Chapter 31: Kircheis Strikes!

Chapter 31: Kircheis Strikes!

"Don't you dare to say Peacemaker," Kircheis said with a deep voice. 

"Why? Is this because he is dead ? Or is it because he was killed ?"

"You crossed your limits," Kircheis said and flew to Firik at a high speed. Firik noticed him but he was late. He got punched in the face . He fell on the ground. 

"This was for saying Peacemaker," Kircheis said and stepped on the ground. He approached Firik. There was enough distance between them. 

"You have done it Kircheis," Firik said and stood up. 

"Let's settle it," Kircheis said.

"Not today. Those brats caused me a lot of damage ," Firik said and his wings came out . He was floating on the sky above a few inches while moving his wings. 

"You didn't tell me why you came here ," Firik said.

"Heard Ariel K Wind was coming to this city and so I decided to come here and meet him."

"What business do you have with that weakling?"

"Weakling huh? That weakling now has a bounty of twenty hundred thousand gold coins."


"Where is he now?"

"The one whom you saved is that weakling."

"So I was not wrong."

"The next time we meet , we will settle the business," Kircheis said and flew away. The Giant City was still on fire. Their leader died and many other giants too. Some were injured . Some were alive. They were helping each other. 

Ariel was injured. His legs were broken just because of a punch by a Nithius user. He had realized how powerful Nithius users were. Anna healed his legs and it took a lot of time.

Meanwhile Toya and Ronald helped the giants alongside Kircheis. Kircheis was a water elemental user and he easily put off the fire. The giants were getting treated by the giant doctors. 

They suffered a huge amount of loss due to this invasion. Thirty percent of their population was killed and moreover their leader was killed. Their only hope was the son of the Giant King , Arthur. 

Arthur was sad because of losing his father. He didn't know what to do . He returned to his home deep in the jungle. No one was able to stop him. 

Giants alongside White Eagles and Kircheis gave the dead ones proper burial. The whole city was shocked but they didn't lose hope and started to build their city. The leadership was most likely to be gone in the hands of the disciple of Arfilt named Naoya.

Naoya was as strong as Arfilt as he was trained by Arfilt for years. He was the second strongest giant when Arfilt was alive. Furthermore , he had a great relationship with the giants and he was very friendly and well behaved. An he had a strong sense of leadership which made him the perfect figure to be the Giant King

That day was terrific for all of them. Evening passed and night came. The giants gave White Eagles and Kircheis  shelter. Ariel was mostly healed and he could stand up and walk. But he didn't as it hurt whenever he tried to walk for a longer time.

Anna also healed both Toya and Ronald. They were in better health than Ariel. Anna was not much hurt and so she went outside to heal the giants. 

Meanwhile, Kircheis entered the shelter where Toya, Ronald and Ariel were resting. 

"Ariel K Wind?" Kircheis said.

"That's me," Ariel said and got off the bed. Toya and Ronald were sitting on the floor. 

"As expected, you are too weak to fight Victor."

"What do you mean?"

"You cannot even use Nithius." 

"I can't….."

"Huff….that will be tough," Kircheis said and sat on a chair.

"Tell me about you," Ariel said.


"Yes, you."

"I am just an old man traveling here and there."

"That fire guy was saying something else."

"What was that?"

"Right hand of Peacemaker."

"Add a 'former' before it." 

"So who are you?"

"He was not wrong but he wasn't correct also."


"Yes, I am the right hand of Peacemaker Drajil Winder."


"Yes, Drajil Winder was called Peacemaker who made the Contract White and he was also my friend and king."

"How powerful was he?"

"Powerful enough to rule the world."

"Tell me more about you and him."

"Drajil, he was a kind guy. He didn't know how to make good jokes and laughed at his own jokes. He had great sword skills and that's it. He was nothing special . Still he wanted to rule the world . He had that attitude to accomplish his goals."

"Sounds like he was a great guy."

"He was one. I met him when I was nineteen and I was the first guy to join his crew. Then we both started training hard and recruited fifteen more members . They each had amazing skills and we joined in the war as the third party . We seventeen were powerful enough to dominate both fighting sides. We drove into a corner and they declared to stop the war."

"And then?"

"Drajil made the Contract White and he was crowned as the King of Kings. His leadership and behavior was so good that every other King obeyed him. That includes the father of Victor.''

"Father of Victor?"

"Yes, he was named Winril Water and he was the previous king of Water City."

"How did Victor become the King of Kings then?"

"There is a long history but I will describe it in short."

"Go on."

"Drajil was …...killed."


"Victor killed him of course, otherwise he couldn't be the King of Kings."

"But how did he do it?"

"You know that  I was his right hand , right?"

"Yes ….."

"There was a left hand too….."

"Who was he?"


"How did he do it?" Toya said and interrupted.

"That's the tragedy. Victor ruled forty long years but he was killed by the water prince."

"How did it all happen?"

"Victor is a clever guy and he used Franos to kill Drajil."

"That makes no sense."

"I didn't believe it either, but it is all true."

To be continued~