An Arrow

Yang Zhai returned to his tent. It was already past midnight. He saw that Si Yu was already sleeping on one side of the tent. 

Yang Zhai was also tired from today's journey. He had to travel tomorrow again: so, he went back to sleep. He was not worried about him being attacked. 

The Bai clan knew that Yang Zhai was their strongest participant and Ai Hao was a healing cultivator: so, they couldn't lose him. He was sure that there were definitely one or two people outside the tent, protecting him. Especially after today's event. 

And the third elder also needed him for his plan, therefore, his safety was certain. 


The next day, 

Four elders including Yu Ene, Yu Ane, Zihao De, and Ren Fang stood together. With them were five disciples of the Bai clan. Si Yu was also with them. 

They were getting ready to travel back to the Bai clan. 

"So, is he coming with us as well?" Si Kim asked Yang Zhai whilst looking at Si Yu. 


"But, he is not from the Bai clan." 

"So what?" 

"According to the Bai clan rules that you so speak of, no outside cultivator can live in the Bai clan without higher-ups permission." 

"So, if that is your problem, let me solve it." Yang Zhai said this and turned around to look at the third elder, 

"Third elder, if you allow me, can Si Yu also come with us?" 

The third elder looked at Yang Zhai. He would have rejected Yang Zhai before: however, he now needed Yang Zhai to do his work, so he agreed to Yang Zhai. 

"Okay, he can come with us, we have no problem, let's go." 

"Are you satisfied now?" 

"Uh," Si Kim rolled his eyes to the side. He had a chance to show Yang Zhai his position and oppress him: but, he failed. 

However, the other three elders looked at the third elder. They were wondering why the third elder would agree so easily without even asking any questions. 

They started their journey. These ten people were the only ones leaving. The camp of the Bai clan and the Ma clan still remained behind on the competition location. There were still many people there, including a few of the Bai clan disciples and the elders. 

While they were halfway through their journey and were running when an arrow came in their direction from their left side. 

Elder Yu Ene moved his palm even without looking at the arrow. When he did that, a darkness crawled on the arrow and swallowed it whilst it was still in the air.

Everyone stopped and turned to their left to look in the direction from where the arrow came. 

"What just happened?" Si Kim asked with wide eyes.

He had only felt danger instinctively and nothing else. He did not even see the arrow and the power that swallowed it. 

"Not just you, even I felt a threat instinctively for a second. And I did not even know what happened." Ai Hao's eyes were trembling and her face was covered in sweat. 

"It's simple, it's because it was pointed at you guys." Third elder Zihao said with a calm face. 


"An arrow." 

"But I don't think this instinct of danger was fully because of this. I also felt this threat and danger a while ago when the academy elders fought their enemies when we were attacked during our journey to the Ma clan. This feeling was from their fight and not just this, I could also not sense any power from them." Si Kim was still trembling when saying this. 

Even though the effect was multiplied today, he had also felt this similar feeling before. 

The power of the Black Sun. A power that can rival the heavens: Yang Zhai thought in his mind. Even though he also could not sense this power, he knew what this power was. 

Elder Yu Ene had already left in the direction of the arrow, leaving the three remaining elders to protect the disciples. 

"Do you remember when I told you about the sun that appears in the aperture on your first day in the academy?" Elder Ren was looking in the direction from where the arrow had appeared when saying this. 

"Yes, I remember it. You said that a sun will appear on rank 2 and it will turn black at rank 4, right?" 

"Yes, that's exactly what I said. The power that you felt danger from just now belongs to the Black Sun. According to records, this power is heaven-defying and that it is against heavens' will." Elder Ren spoke. 

"But, it can't go against the heavens." third elder Zihao De quoted. 

"What?!!! How can this power be heaven-defying?"Si Kim asked with a shocked expression. 

"Let me show you something." When elder Ren said this, a stone beetle appeared in his hand, then he asked again, 

"Tell me, what is this?" 

"Just a stone having beetle shape. But, why do you ask this?" Si Kim was confused as to why elder Ren asked this. 

"No, this is not a normal stone, but a Ka." Elder Ren stated a shocking thing. 

"What?!!" When elder Ren said this, Si Kim and Ai Hao were both shocked, of course, Yang Zhai also followed the flow and displayed a stunned expression as well. 

The third elder looked in the direction that Yu Ene left. All of the remaining three elders were fully confident in their skills and in elder Yu Ene as well. 

"Tell me, a cultivator can sense a Ka even if the Ka is of higher ranks, it doesn't matter how low a cultivator's rank is, right?"

"Yes, that's right." 

"But you can't sense this Ka, why?" When elder Ren said this, both Si Kim, Ai Hao, and Si Yu stood there like stones. They were completely confused and flabbergasted. 

"Many records say that the Kas activated by the Black Sun are punished by the heavens and turn into stones right when they are being activated. When they fully activate, they would have already been turned into stones. After this, only the cultivators with Black Sun can sense and activate it." Elder Ren stopped after this. 

However, nobody spoke after this. Si Kim, Ai Hao, and Si Yu were all shocked. As for Feng Qi and Qian Fa, they already knew about it. Of course, Yang Zhai was following the flow. 

"And one more thing, everything related to Black Sun is known as void power." Elder Ren said. 


Who was the one who attacked them? Was he just passing by and thought of teasing them, or was he just testing his arrows? Find out in the next episode of DBZ.