Chapter 5: Town Ashe

Chapter 5 : Town Ashe

Town Ashe, a town full of capable mortals who have the power of magma element. They can use magma in many ways. They are called "Ashe" and they are a sub clan of the Fire clan. They are one of the strongest among capable mortals. Ariel and Toya have entered the town and their target is to cross this town and meet Toya's friend.

"Hey, Toya."


"Is there anything interesting in this town?"

"I don't think there's anything special. "

"Is that so?"

"Ummm, I guess we can meet the magma witches."


"Yeah they are super interesting. "

"Hey, looks like there is commotion ahead. "

"Let's see."

Toya and Ariel got out of the car and went in front of a business shop called "Magshop" and they heard people saying to the shop owner, " Just give the taxes to the 'Jem Club'. They run the whole town. If you don't give taxes, your shop will be gone and we obviously don't want your shop to be gone. Because of your shop we don't have to go out of this town to gather resources to live. "

"Huh? What do they think they are? If you guys don't protest them. I will protest them until I die. Just because they are the disciple of the second strongest Ashe clansmen, they cannot do injustice to us."

"Yes we know that. But we will be dead if we don't give taxes to them."

"Hey, can I know what the commotion is about?" Ariel said to the people there.

"We can tell you about that but first, tell us who you are."

Toya stepped in and said, " Ah my name is Toya Matsuyo and he is Ariel. "

Toya said to Ariel whispering, "Play along."

"You guys are new in this town?"

"Yes!" said Toya.

"There's nothing going now. Just the richer guys are taking tax from us poor people.''

"Here they come. "

"Magshop, you guys are ready to give us the tax?" a big muscular guy said.

"No," the owner of Magshop said without any fear to that guy.

"That's very sad. Now your shop must disappear."

"Just try it, " Ariel said and stood in front of that guy.

"Ariel, you took my line, " Toya said and joined Ariel.

"Who are you guys?!"

"Random passerby."

"Then meet your end," said that guy and punched Ariel with his hand covered with magma. But Ariel dodged it. And that guy's three partners attacked Toya. Toya also dodged their attack. They both stepped back.

"Hey Ariel. Take on the big guy. I will take care of his partners."

"I was planning to do so," Ariel said and chanted ,"Wind Crafting Technique: Alice." And his sword appeared in his hand. He ran toward the big guy. His sword and that guy's hand clashes. Ariel and that guy both stepped back. On the other hand Toya took out his sword and started fighting against three guys. It was a fight against them but they were doing their best. Toya chanted, "Matsuyo Technique : Thunder Blast" and immediately thunder fell on his opponents from the sky. Ariel again attacked and they both clashed again and again.

"What's this fight about?" a guy said and interfered with the fight. The environment became silent. Wind was blowing. That man's aura was on another level. He had a hat on his head and a sword on his back. He was wearing Black pants and cloak.He had mustache which was black. His eyes were golden. He looked strong yet calm.

"Why are you coming in the middle?" said Ariel.

"Don't tell me you are the greatest samurai of this world called 'Franos'."

"Yes, I am."

"D-do-don't come near."

Toya stepped in and said, " Fight me right now Franos."

"Huh? You are just a kid. I am not interested in fighting kids. "

Toya took out his sword and attacked Franos. But Franos defended himself by using the smallest sword he had.

"Ok kid, I'll fight."

"Now you are good."

"But I will use the smallest sword I have. "

"As you wish," Toya said and attacked Franos with all might. Their swords clashed again and again. They were so fast that no one was able to see their movement. At one point Toya flew a little far and he was covered with blood. Franos ran towards him with his sword saying, "This is the end kid. "

But Ariel interfered with the fight by blocking Franos with his shield. But Franos didn't stop. He striked again and again.

"Why have you interfered, Ariel?" said Toya.

"It is a payback from before. You just lay down."

But suddenly Ariel's shield broke and Franos striked Ariel. Ariel took the damage but stood in front of Toya.

At a point, Franos stopped and Ariel fainted.

"I was fighting you. Why did you attack Ariel?"

"There is no time to answer your question. Your partner was already injured, you know."

"Ariel was injured?"

"You didn't notice? He has been bitten by a snake. Take him to a healer witch."

"Hey let's retreat for now guys," said that big guy and he ran away with his partners .

"Young men, take him to my granddaughter named Anna. She lives in the mountains. She can heal him," said the owner of Magshop to Toya.

"Why are you helping us?"

"Because you helped me and my employees. "

"Hey kid, save your partner first. I know you have great potential. Let's meet when fate lets us meet."

"Next time, I will be the winner," said Toya and took Ariel in his back and started running towards the mountain named 'Ginium'.

"Good luck kid," said Franos and disappeared.

To be continued ~~