Chapter 38: Speech of Victor

Chapter 38: Speech of Victor

It was a nice morning. White Eagles gathered up in front of the inn they spent the night on. They completed their breakfast together. They also saw some people setting up big monitors. 

White Eagles assumed that it must be for Victor's speech. The speech was to be delivered at noon. They got this information from a newspaper. They also checked their current bounties. 

Ariel's bounty was twelve million gold coins. Toya's bounty was five million gold coins. Anna's bounty was three million gold coins. Arthur's bounty was two and half million gold coins and Ronald's bounty was one million gold coins.

"Looks like our bounties rose up," Ariel exclaimed.

"It seems so," Anna said. 

"We will have to be more careful now and continue to head towards Zero Point," Toya insisted.

"So, will we wait here until Victor delivers his speech?" Arthur confusingly said.

"I think we should wait," Ronald said. 

At the same time, they heard some guys talking about their king, an Irexor was facing two kings and one queen in order to capture them. They got the attention of White Eagles.

"Where is the fight happening?" the first guy babbled to the second guy. 

"I heard it was happening at the centre of the city where there is a big display for today's speech," the second guy said.

"Do you mean the Peace Field?" the first guy said to the second guy.

"Yeah, that field," the second guy said. They didn't talk more and started eating.

"Sounds interesting," Arthur said on another table while sitting with the other members of White Eagles. 

"Shall we go there?" Toya said. 

"It would be better if we do not engage in any fight," Ronald said.

"You are worrying too much," Toya said to Ronald.

"I agree with Ronald. You guys were almost half dead last night," Anna said.

"That was sudden and so we lost," Toya said. 

"Ariel, what shall we do?" Arthur said to Ariel who was thinking hard, closing his eyes. 

"Ariel….?" Anna said.

"Are you ok?" Toya said.

Ariel opened his eyes. He looked to his right and left. He then said," We will go."

"I think the idea is bad but if you say so…" Ronald said. 

"....but we will only see and will not fight," Ariel said. 

"That will be good," Anna said.

"As you say," Toya said. 

"Then let's go to Piece Field," Ariel commanded. Following the command white eagles left the restaurant and started for Piece Field. When they were close to Piece Field, they saw many Zuch soldiers fighting against the crew members of other kings. They also saw many Broddy and Henry in action. 

"What should we do, Ariel?" Toya stammered.

"Shall  we join the fight?" Arthur said.

Ariel turned his face towards Toya, Anna, Arthur and Ronald. He seemed panicked but he knew he could not panic at that time. He knew he had to take part in this fight. He was confused about what to do. He was thinking. 

No sooner had he made a decision he heard the voice of Henry. Henry was fighting and calling Ariel to back them up. Ariel looked at Henry.

"Come on, back us up," Henry shouted. Ariel gulped. 

"Ariel, there is no time to think," Ronald said. 

"Ariel, if you order, then I shall join the fight,' Arthur insisted and stepped forward. But Ariel put his hand on Arthur's chest while looking down. 

"What has happened, Ariel?" Arthur added.

"Arthur…..we will not join the fight right now," Ariel urged.

"What are you saying?" Arthur sneered.

"We shall not be a part of this fight and we will wait until Victor gives his speech," Ariel insisted.

"I think Ariel is right. We did not start this fight and so we should not be a part of this fight," Anna  said while being determined.

"What are you guys saying? Are you out of your mind?" Arthur said.

As soon as Arthur finished, the big display opened up. Everyone gave their attention to the display. They were  eager to see Victor K Kings. It was the end of many waitings. William K Shadows, Frederica Q  Ice, Henry K Gold and Broddy K Metal and their crews were focusing on the display  rather than fighting. The opposition army of Irexor Grigol Klak was also giving attention to the display. 

White Eagles looked at the display. Ariel looked carefully and finally saw the body figure of Victor but it was still unclear. He saw Victor sitting on his throne in a dark room that had only a little light. Victor opened his mouth and then closed it in some moments. He had a terryfying aura. He gave deadly vibes. Ariel was already feeling bad. 

William K Shadow was himself scared of Victor's aura. He felt that he would be killed in no time. Henry was smirking to show his bravery outside but inside he was as good as half dead. Broddy could not act tough and knelt on the ground. But something was off in the case of Frederica. She seemed like seeing Victor was no hard job.

And the rest of others already knelt on the ground in order to show respect to Victor except the crew members of the kings and the only queen. The atmosphere was silent. Nobody dared to talk as they were shocked. Victor opened his mouth and his voice came out.

"It is the second time I have come like this to declare something as the King of Kings. Last time was when I took over this throne. I do not have time to speak bullshit. I already know that you people are informed about the battle between Beast Continent and Demon Continent. Yeah, I have already defeated the Demon King in the past. But this time a new demon king is coming. So I have come here to let you guys know about my decision regarding this battle. Hereby, I, Victor K Kings officially cut my ties with Irexors and abandon the first human continent named Human Continent I."

To be continued ~~~