Perfect Coordination

A change, was there anything that did not change? Fate, was there anything that was not fated? Freedom, was there anything that was free? 

If one thing could affect many different things and could cause unexpected situations, then, was change a freedom? If the result was going to happen unexpectedly, then, was fate permanent? 

If something could be affected by the reaction of someone else, then was this through change or fate? 

Everything changes, a seed grows into a tree one day. But, the tree is the fate of a seed if it remains in a safe environment. The same was for a living being. A living being grows from being a child into youth and then old, then, it dies. Is this growth considered a change, or is the result considered fate? Or, could it be that these two were interlinked? If true, then what was more dominant? 

A man came running with blood all over his body. The man had long black hair and looked quite handsome. However, he had a knife pierced into his body. He was missing one of his arms. 

"Run, everyone, run. We are done for. I, I am sorry… I could not complete my task." The man said with tears in his eyes. He had an anxious and worried expression on his face. 

"Brother Yu Ene, what happened to you?" Elder Yu Ane shouted anxiously. 

The one who came was elder Yu Ene. He had gone to capture the one who had shot the arrow at them. 

Elder Yu Ene was about to fall to the ground when elder Yu Ane went forward and grabbed him. 

"Brother, brother Yu, what happened to you? Who did this to you?" Elder Yu Ane asked with tears falling down his face. His hands were trembling, and he looked at elder Yu Ene with an anxious expression. 

"Brother Yu, please… forgive me, please. I cannot accompany you on your journey. But, don't wor…worry about…me, just get out of here. Save your…lives." Elder Yu Ene could not speak properly and was stuttering. 

"What are you saying, brother Yu? You cannot leave me, we have a whole world to see."

"No, just accept the reality. You have to see the world for me as well. But, don't worry, I will always be by your side through your memories." Elder Yu Ene said with a smile. He was lying on the ground, and his face was held by elder Yu Ane. He looked upward at elder Yu Ane's face with an expression of forgiveness. 

"Academy leader, what happened to you?!! Please, stay with us." Ai Hao was scared after seeing Elder Yu Ene's situation. She hurriedly went to him and asked worriedly. 

"Elders, what should we do now?! If even the academy leader was injured like this, how strong would the enemy be?" Si Kim, on the other hand, was more on the rational side and asked the other elders instead of worrying about elder Yu Ene. 

"Master, stay with us, nothing will happen to you. I won't leave the one who did this to you. Please, third elder, do something." Feng Qi could not see his master like this, he shouted and wanted to take revenge for his master. He wanted to hold his tears but could not. 

"No, Feng, you can't. You are my favorite disciple, please run away with your uncle Master. And also, forgive me for everything I did to you." Elder Yu Ene grabbed Feng Qi's and spoke. 

"Don't say this, master, you never did anything wrong to me. Okay, you used to play tricks on me, but it's common between Master and disciple."

"I have already done everything I could. The enemy should already be arriving, just run and don't let my efforts go to waste, goodbye," Elder Yu Ene's movements were slowly becoming less, and finally, he lost his strength and closed his eyes. 

"Noooooooo, brother, you can't leave me, AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Elder Yu Ane looked at the sky and shouted with all his might. His scream could be heard even from far away. His eyes had turned red and tears fell down his face in two lines. 

"No, master, please wake up, please, you can't leave us." Feng Qi moved elder Yu Ene's face, but there was no movement. 

"Academy leader!! How could you leave us? " Qian Fa turned his head to the left, he could not look at elder Yu Ene's death. He wanted nothing more than to kill the one who did this to elder Yu Ene. 

"What will we do now? We are all going to die." Si Kim and Ai Hao were the most worried among everyone here. 

However, as Si Yu was not so much close to elder Yu Ene, he did not feel sad, but he was scared as well. 

"Brother Fen, what should we do now?" He looked at Yang Zhai and asked slowly so that only Yang Zhai could hear. 

"Just cry." Yang Zhai also went to elder Yu Ene and began to cry and thought in his mind: You basta*d, you are really good at this. Even in this situation, you did not forget your character. 

AAAAAAAAAAA!!! Elder Yu Ane was still shouting loudly. 

Third Elder:"..."

Elder Ren:"..." 

This Drama. 

However, the third elder and elder Ren's eyes twitched. 

"How, how can he be this determined?" Elder Ren had an awkward expression on his face. 

"That's enough, you idiot." Third elder Zihao De stared at Yu Ene with narrowed eyes. 

"What do you mean?" Si Yu was the first to react as he was just watching from the side. 

Yu Ene stood up and patted Yu Ane's shoulder. 

"You understand me fully." 

"What the…" Si Yu's eyes twitched after seeing Yu Ene stand up and patting Yu Ane. 

However, Fang Qi and Qian Fa did not move and looked like they had turned into stone. 

"How, how could I forget that the one I was dealing with was my master and uncle Master." Feng Qi muttered with a blackened expression. 

"Did you capture the one who attacked us?" Zihao De questioned. 

"Yes, I have already captured him, we can investigate him after returning back to the Clan." Yu Ene nodded and said. 

"Hey, you two, tell me one thing." Feng Qi slowly stood up and asked Yu Ene and Yu Ane. 


"How can you two always coordinate so perfectly and flawlessly without even speaking to each other?" Feng Qi's mood was really bad and asked slowly. His face was almost darkened. 

"Master, please don't leave me, master, please." Yu Ene made fun of Feng Qi. 

Feng Qi's face turned red after hearing this. 

"You fooool!!!" 

"What, what is happening here?" Ai Hao and Si Kim couldn't believe their eyes. 

"We have been fooled," Qian Fa still sat on the ground on his feet. He could not face himself now. 

I want to kill myself. I have embarrassed myself. 

"What the heck?" Si Yu, who was just an outsider, couldn't believe Yu Ene and Yu Ane. Especially Yu Ane. 

Si Yu:"..."

"How can he understand his brother so well? He acted naturally and continued the flow." Si Yu knew that Yu Ene and Yu Ane were brothers from their early dying conversation. 

Yang Zhai knew what was happening from the start. He was aware of their characters more than anyone here. They were called twin devils for a reason, but Yu Ane still asked what happened to Yu Ene. 

Not just that, but their acting was a little too emotional instead of rational. They were elders and were strong, they could reach this stage, not because of just a fluke. If a situation like this had really happened, Yu Ane would have taken Yu Ene and ran: of course, he would have sensed his brother's situation beforehand, so this would not have occurred. He would not have just stood there. They might seem fools, but they were not and Yang Zhai was pretty aware of this. 

And the elders also stood there like nothing happened obviously, it could only be when everything was fine. 
