
Yang Zhai saw that the Cougar was coming straight in his direction. 

Yang Zhai did not stop or change his direction. The one coming at him was a Cougar, if Yang Zhai turned around now, there was a chance that he would be in the Cougar's mouth the next second. 

Yang Zhai looked around himself whilst running. He saw that a man was running next to him, only two meters away, Yang Zhai could see that the man was a mortal. 

The man was running when a pit of one foot in size and a meter in length suddenly appeared in front of him. The man was caught off guard and his foot stumbled, and he fell to the ground. 

The man stood up and was about to run, but the next second, a darkness appeared in front of his eyes and he could see nothing. 

Yang Zhai saw that half of the man's body was bitten by the Cougar. It slowed the speed of the Cougar a little, increasing the distance between it and Yang Zhai. 

However, Yang Zhai was still not out of danger. The Cougar began to run towards him again after eating the whole man. 

Yang Zhai then saw a disciple of the Bai academy running in front of him. He did the same thing, and a pit of the same size as before appeared in front of the disciple. 

The disciple stumbled and fell. Yang Zhai jumped over the disciple and continued running. After Yang Zhai crossed the disciple, he heard a scream coming from behind, indicating that the disciple had also been caught by the Cougar. 

But, the Cougar began to run towards Yang Zhai again. When Yang Zhai saw this, his eyes narrowed, it was like the Cougar was specifically targeting him. 

"This is no good, if this keeps up, it will catch up to me sooner or later." Yang Zhai muttered. 

Yang Zhai could feel that the Cougar was at least rank 4 or even higher. If this kept up, he would surely die in its claws. 

On the other hand, elder Ren stood up from the ground and looked at the Cougar. 

"Crap, this Cougar is at rank 4 peak stage. How come it managed to enter the Clan unnoticed? Someone from the inside is definitely involved in this. I need to make sure that the three competitors survive." Elder Ren then ran towards the Cougar again. 

He was talking about Si Kim, Ai Hao, and Yang Zhai. After all, if even one of them died, it would be a tremendous loss for the Bai clan. 

Yang Zhai was still running, but he did not run into the whole village or its streets.

"I need to make sure that I stay near at least four to five elders. This way, even if a traitor appears from the elders, he wouldn't try to harm me in front of the other elders, even if the traitor does, I can use other elders as my shield."

Yang Zhai did not run in the whole village, or in its streets, if he did, there was a chance that someone might be waiting to kill him when he left this place. He made sure that he stayed in front of the eyes of as many elders as he could. 

He was not strong enough to do anything here, not even run. 

If a Cougar could avoid the eyes of so many elders and enter the village, then someone from inside the Clan was definitely involved in this. That someone might be waiting for an opportunity to strike. Yang Zhai had to make sure that opportunity never arrives. 

Yang Zhai had just given a man as a sacrifice to the Cougar when a leaf came flying toward the Cougar. 

This leaf was very sharp and flew in a straight direction. The air could not make it fall or even interfere with it. Yang Zhai saw that the one to attack was elder Ren. 

The leaf stabs the Cougar and leaves a wound on its body. The Cougar looks at the one who attacked it and sees elder Ren. It screams in a piercing voice at elder Ren. 

Yang Zhai covers his ears this time around. However, he still hears the voice of the Cougar, but there was no bleeding this time. He got the chance he was looking for: however, he did not run. In fact, he stays where he was, fully attentive to his surroundings. 

The fight between Elder Ren and the Cougar begins. 

Besides elder Ren was only a single elder on the scene who could fight the Cougar, his name being Daen Fa. He is a rank 4 third-stage cultivator. He goes to elder Ren and helps him. 

Yang Zhai does not stay where he was, but begins to run randomly to avoid any surprise attack. The Cougar does not care about Yang Zhai for the time being and focuses on elder Ren and elder Daen. 

Yang Zhai had sacrificed a total of seven people to the Cougar including the villagers and the disciple by using the Dug Worm Ka and digging many pits to gain time for running.

The fight continued, and the Cougar was falling at disadvantage against two opponents. When the Cougar saw this, it began to attack the surrounding people randomly from time to time. 

"Elder Daen, this Cougar is attacking the surrounding people, which is no good. At this rate, the casualties would be too many, and we might lose more disciples. You should protect the surroundings from its attacks, while I fight it alone until the reinforcements arrive." Elder Ren saw what the Cougar was doing and said. 

"Very well, Elder Ren, I would protect the surroundings. But be careful, it is very powerful." Elder Daen jumped to the side and began rescuing the surrounding people. 

In actuality, elder Ren wanted elder Daen to keep a few people on the scene so that the Cougar would not go anywhere else in the village. And also protect these people from the Cougar. This way, they could keep the Cougar on the spot and keep the damage to a minimum. 

If the village square was emptied of the people, there was a chance that the Cougar might start running amok in the village. So, it was important to keep a few people on the spot and also protect them. 

Experts didn't only fight with techniques and attacks, they would also use the surroundings and many more factors. Like how elder Ren and elder Daen were using the people to keep the Cougar on the spot. And how Yang Zhai used other people to save himself from the Cougar. 

Only a few minutes had passed since the Cougar attacked, not even four minutes. 

Elder Ren found an opportunity and shot a barrage of leaves at the Cougar. The Cougar was caught off guard and was struck by them. 

The Cougar was about to attack elder Ren, when a red light came and went past it. For a brief moment, there was a complete silence. 

And after that brief moment of silence, its head fell. The Cougar's eyes displayed fear. An image of its killer was ingrained in its eyes. 
