Chapter 6: Witch Valley

Chapter 6 : Witch Valley

Mount Ginium, where the granddaughter of Magshop's owner, a healer lived. Toya had to find her in order to heal Ariel who got bitten by a snake in the fight against Luka.

"Hey Ariel, you there?" Toya said while walking forward but he didn't get any response.

"I guess you are unconscious. I don't know why you jumped in my fight while you were injured. You should not have done it Ariel. If I cannot save you now, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life," Toya said and suddenly he saw a gate.

"Look Ariel, there are maybe people here," said Toya and crossed the gate as there were no security guards. But suddenly he got attacked. He did his best to dodge it. The magma witches were attacking him from the sky. He tried his best to avoid a fight and took out his sword to defend himself and Ariel.

"You guys, listen to me. I am not here to do any harm to you guys," Toya said while dodging their attacks.

"How can we believe you?" said one of the witches.

"Can't you see an injured guy in my back?"

"You should know that we are magma witches, we are not healers."

"Of course I know it. But I was told that a healer lived in Mount Ginium."

"Who told you about that?"

"The owner of Magshop. He said Anna was his granddaughter and she will be able to help me and my friend."

"Huh? Grandpa Ucap told you about sister Anna?"

"So his name was Ucap? I guess I should have asked him before. Anyways, yes he is the one who told me about Anna."

"Hey, stop attacking and take him and his friend to leader Gratina."

"Ah yes, please take us to Anna quickly otherwise my friend will die."

"What is your name?"

"My name is Toya Matsuyo."

The witches stopped attacking Toya and Ariel and they took both of them to Gratina who was the leader of the witches of that Witch Valley.

"So you are their leader Gratina?"

"Yes I am."

"Let me go through this valley."

"Why do you want to go through this valley?"

"I want to meet the healer Anna and ask her to heal my friend Ariel."

"Why do you think Anna will heal your friend?"

"She will. "

"You are that sure?"

"I am sure of it."

"Ok I will let you go through this valley but first you will have to pass a test."

"A test?"

"Yes, you will have to defeat my most powerful witch all alone to pass the test. "

"Why are you testing me?"

"Why shouldn't I test you? Anna is the only witch in this world with both magma and healing power. I just cannot let any random human meet her. You have to be strong enough to meet her."

"You know, you have given me an easy test. Although I am a samurai, I can beat your witch in some moments."

"Try it."

"Ok then, where is your strongest witch?" Toya said and put down Ariel and took his sword out to fight the strongest witch of Gratina.

"My strongest witch? That's me myself."

"Huh? So you will fight against me?"

"Yes, let's do it, " says Gratina and chants, "Magma Magic: Magma Bullet" and shot bullets of magma on Toya. Toya also used his sword to defend himself. Toya moved forward while dodging her. But Gratina didn't stop and again chanted, "Magma Magic: Magma Blast" and Toya also spelled "Matsuyo Technique : Strike of Water". Both their attacks clashed and Toya went too close to Gratina but Gratina changed her focus and shot a magma bullet on Ariel. Toya noticed it and ran with full speed to defend Ariel. And he successfully got in time and saved unconscious Ariel from Gratina's attack.

" Congratulations! You have passed the test," Gratina says and stops attacking.

"Eh? How?"

"I was testing your loyalty and you proved that you are really royal."

"Now let me go through this valley. I have already wasted a lot of time."

"Don't worry about that, one of my witches will deliver you to Anna's place and also take this later with you. She won't refuse you if you take it."

"Thanks Gratina. "

"Take care of your friend."

A witch took Toya and Ariel in front of Anna's house near Mount Ginium with her magical broom which can fly. Toya knocked on her door.

"Yes, coming." Toya heard a voice from the house and the door opened. He saw a beautiful woman who was wearing a blue colored witch's dress with a black hat.

"Who are you?"

"I will tell you that later but first heal my friend."

"Come in and place him on the bed."

Toya enters the house and puts Ariel on the bed.

"He has been bitten by a snake?"

"Yes. "

"Oh no! It looks like he has been bitten by a deadly snake. I have to heal him fast, " Anna said and chanted,"Oh dear God, let me heal this innocent human."

Toya saw green light and noticed that Ariel's wounds were getting recovered. After some moments Anna stopped. Ariel's wounds were completely healed. But still he was unconscious.

"We will have to wait for him to wake up. Show me your wounds. I will heal you too."

"Please do that and here is a letter that I was asked to deliver to you by Gratina."

To be continued~~