Chapter 7 : Anna

Chapter 7 : Anna 

"Sister Gratina sent me a letter!" Anna said with a smile on her face. 

"Please read it," Toya said to Anna. Anna read the letter. After reading it,  she became happy.  She sat on her table and started writing a letter for Gratina. 

"Hey Anna."


"Why do you live so close to this mountain all alone?"

"There is a big story behind it."

"What is that?"

"You want to hear it?"

"Yes,  it will be  a perfect way to kill time."

"Are you sure about it?''

"Yes. Say it already."

"Mount Ginium was not a mountain back in ADE 106 when I was 10 years old.  It was a kingdom named Ginium. My father Marto K Magma was the king of Ginium. Three years later in ADE 109,  our kingdom was attacked by the Zuck's General named Alfred Costa and his force."

"The kingdom turned into a mountain then?" 

"Alfred Costa was an Earth elemental user. Our army fought against him for one long year. In ADE 110, our army was defeated by his force and my father had to surrender. My father let me and my mother escape with five soldiers. But we were attacked by Alfred's force halfway. The five soldiers gave their life protecting me and my mother. Later we fled to the Witch Valley where Gratina helped us. Alfred used his powers to make a volcano here and it was named Mount Ginium."

"That is a sad story. What about your mom? Where is she now?"

"She died one year ago due to illness."

"I am sorry."

"That's fine."

"Then what is your relation with Magshop's owner?"

"Oh! Grandpa Ucap is my mother's father who lives in Town Ashe."

"He is the one who told me about you. Why are you here instead of Witch Valley?"

"I left Witch Valley."

"Why though?"

"I want to get stronger and stand in front of Alfred and ask him why he attacked our kingdom."

"Again, how are you able to use healing magic?"

"My father was a magma magic user and my mother was a healer.  So I can use both of them easily."

"So that's it."

"Enough of knowing about me.  Tell me about you and your friend."

Toya said about his and Ariel's journey up until now and while talking they heard a voice from behind, "Hey Anna."

"So you are awake Ariel."

"Sorry for the trouble Toya."

"That was nothing."

"Are you feeling good, sir Ariel?"

"Umm, yes thanks to you I am totally fine now," said Ariel and got up from the bed.

"You should take some more medicines for your recovery," Anna said and gave Ariel some more medicines. 

"Are these herbal medicines?" Ariel asked.

"Yes they are. I made them myself."

"Ok I will take them," Ariel said and took the medicines.

"Hey Anna, can I ask you another favor?"

"You can."

"Join me and Toya in our journey. I am currently willing to defeat the King of Kings and general Alfred Costa is one of his swords that he uses in any way he wants to use. I believe he is the one who asked Alfred to attack Ginium."

"How did you know about my story?"

"I was awake."

"How can I believe you when at our first meeting you were all beaten up and unconscious? "

"I will get stronger," Ariel says with a confident face.

"How can you?"

"Time will tell you."

"I guess I will join you guys but I have a condition."

"What condition? "

"It is not a condition but you have to promise me that you will give me the chance to ask Alfred Costa why he attacked Ginium."

"Ok I promise you."

"Then get ready."

"Wait Ariel,  we have to help sir Ucap at first,'' said Toya.

"What has happened to grandpa?" Anna said with a worried voice.

"He is fine but his shop is getting troubled by Jem Club."

"Yeah,  I was thinking about it also. Let's go there Toya," said Ariel while putting his dress on.

"Wait you guys. Let's go on my broom.  We will be able to go there fast," Anna said and took out her magical broom.

"Will your broom be able to carry us three?" said Toya.

"Yes, it can carry five people at its highest."

"Ok let's get on it," Ariel said and three of them get on the magical broom. It started going to Town Ashe at full speed. They landed in front of Magshop.  Anna saw Ucap and jumped on her saying, "Grandpa, I missed you."

"I missed you too dear but why are you here?"

"I will be joining them in their journey. "

"I see."

"Grandpa, why didn't you tell me Jem Club was troubling you?"

"I didn't want to bother you."

"You should have told me grandpa.  Beating them is an easy job for me."

"I know it dear. Still,  I don't want to make any trouble for you."

"So you guys are back," said the big guy of Jem Club.

"Yeah, this time I will finish our incomplete fight."

"Come on you wind peasant."

"You will be a peasant in a few moments," said Ariel and chanted "Alice" and Alice appeared in his right hand and he jumped towards that big guy. But his other workers blocked Ariel. Toya attacked them and cleared the way for Ariel. Alice and that big guy's hand clashed.  Ariel dodged a punch,  went down and striked to cut down that guy's hand. He was screaming in pain and at that moment Ariel made him faint. 

"So this ends our fight."

"Hey Anna,  can you heal him?" said Toya to Anna. Anna healed that big guy and his workers. Ariel then tied them with wind rope. 

"Thank you young men."

"That was nothing compared to your kindness sir," said Ariel.

"Please take care of my granddaughter. "

"Yes we will."

"Grandpa, stay good until I come back."

"Yes I will try."

"I will be going now."

Toya and Ariel got on Ariel's vehicle and went out of Town Ashe and Anna followed them in her magical broom.

~Town Ashe arc end~

To be continued ~~