Chapter 10 : Toya's Fight

Chapter 10 : Toya's Fight

After the impact, they both came down on the ground.

"You are quite powerful," Toya said to Filips.

Filips said, "Same goes for you." This time Toya accelerated towards Filips. Filips defended himself and backed down. Toya again striked Filips. Filips backed down. Toya lowered his body and jumped to punch Filips's chin. Filips predicted the attack and raised his knee targeting Toya's stomach. And he effectively got Toya. Toya tried pushing Filips but he failed. Filips punched Toya on his face. Toya made some distance but Filips had enough stamina to attack Toya with his hammer and he did. Toya was close to losing his balance but he fenced Filips's hammer. Filips pushed Toya more and Toya's knees touched the ground. The ground cracked a little. But Filips didn't stop. He pushed Toya more and more and at a time the ground broke and Toya was at the bottom. There were rocks and dirt everywhere. Rodric defended himself by creating barriers around him.

"So this is the power of a Zuch Officer," Toya said and laughed.

"Isn't this enough for you?" Filips said.

"Of course this is not."

"Look how miserable you are right now."

"Just because you pushed me and broke the ground doesn't make me miserable."

"So you are saying you can go on?"


Toya ascended and grasped his sword. He jumped. Filips was excited after seeing Toya jumping. Toya striked Filips at a high speed and Filips was unable to defend it. Toya turned around and striked Filips again. Filips became annoyed and loudly said,"Toyaaaaa!!!!!!!" and swinged his hammer and threw it towards Toya. Toya dodged that hammer but Filips punched him with his icy hand. He hit Toya but Tiya didn't back down and pushed his head forward and striked Filips's chest. Filips was shocked as no one was able to strike him some moments ago. Toya was the one who striked him. Filips was bleeding. At that moment Rodric canceled all of his barrier magic and created a barrier around Filips. Filips was amused.

"You are as good as I expected Toya."

Toya said, "This is your end." and chanted, "Matsuyo Technique : Thunder Strike" and striked the barrier five times without any break.

Filips said, " You are not a capable mortal."

"No, I am not."

"Then how can you use elemental powers?"

"It's called Elemental Weapon. Mine has two elemental cores mixed up with it's metal. One's a thunder core and another one is a water core. Anyways I shouldn't tell you much as you are my enemy."

"What enemy? I have been completely defeated," Filips said and laughed.

"Your friend is protecting you right?" Toya said and rushed towards Rodric. Toya was way too fast and Rodric didn't have the time to make a barrier. Toya cut Rodric's right hand and he started screaming in pain. The barriers were gone. Seeing Toya cutting Rodric's hand, Filips landed a punch on Toya but he was late. Toya dodged and chanted "Thunder Strike" and slashed through Filips.

"T-t-toya, you shouldn't have touched Rodric," Filips said while crawling towards Rodric. Rodric lost his consciousness.

"You guys should have thought twice before attacking me and my friends."

"You will pay for it, Toya."

"Don't worry Anna will heal your friend."

"We don't need the mercy of a guy like you. "

"Guy like me? You haven't seen the dark part of humanity."

"I will kill you next time."

"Why next time? Kill me right now."

"Enough of your shit. Soldiers catch Toya Matsuyo right now!!!! "

The Zuch soldiers changed their focus and marched towards Toya. Anna took that opening and attacked them with thousands of magma bullets and balls. Many soldiers were injured. Some were able to come closer to Toya but Toya either broke their bones or made them unconscious.

Anna shouted and said, "Toya! My mana is touching it's bottom. We have to leave."

Toya marched toward Anna clearing his path by himself and got on Toya's magical broom.

Filips loudly said,"Toyaaaaaaaa! I will cut all your limbs the next time we meet."

"To meet, you will have to survive my final strike," Toya said and chanted "Thunder Strike". There were blows of thunder around the area. Toya and Anna left that area safely.

"Hey Toya."


"When did you become so violent? "

"From my birth."

"Stop joking."

"I am not joking but cutting one's hand made me violent?"

"You should know that bounties will be issued on us. The Zuchs will hunt us down. They won't let us travel peacefully."

"Yes, I knew that."

"Then why did you?"

"If they try to hunt us, they will be the one to be hunted."

"Think seriously, Toya.''

"There is no time to think seriously. We have to find Lig now. He has the vehicle we need."

"Do whatever you want."

"Then follow me."

"Do you know where he is?"

"Yes, I followed Ariel last night."

"And Ariel didn't notice you?"

"I don't know."

"How goofy can you be, Toya?"

"Depends on the situation."

"Ok I will follow you to where Lig is."


Sapiens Town was in chaos as there were multiple earthquakes in their city. They started taking shelter. They didn't know what was the reason behind the commotion. The city guards called the Zuchs for backup. The town's entrances were guarded tightly. They allowed none to enter the town or leave the town. In this chaotic situation, the head of Sremirs named Gilgaish Wolf entered the town. He was wearing a black coat. He had a scar on his face. He had a sword with him. He was tall. He gave a different vibe than others. As he was advancing to find Lig he met a lot of people in his way. Some smiled at him and some were disgusted. His aura varied from person to person. But he didn't care about them. He noticed the thunder strikes in the sky. He knew something was going on. He went towards that way and found the Zuchs.

Filips took Rodric in his back and got on the Zuch's official trucks. There were many injured but no one was dead.

To be continued ~~~