
"Hyun, drink the potion before it becomes useless." Yang Zhai looked at Hyun Hae and ordered her. 

She did not reject Yang Zhai's request.

Hyun Hae looked at the bottle for a while and opened the cap of the bottle before drinking it. 

"It tastes good. I wonder if you have another one?"Hyun Hae said excitedly. Her face was still as vigorous as before. 

When Ai Hao saw that Hyun Hae was still fine even after drinking the potion, she felt a little relieved. Now, she was at least sure that the potion was not poisonous. 

She then looked at her potion, and still hesitated: however, she did not want to miss this opportunity, and if she did, she would lose it forever. 

As time was passing, Ai Hao was becoming more nervous. After all, if five minutes passed, this potion might lose its effects. Right when only one minute was left, she could not handle the pressure anymore and drank the liquid. 

When Yang Zhai saw this, he was still expressionless. However, he was thinking inwardly: As I suspected, her passion got the better of her in the end. The pressure that was increasing on her with every second broke her will and forced her to drink the potion. Now, let's wait for the result. 

"Okay, I need to meditate, you two should also rest before the first round starts. Also, this potion will take some time to take effect." 

Yang Zhai sat down to meditate. 

Ai Hao also sat in her place after examining her body and noticing nothing strange. 

On the other hand, Hyun Hae looked at Yang Zhai before sitting down where she was standing and closing her eyes. 

Meanwhile, the nearby disciples were looking at this. 

"He really gave the potion to sister Ai Hao, I am so jealous…." 

"I wish I had not listened to you and should have asked for the potion instead." 

"Do you think its effect is as strong as brother Yang explained?" 

"Who knows, we can only know after the effects take place." 

The disciples were jealous of Ai Hao and Hyun Hae. Some of the disciples even wanted to ask for the potion instead, but could not do that. 

After an hour, 

The disciples were standing in two arenas.

There were two arenas filled with the disciples of the Bai academy and the Si academy. However, one arena had the disciples of the Si academy in it, while the other one had the disciples of the Bai academy. 

"After the fight starts, you need to start fighting. Only the ten remaining disciples will be able to compete from each academy. Remember this, everything is allowed except for killing each other. However, everything is only permitted within the limits of the battle stages in which you are. Also, to win, you have to make others fall out of the arena. After the ten disciples are left in each arena, the first round will end. Now, start."

The referee explained the rules before signaling the start of the battles. 

One arena had twenty-three Si academy disciples including Yang Zhai and Si Kim, while the other one had thirty Bai academy disciples. 

However, nobody started the fight even after the referee announced the battle to commence. The reason was simple, everyone was nervous. They were just disciples, and newly awakened disciples at that. 

But Si Kim, who had a little experience in this, kicked the nearest disciples outside of the arena. Then he jumped to fight another competitor. When the others saw this, they also began to fight each other. However, nobody went to fight Yang Zhai. 

It was because of Yang Zhai's constant tempering. His authority had been ingrained into their minds so much that they did not even realize that it was a competition and they were allowed to hurt Yang Zhai. To them, it did not even occur to fight Yang Zhai. They were unconsciously avoiding him without even realizing it. 

On the other hand, the situation was even worse. 

"Die, die, hahaha, die." 

Hyun Hae was ruthlessly beating everyone that came into her sight, even Lie Yi. She showed no mercy, in fact, she was going directly for the kills with few ones. It looked like she was taking revenge or something on these disciples. Of course, everyone was saved by the elders and the healing cultivators before they were too fatally injured. 

Hyun Hae was beating a disciple with her fists. The disciple was bleeding from many places on her body. Even Hyun Hae herself had her hands injured because of beating her competitors. She was still beating her competitor when a disciple was thrown at her. 

"Uh, you fool, do you want to have a fight with me?" Hyun Hae shouted at the disciple. 

"Huh… you basta*d, you did this on purpose, didn't you?!!!" The disciple was none other than Lie Yi. He shouted at the one who threw him at Hyun Hae. 

The disciple who threw Lie Yi smiled sinisterly as if he had achieved his life's goal and could die peacefully.

"Get ready," Hyun Hae said and jumped at Lie Yi. 

Lie Yi turned around to see when he heard Hyun Hae, 

"Oh, crap, I am done." These were his final words before his welcome party started. 

"Ah," Hyun Hae punched Lie Yi heavily in the face. This punched so heavily that her hand got injured again. 

On the other hand, Lie Yi's right nose bone was broken from the punch. After that, Hyun Hae then created a hard wand with water. After that, she began to whip Lie Yi harshly. 

"Hyun, stop. No…please sister... stop. I will die." Lie Yi kept on begging, but got no mercy. 

"Don't worry, my dear brother, I will make sure that you don't die, hahaha." Hyun Hae was enjoying and laughing. 

"Why is it always me?!!" Lie Yi had this thought inwardly. 

The fight was still going on when Yang Zhai noticed a change in the elders' expressions. As nobody was fighting him, he was free and could look at the elders. 

He noticed that a few elders' expressions turned serious. 

One even looked in a certain direction. 

Yang Zhai followed the gaze of that elder and looked into the distance. After a while, a dot appeared in the distance and it began to enlarge. 

Yang Zhai's eyes narrowed after looking for a while. 

A disciple was thrown at him from behind, he hurriedly kicked the disciple out of the arena and then focused on the distance again. 

"Is that…" The dot kept on enlarging. 

It began to change into the form of an animal. 

Even though it looked like the time was taking forever, only seven seconds had passed from the moment Yang Zhai saw the dot appearing and getting enlarged. 

"I am not wrong, it certainly is… No, I need to run." Yang Zhai did not care for anything and turned around. After that, he began to run in the opposite direction of the dot. 

Then he jumped out of the arena and did not care for anything anymore. 

"What is he doing? Is he crazy?" 

"Has he gone mad? He suddenly jumped out of the arena by himself even though nobody was fighting him."

"Why is he in a hurry?!!! It's like he is running from something."

The audience and the disciples were shocked to see Yang Zhai suddenly jump out of the arena on his own. Now, even if he was fine and all, he was out of the competition. 

"Wait, what's that?!!!" Someone from the audience noticed something in the distance and pointed it there. 

Everyone looked in the direction that the person pointed and saw a Cougar appearing in their sight. At first, it was only the size of a cat, then it became the size of a dog and kept on enlarging. 

In reality, it was not growing in size, but was getting closer and closer to the people. And finally, it became the size of a horse. 

"Run," When the disciples and the audience saw this, they began to run. In a while, both of the arenas were left empty. 

Everyone began to run just like Yang Zhai. 

Cougar came jumping and landed in one of the arenas and a high-pitched noise was heard in the air. 

Everyone covered their ears. Even Yang Zhai was taken by surprise. His ears began to bleed. The same was for most people. 

"Everyone, keep on running and get out of here as soon as possible." Elder Ren shouted. 

There were a total of seven to eight elders on the scene. However, only two elders were strong enough to hold the Cougar back, including elder Ren. As for the Clan leader, the third elder, the second elder, and the academy leaders, they were not present. It was because the first round was just the start and these people were too busy to even attend the first round. 

Everyone was running. Nobody cared for anyone, not even the children or old people. Two mortals even died by getting stomped to death. 

Yang Zhai was still running when he saw elder Ren fly past him. Yang Zhai had a bad feeling. He glanced back and saw Cougar running in his direction. 
