Chapter 33: Ariel VS Arthur!

Chapter 33 : Ariel VS Arthur!

After Kircheis left Giant City, White Eagles went back to the shelter . They did nothing and slept as they planned to leave the city the next day. Night passed. Day arrived.

White Eagles left for the outer gate of the Giant City. They waited for Arthur. Time passed. Arthur didn't come. The sun was above their heads. They saw the shadow of Arthur walking.

"Looks like he is here," Toya said and stepped forward. Ronald followed him. They both said hello to Arthur but he ignored and approached Ariel. Anna was behind Ariel.

"Yo, Arthur."


"So are you coming with us?"

"Yes, I want to but…."

"What's stopping you?"

"I want….to check if the person I want to follow is strong enough to dominate my powers."

"You mean you want to fight a duel?"

"You are correct."

"Are you out of your mind, Arthur?" Toya said.

"I am totally fine."

"Are you sure about this, Arthur?" Anna said.

"Yes, I am."

Ariel, who was sitting on the ground, stood up and said," Let's do it."

"I expected you to say this as I heard you started your Nithius training."

"You are not wrong."

"How do you feel now?"

"It's tough using it but I will gradually learn it."

"I hope you can use wings, can't you?"

"No. I can't."

"You are joking , right?"

"No, I am not."


"Let's start the duel right now."

"I am on."

"Anna, Toya , Ronald step back."

As Ariel said they stepped back . Many giants heard about the duel and a crowd gathered in no time. They both got ready to fight.

"If I win, join White Eagles."

"We will see about it."

Ariel summoned Alice and Arthur summoned his axe. They both rushed towards each other. They clashed and continued throwing strikes. They were fighting at a higher speed. Their movements were not easy to see. They continued doing this for a while. They realised it would lead to nowhere and backed off.

"You are a tough guy, Arthur."

"So are you," Arthur said and rushed to Ariel and delivered a strike on Ariel. Ariel jumped and dodged. Arthur hit the ground and it melted.

Ariel created Kaze-kyu while floating and threw it towards Arthur. Arthur moved his axe and cut the Kaze-kyu. Ariel landed. He immediately rushed to Arthur with Alice and started delivering multiple strikes. He got an opening and jumped and created seven tornadoes.

Arthur was trapped and so he moved his axe recklessly. Ariel took the chance and tried to land on Arthur's head with a Kaze-kyu but Arthur foresaw and produced sun wings.

Arthur got on the sky. Ariel cancelled his tornadoes and landed on the ground. He looked above and saw Arthur flying with his wings. He didn't wait longer and ran to a tree . He stepped on it and jumped and threw a Kaze-kyu on the ground. He did it multiple times and went on the same air level as Arthur. Arthur flew to Ariel and started punching Ariel.

Ariel took some blows while floating. He couldn't stay any longer and started going down.

"You are weak," Arthur said.

"Yes, so are you," Ariel said and moved his body towards Arthur and threw multiple Kaze-kyu at the same time. Ariel again faced towards the ground and closed his eyes. Meanwhile Arthur took some damage.

Ariel keeped his eyes closed and cleared every thought he had in his brain. Then he started imagining wings, how wings worked, how they were used to fly. He was very close to hitting the ground. Something miraculous happened.

Two perfect wings came out from his back just before hitting the ground. He stopped and moved the wings to get flexibility. Arthur saw it and was shocked and so was the White Eagles.

Ariel looked above at Arthur and flew to him.

"Finally, a worthy opponent," Arthur said and smirked.

"Come, Arthur."

They both clashed again but this time Ariel was faster as wind was his favourable condition. He damaged Arthur quite a bit. Arthur was huffing and lost a lot of stamina. Ariel flew up more and got over Arthur's head and flew to it with a Kaze-kyu in his hand.

Ariel hit the head of Arthur and Arthur crashed on the land. Ariel flew to him and landed on the ground. Arthur was injured but got up.

"Aren't we done?" Ariel said.

"No , I am still not defeated," Arthur said and activated Nithius First Form. Ariel was surprised . Arthur rushed to Ariel. Ariel got in the position to strike Arthur . Arthur was very close and at that exact time his Nithius ran out of stamina . He returned to his normal body and received a strike from Ariel. Thus Arthur lost the battle. He was lying on the ground.

"Looks like I got defeated," Arthur said.

"But thanks to you , I can use wings now," Ariel said.

"Ughhh…. it's your win, Ariel," Arthur said.

"Try harder next time."

"Next time we fight,I will use the first form faster and defeat you with it."

"The next time we fight, I will use the third form."

"Aren't you going very fast?"

"I believe I will be slow while learning Nithius completely."

"Ariel!!!!!Arthur!!!!!!" Anna shouted and rushed towards them. Ronald and Toya followed Anna.

"Let me heal you guys," Anna said.

"That would be awesome," Arthur said.

"Same here," Ariel said.

"Goodness! You guys went too far," Ronald said.

"Good job, Ariel and Arthur," Toya said.

Anna healed both Ariel and Arthur then. They were fit and fine. They got ready to leave the city. Arthur talked with the new Giant King and asked him to take care of his hometown. Arthur bid farewell to all of them .

"Are you ready to join White Eagles, Arthur?" Ariel said.

"Yes, I am."

"Glad to have you on the team," Ariel said and shaked hands with Arthur.

"Get on already. We are getting late," Toya shouted.

"Coming," Ariel said and got and so did Arthur, Anna and Ronald. Toya started the engine and left for the next city.

To be continued~~