Chapter 30: Firik VS Arthur

Chapter 30: Firik VS Arthur

Ariel and Anna woke up from sleep. They came to the first floor and saw Arthur going outside. They called him but he didn't hear them. However they followed him and went outside. Arthur was looking up without moving. 

"Arthur….?" Anna said.

"Anything happened?" Ariel said.

"Can you guys fight right now?" Arthur said.

"Why?" Ariel spoke.

"There is fire coming from the direction of the city," Arthur spoke.

"What are you talking about?!" Anna spoke and she was surprised.

"Get on me," Arthur said.

"How will you take us there?" Anna said .

Arthur calmed down and closed his eyes. He chuckled and screamed,"Hyaaaaaaa!!!!". Two wings came out from his back and they were colored like the sun. 

"This is the result of Half Manipulation," Arthur said.

"That's cool," Ariel said.

"Grab my legs," Arthur said and started flying. Anna and Ariel grabbed his leg and they started for the city.

In the city Arfilt and Firik continued fighting. There were casualties everywhere. 

"I again ask you to go back,Firik," Arfilt said.

"Why should I?"

"You will be killed in no time."

"What do you have to kill me?"

"I am the king of giants."

"But you don't have elemental powers, right?"


"Nithius Second Form: Fire Titan," Firik chanted. Fire started coming out from his body. His body took the shape of a titan which was as tall as Arfilt. It had a body which looked like a human and Firik was inside of it controlling the titan.

"Now this is an equal fight," Firik said.

"So you have the greater power. This will be fun."

They both exchanged multiple punches. Firik was losing a lot of stamina as he was using Nithius. Arfilt didn't hold back and kept fighting. They were both on their edge and at that time Firik summoned his sword . His cut through the chest of Arfilt.

"Agh… you did it…. Firik."

"It's your end. Any last wish?"

"I do have one but you are not the one who will fulfill it."

"Then who will?"

"The one for whom you destroyed this city."

Firik heard noises coming from far away. He canceled the second form and enabled Nithius First Form: Fire Battleman . He saw Arthur in the sky. He was rushing towards Firik. 

"Come here Arthur!!!!!"

"Get out!!!!" Arthur said and landed. He wasted no time and rushed towards Firik. They both clashed. Arthur had an axe and Firik had his sword. Ariel and Anna also landed with Arthur. 

Toya and Ronald rushed towards Ariel and Anna. There was fire everywhere and the injured body of Arfilt was on the ground. 

"Anna, you need to heal him," Toya said  .

"But who is he?" Anna said.

"He is the Giant King , Arfilt," Toya said and grabbed Anna's hand. He took him to Arfilt and Anna started healing Arfilt.

Ronald and Ariel also attacked Firik. Firik was fighting against three. 

"Are you also …..with Ariel K Wind?" Arfilt said to Anna. 

"I am. But why?" Anna said.

"I want to see his face."

"You will after I heal you."

"My time is over. Where is Arthur?"

"He is over there fighting Firik."

The three of them pushed Firik back. He lost his stamina. But Ariel alone rushed towards him. He summoned Alice and delivered a slash but he was late. Firik punched him and he was pushed away . Seeing Ariel being pushed, Ronald also rushed towards Firik and shot twelve ice elemental bullets.

Firik punched Ronald also. Arthur and Firik were face to face.

"Come with me Arthur," Firik said.

"Never," Arthur said and clashed with Firik again. They kept fighting without any break.

"So this … the power of…..Nithius," Ariel said to himself. He  crashed against a building and it was broken. Ariel got up but he was injured. He saw Arthur and Firik fighting against each other. He wanted to join them but his legs admitted defeat. He couldn't walk .

Moreover, Firik found an opening and pushed Arthur far away. He then attacked Toya and Anna with a Fire Blast. Toya tried his best to protect Anna but he was pushed away with Anna too.

Firik walked to Arfilt and summoned his sword. He walked on Arfilt's bodh and reached over his heart. 

"This is your end ," Firik said and pierced the heart of Arfilt. Arthur saw it and he was extremely shocked. He lost control over his body and mind. He flew towards Firik with full power and full speed. Firik couldn't see Arthur and got hit. Arthur kept punching him without any stop. Firik could do nothing but taste the punches. He was getting hurt. Arthur couldn't control himself. His body became so hot that no one could endure it. He was burning like the sun. There was gas coming from his body. But he continued punching Firik. Anna, Ariel , Toya and Ronald wanted to stop him and shouted and asked him to stop. Ariel couldn't move but still shouted.

"Stop!" Arfilt said and Arthur heard it. He stopped. Firik was half dead and fell on the ground. Arthur rushed towards Arfilt.

"Stop my son," Arfilt said.

"You will be okay. You will be okay."

"My time is over."

"No no no no."

"Can you do me a favor?"

"I can't believe it. I can't believe it. You will be fine. Don't worry."

"Call … ……"

"You will be fine . You will be fine."


"Dad….you can't go," Arthur said and started crying.

"Thanks son. Live long and FOLLOW HIM!!!!!!" Arfilt said and breathed for the last time. He died . Arthur was broken. He was crying and screaming. Ariel  tried his best to stand up but he couldn't. The others came to Arfilt and they were crying over his death. 

Firik stood up and said," He finally died."

Firik was laughing. Ariel stood up but his legs were broken. He somehow walked towards Firik. He came closer and threw a punch to Firik but it was weak. He hit on his chest but Firik felt nothing.

"Who are you?"


"You are? You are such a weakling," Firik said and kicked Ariel's stomach . He was pushed away but he couldn't defend himself. But he was caught by one person who was flying. Ariel was surprised. That person put Ariel on the ground. 

"You will be ok," that person said to Ariel. He flew towards Firik . Ariel saw him. It looked like he was a water elemental user. 

"Why are you here?"  Firik said to that person.

"I was supposed to come here earlier but it looks like I am late."

"What do you want,Kircheis , right hand of Peacemaker?"

To be continued~