about to return when he heard some noises.

"Hurriedly, hide and don't speak." Yang Zhai said to Hyun and hid beside trees.

Hyun also hid behind the trees as Yang Zhai said and did not speak.

"Jun Nie, tell me one thing, do you have the Second Life Ka? Did you take it or not?" Someone asked a few questions. And from the sentence, it could be seen that the person who was questioned was Jun Nie.

"What Second Life Ka? What are you talking about?" Another voice replied to the question asked.

Yang Zhai recognized the voice and also remembered who did this voice belonged to.

Why does that person know elder Jun Nie? And is it the same Second Life Ka that I have? If it is, then how did the person questioning elder Jun Nie know about this?: Yang Zhai wondered about the situation in front of him. If what he thought was right, then there was a lot more to this Ka's story than he initially expected.

After all, he had suspected something wrong the moment he discovered the Second Life Ka. 

"Oh! So, you forgot, let me remind you then. Do you remember the Ka that you gave to the third elder of the Bai clan?" The person said to elder Jun Nie.

"I don't know what nonsense you are spouting." Jun Nie declined everything that the person said to him.

"Do you know that his son is missing for almost a month? Do you know what he thinks? He thinks that you killed his son and took the Second Life Ka back." The person replied.

"What?!! So, if I am not wrong, then this sneak attack is also arranged by him. That scoundre*l, he betrayed me." Jun Nie said with a serious tone.

"So, you finally remember. Now tell me, where is the Second Life Ka?" The person said with a mocking toned and asked.

"Silent, you bastr*d" Jun Nie said furiously and jumped at his opponent, continuing the fight. He was angry about being betrayed. Nothing was going according to his plans. First, his plan failed at the Bai clan about assassinating his own son and starting a war. Then he was threatened by some unknown person, who knows a lot about him, and then, he was also betrayed. So, how could he not be angry after all of this happened?

Yang Zhai heard the fighting continue, so he ran back to the camp. He did not want to be caught up in their fight. Hyun also followed Yang Zhai back to the camp.

He had already obtained a lot of information. It could benefit him greatly if used correctly. 

And he now also knew that the third elder of the Bai clan was a traitor. After all, Jun Nie accepted this, and his opponent also said it. And after obtaining this crucial piece of information, staying back there was dangerous. If elder Jun Nie finds out that Yang Zhai knew this information, he would surely try every means to end Yang Zhai's life. Therefore, it was not wise to stay behind and especially when a fight between two experts was unfolding.

Yang Zhai did not stay anywhere else after returning to the camp, but ran directly to the academy leaders' side and stood behind them. He was aware of their strength and knew that there was no safer place right now than beside the Academy leaders.
