Chapter 37: A Sudden Clash

Chapter 37: A Sudden Clash

"You are kidding, ain't you?" Ariel said to William with a confused face.

"Why would I lie about my blood?" William said with a ragged voice.

"Well…..if you are not lying, then your bounty being the highest among the kings who are in the race of becoming King of Kings is acceptable," Ariel said.

"Don't underestimate our leader," a voice came from the back of Ariel. He turned around but saw none. He again turned around to look at William but saw another guy who was as tall as Ariel.

"Both his bounty and powers are untouchable for you," that guy said and smirked.

"Who are you?" Ariel said to him.

"You don't have to know my name," that guy said.

"Roul, enough of it," William shouted.

"You are being rude, leader," Roul said and went to William.

"William, who is that guy?" Ariel said.

"He is my most trusted guy," William said.

"He looks weird though," Ariel said.

"I would prefer it if you made no comments on him," William said.

"Ok… it," Ariel said and walked two steps close to William.

"By the way, do you know what will happen tomorrow?" William said.

"Are you talking about my plans for tomorrow?" Ariel said.

"No, I am talking about Victor," William said.

"What's Victor gonna do?" Ariel said.

"He will come in front of the public to give a speech tomorrow," William said.

"I see," Ariel said and started thinking.

"What do you think he will say?" William said.

"I don't know. What do you think?" Ariel said.

"Same here," William said with a disappointed face.

Suddenly something crossed Ariel at a high speed and Ariel heard it saying "Thunder Style: First Strike". It was Toya who crossed Ariel and he striked Roul. Roul foresaw the attack and defended himself.

Toya stopped and went back to Ariel. He was on guard and pointed towards Roul with his sword.

"What has happened, Toya?" Ariel said to Toya.

"Be on guard. That guy almost defeated Arthur," Toya said with a serious face.

"What is happening, Ariel K Wind? Why is your subordinate attacking Roul?" William said.

"Ask that guy," Toya said.

"What happened,Roul?" William said to Roul.

"I attacked one of his friends as he was irritating me," Roul said to William.

"Why are you picking fights everywhere?" William said.

"They are our enemies and so it's better to finish them," Roul said.

"You are right that they are our enemy but they can also be our alliance, " William said.

"What are you saying? Are you out of your mind?" Roul said.

"Apologise," William said to Roul.

"Fine I will apo-" Roul couldn't finish as Toya used Water Style: First Strike against him. Roul got hit and was pushed back.

"I won't accept any apology," Toya said. William just couldn't stand any longer and summoned his shadow blades. They were heavily designed and looked strong and hard.

Ariel felt William was gonna attack Toya and so he summoned Alice. He ran towards both Toya and William. William moved his blades and slashed Toya. Toya couldn't defend the attack but moved his sword to push William back.

Ariel rushed screaming,"STOP!!"

William dodged Toya's attack. He grabbed Toya's shirt. He punched Toya in his stomach. Toya took damage. Then William punched Toya's face. Toya lost consciousness.

Ariel then attacked William with Wind Slash. William tried his best to dodge but he failed. William got up. But Roul rushed to Ariel crossing William. Roul and Ariel were close to clashing.

Suddenly metal bars came out from the ground. Both Ariel and Roul backed down. And they looked to their left at the same time. They saw Broddy K Metal.

"Gentlemen, let's not fight in front of the grave of Peacemaker," Broddy said and walked to the grave of Peacemaker. He prayed for the Peacemaker and then turned around looking at William and Ariel.

"You guys should be peaceful sometimes," Broddy said.

"What are you doing here, Broddy?" William said to Broddy.

"I was just walking by and then heard some noise. I followed the noise and ended up here," Broddy said and laughed.

"Is that so?" William said.

Meanwhile, injured Arthur and Anna came to Ariel. Toya got up but was bleeding. Anna went to Toya and started healing him.

"Ariel, are you okay?" Arthur said.

"I am good but what happened between you and Roul?" Ariel said.

"He came out of nowhere and started attacking me. I was focusing on protecting Anna. He took the chance and went towards Anna to distract me. He is strong," Arthur said and coughed.

"Don't worry everything is fine now," Ariel said.

"I think we all should go back and take a rest. Tomorrow is going to be a big day," Broddy said.

"I think you are right. Let's go back, Roul," William said and went back with Roul.

"I will be leaving too," Broddy said and cancelled the iron bars and left the place.

"What was all that about?" Anna said with a confused face.

"Whatever it was, I don't care until you guys are good," Ariel said.

"Toya, are you good now?" Anna said.

"Yeah, feeling fine," Toya said.

"Then let's go back to the inn. Ronald is all alone there," Arthur said.

Then they all started for the inn. They had to walk a long way and so Ariel and Arthur used their wings and carried Anna and Toya to the inn. They all went back to their room except Ariel and Toya. They went to the backyard of the inn and there was a big open field.

Ariel and Toya decided to do training. Ariel did his Nithius training in order to reach the Absolute Manipulation phase. Toya opened up his new fire elemental sword and started training to learn the Fire Style. They continued their training until dawn.

It was finally daybreak and the sun was all shiny that day. It was the day for which the Kings and Queens waited for. The day of Victor's speech.

To be continued ~~