Chapter 11: General Milstar and Ariel

Chapter 11: General Milstar and Ariel

"Well how do you know my moves won't work?" Ariel said and striked Milstar with Alice. 

"You don't have logic," Milstar said and blocked Alice with his metal shield

"I don't need logic in the first place," Ariel said and backed down. They both hear the sound of thunder.

"That's your friend fighting?"

"Yes, that's him. I am pretty sure your officers are out by now."

"What is he?"

"Ever heard of the Matsuyo clan?"

Milstar's face was full of both excitement and fear. He was grinning.

"That Matsuyo clan?"

"The ones who destroyed seven generals and their fleets.  The ones who were the reason behind the death of the current King of King's family. And Toya is now the head of that clan."

"Why has he joined you?"

"His goal is similar to mine."

"What does he want?"

"A peaceful world."


"Yes,  he is not like the previous Matsuyo heads."

"You know your goal is only imaginable."

"Why do you think so?"

"There are many others who want to become the King of Kings and don't forget the Zuchs."

"Why are you advising me?"

"That's not any advice. That is reality."

"Nice joke."

"You will be dead on the halfway of your goal."

"You are predicting this?"

"Yes, I am."

"Save it for the time when I will become your boss."

"Keep dreaming."

"Enough talk. Let's start the fight."

"You mean me beating you?"

"I mean the opposite of your imagination."

"You are annoying me."

"Sorry for that."

"Shut up."

Milstar marched towards Ariel. Ariel got in his position to fight. He jumped when Milstar was going to punch him and rotated his body 360° in the air and striked on Milstar's head with Alice. Milstar metalized that part of his body and defended his head. He backed down after the impact. Ariel landed. He charged towards Milstar with his Alice. Milstar quickly made a metal shield and defended himself. Ariel striked again and again. Milstar was backing down. He was trying to find an opening.  At that moment, Ariel jumped and Milstar knew it was his only chance. He made a metal sword on his hand and striked Ariel.

On the other hand, Ariel was creating small tornados in his nails just like wind bullets and he threw all ten small tornados at the same time and they turned into big tornados.

"Agh! So this was your plan," Milstar dropped the idea of attacking Ariel and striked his sword down in the ground to prevent himself from being blown away by the tornadoes.

"Yes,  it was. I learnt this move before beginning my journey.  And I named this 'Tornado Assault'."

"Your plan is a nice one but can you survive the tornados yourself? You are blowing up too."

"Yeah I can't. But I surely can change the direction of these tornados."

"You will lose."

"We will see about it."

The tornados got more powerful. Ariel changed their direction and he landed on the ground some meters away from the tornados.

"How are you feeling, Milstar?"

"Me? I am feeling good because I will catch you now."

Milstar turned his left hand into a spear and threw it towards Ariel at a high speed.  Ariel took out Alice but he was slightly late. Milstar's spear stabbed his right hand.  Ariel was bleeding. The tornados vanished as their existing duration hit it's end (they existed for five minutes actually). Milstar used his sword to stab Ariel's left hand and threw him away. Ariel tried to get up. But he couldn't as his hands were not working. Ariel used his remaining energy in his legs and got up somehow. He tried to kick Milstar but Milstar punched Ariel's legs with metalized hands.

"As I said before, it's your end Ariel K Wind.

Ariel was losing consciousness as he lost much blood. His vision was becoming blurred. Milstar swung his sword to deliver a final strike and kill Ariel. But someone  catched his sword from behind.


Milstar got chills after hearing the voice. He was feeling like running away but he looked back and saw Gilgaish Wolf. 


"Yes it's me."

"Why are you here?"

"I have some business."

"Let go of my hand."

Gilgaish let go of Milstar's hand. Milstar jumped and made some distance. 

"This city shouldn't have any Sremir."

"No it doesn't have any."

"Then why?"

"There are people to help the Sremirs."

"I will retreat for today."


Milstar left the place quickly.

"Heyo kid," Gilgaish said to Ariel.

"A..are you a Sremir?"


"Lig…..woods." Ariel said and fainted. 

"Thanks for telling me about Lig."

*Some hours later*

Ariel opened his eyes and he could hear some noise. He said, "Wh..where am I?"

"Ariel you woke up?" Toya said while driving.

"I was in the ground right and where are we? Why is Anna sleeping?"

"First,  Anna was tired after healing both you and me.  Therefore she needed some sleep to recover her mana."

"Why am I here and what about Lig?"

"You are here because Gilgaish Wolf saved you from getting killed. He appeared in Lig's hideout suddenly when I was talking to Lig. He took Lig in his big pet dragon. And Lig gave me the vehicle named Dynasty you asked him to make for us before Wolf took Lig with him."



"What kind of vibes did Gilgaish give you?"

"Creepy one."

"I see."

"What about you?"

"It was neutral."


"It was neither creepy nor good."

"I have a feeling that we shouldn't make Gilgaish Wolf our enemy."

"Is he our enemy?"

"No. But still be careful."

"We will be getting bounties now."

"I guess our bounties will be issued by tomorrow morning."

"That's a good thing."


"Having bounties means the King of Kings and the Zuchs have acknowledged us."

"I can't think like you."

"I guessed so."

"Anyways we shouldn't use your identity to enter any town or city."

"You have got the 'Permission to Travel Letter'?"

"Yes. Gilgaish gave me one."

"Good for you. Wake me up when we will be in the next town."

Sapiens City arc end~

To be continued~~~