Chapter 34: Peace City

Chapter 34: Peace City

"So which city are we going to?" Ariel said. 

"It is Peace City," Anna said.

"Peace…..City?" Ariel said.

"The home city of Peacemaker," Anna said.

"That's interesting," Toya said. 


"Enjoy the trip. It will take a long time," Toya said and speeded up the Dynasty. 

"I will go and cook something," Ronald said. 

"I will check the map and train myself," Anna said. 

"I will sleep," Arthur said.

"Then I will keep chatting with Toya," Ariel said.

"That would be great," Toya said.

Afternoon passed. Evening came. Toya continued going to Peace City with other White Eagles members. Ariel was chatting with him on various matters. 

Suddenly Toya saw some bikes blocking the road. There were five men. Ariel got off from the Dynasty to check on them. 

"Can you guys move from the way?" Ariel said to them. They all laughed.

"I am not joking."

"Do you know who we are?"


"Huh? Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I am."

"We are called Roms who are famous for stealing money from tourists."

"That's good."

"Aren't you afraid of us?"

"Why should I be afraid?" Ariel said and smirked. 

"We will kill you right here," the leader of Roms said and he and his mates took out their swords and approached Ariel quickly. But Toya got off from the Dynasty and rushed to the Roms. He said," Water Style  First Strike: River of Water!" .

Immediately there was water everywhere and he slashed down the Roms with his sword. Ariel said," Looks like I won't have any trouble."

"Anybody blocking our way shall be punished," Toya said and keep striking until the  Roms passed out. 

"What's that cool attack , Toya?" Ariel said.

"I learnt it while resting in the Giant City. I wanted to use it in the last battle but didn't get the chance and so I decided to use it today."

"That's freaking awesome." Ariel said.

"Yeah, it worked perfectly."

"Let's go back . We have to reach the Peace City soon," Ariel said and they went back to Dynasty. Toya started it and speeded up in order to reach Peace City. 

Meanwhile at the Zero Point, the King of Kings and all the generals were having a meeting.

"Sire, I have just received the news that the Fire General went to invade Giant City," a messenger said .

"What are the results?" King of Kings Victor said. 

"Unfortunately, Fire General Firik lost the battle against Kircheis and decided to retreat."

"Did he retreat or flee away?"

"In my opinion, he fled."

"Good answer. I reward you with ten thousand gold coins," Victor said. 

"Thank you very much, Sire."

"Sire, what should we do now?" Beast General, Greish said.

"Greish, I suppose you know that the Demon King will invade the Beast Continent soon, don't you?"

"Yes, I know that Sire."

"What is your plan?"

"I don't plan on fighting against the Demon King but I certainly want to take my family somewhere safe, Sire."

"That's good. Therefore, do what you are planning to do."

"Thank you very much, Sire. I will immediately start for the Beast Continent."

"Congratulations, you are getting what you wanted, you lowly beast," Tony said slowly to Greish. 

"Shut up."

"What will you do if I don't?"

"Stop both of you. Don't fight in front of the King of Kings," Bellion, the Wood General said.

"Here comes the wood with enhanced hearing skills," Tony said. 

"Why are you not leaving Greish?" Victor said. 

"My apologies Sire, I shall take your leave," Greish said and left the meeting room. 

"Sire, I have a question," Corno, the Earth General said. 

"What is it?"

"Why did you let him go?"

"Why are you asking this?"

"I am asking because if the Demon King somehow gets the information of a general arriving on the Beast Continent, he will think that you betrayed him."

"Interesting thought but do you think I will keep a freaking beast in my army?"

"I knew it," Tony said and he seemed happy and laughed. 

"Thank you for answering."

"Sit down. I have something important to share. "

All generals gave their attention to Victor. He breathed in and out. Then he spoke. 

"Tomorrow shall be the day when I will go public for the second time."

"That's great, Sire."

"Also, I have asked Supreme General Toffer to kill the ones who are in the race of killing me and taking over my throne at the Peace City."

"Can I represent the list of them, Sire?" Verbion said.


"The first one is William K Shadow with a bounty of one billion gold coins and his crew named Hawkins."

"Second one is Fernando K Fire with a bounty of ninety three million gold coins and his crew

named Darkvale."

"Third one is Henry K Gold with a bounty of eighty five million gold coins and his crew named Nightmight. "

"Fourth one is Frederica Q Ice with a bounty of forty one million gold coins and her crew named Charwell."

"Fifth one is Broddy K Metal with a bounty of twenty million gold coins and his crew named Blue Assassins."

"Finally, the sixth one is Ariel K Wind with a bounty of nine million gold coins and his crew named White Eagles."

"That's all for now." Verbion finished saying everyone's name.

"The less, the better," Victor said. 

"Sire, then what's the plan?"

"We will not join in the war and those kings and the only queen shall be killed quickly."

"If that is the case, then we will make sure to be successful," Verbion said. 

"That concludes the meeting. You all shall leave now," Victor said. 

The generals left the meeting room. Victor went back to his room and slept with a number of women. 

General Corno and Verbion went to a renowned restaurant. They ordered some food and while waiting they spoke to each other. 

"What do you think about the King's plan?" Verbion said.

"The plan is good but has several flaws," Corno said. 

"I don't think Toffer will be able to kill all of them," Verbion said. 

"Same here," Corno said. 

"So, what's your plan then?" Verbion said.

"I plan to do nothing," Corno said.

"You are joking right?"

"Why do you think so?"

"Toffer is your big brother and there's no way you won't do something and let your brother die."

"I guess you are not wrong."


"Yeah, I sent someone to Peace City who will back up Toffer and let him defeat the kings and the queen alongside the three Irexors."


"That's it."

"Nevertheless let's eat and leave," Verbion said and they both ate. 

To be continued~~