Chapter 42: The Bravest Princess and The Shadow King!

Chapter 42: The Bravest Princess and The Shadow King!

Donald tripped over after multiple strikes from Frederica. Frederica didn't waste a moment and rushed to Donald. She wanted to make sure of Donald's death. Donald was injured but he didn't give up on his life.

From his childhood, Donald was a truthful boy. He tried to fulfill every responsibility he was given. He loved his parents. Especially his mother. But after reaching the age of sixteen, Donald decided to join the Zuchs to provide for his family.

As he fought in several battles, Victor K Kings noticed his talents and royalty. He was soon promoted and became the leader of CBF21. CBF21 played major roles in defeating the 'Three Emperors' who were called Natural Rulers.

Peacemaker was one of them before he was defeated by Victor K Kings. With Peacemaker, there were four emperors. Two of them are still alive!

Donald used his sword to block Frederica's attacks. Frederica was attacking from every direction using her wings. She knew she had to defeat Donald. Donald, while getting damaged, was trying to observe Frederica's movements.

Frederica had multiple moves and attacks in her sleeves. She stopped using her sword when she saw it was useless against Donald. She immediately summoned a bow and arrow made out of ice. It was named 'Clagaska'.

Tigrio was handling two CBF21 officers on his own. He was maintaining his tiger form which took a lot of stamina. He was huffing.

"Are you tired already, beast?" said the first CBF21 officer with a great attitude.

"It's nothing compared to fighting against Generals," Tigrio laughingly said.

"You are gonna regret this battle, you animal!" said the first officer and rushed to Tigrio with a huge hammer. Tigrio used his claws to block it but his nails were crushed!

Tigrio's fingers were damaged and he was bleeding.

"Seems like today is your last day on this planet," said the first CBF21 officer with an evil smile on his face.

"We will see about it," said Tigrio and jumped rushing towards the CBF21 officer in order to strike him. That officer took a position to defend himself. He was as serious as someone's job and life was on the line.

Frederica used Clagaska and shot two arrows. Donald used his sword to break the arrows. Frederica again loaded and shot five arrows this time. And landing on the ground, she rushed towards Donald.

Donald was attacked from two sides. He was panicking despite his many years of experience. He swung his sword and struck the arrows. And Frederica used her sword to cut through him.

But Donald's armor was thick. So Frederica could only cut through the armor and couldn't damage Donald's body.

"Pretty thick armor you have got there," Frederica said with a shocked face.

"Your Father, His Majesty gave it to me personally when I became the CBF21 Leader," Donald said smiling.

"Now his daughter shall slaughter your team," Frederica said while having an evil aura.

"Let's see how well you can do, little princess," Donald said and got in a position to strike Frederica down. But he didn't know what was coming for him. At the very moment, Frederica used her trump card.

"Nithius First Form: Blizzard Armor"

Meanwhile William alone was surrounded by CBF6. CBF6 is the sixth strongest group among CBF groups. They consist of three members.

Amiun, leader of CBF6. He is accompanied by Traz and Garfild.

"When will you guys give up on pursuing me?" William sighed.

"It shall not end until His Majesty has no enemy," Amiun said.

"We will make sure to kill you right here," Traz said.

"I guess I will not fight you guys this time," William said and a shadow aura started coming out from his body.


A foxman shadow came out from nowhere.


A shadow knight came out.


A shadow giant came out.

They were standing behind William. Willam looked back at them.

"It's been a while since I summoned you guys," William said and smiled.

"We are at your service Master," those three said at the same time. William looked at CBF6.

"Huh?! Shadow puppets, funny!" Amiun said with an evil smile.

"Don't worry you guys won't fight them," William said and turned around. He started walking back and his destination was Toffer. Rudolf, Quinca and Jorion followed him.

CBF6 was confused. They were unable to understand why William was leaving without fighting them. Amiun stepped forward to chase William. But he felt something was behind him. He quickly looked back and saw a big stone. He was shocked and decided to move back. But he was unable to find his other two companions.

He checked on his left and right but couldn't find them. He was tense. At that moment he heard a voice.

"Looking for your friends?"

Amiun looked around and saw a mon sitting on the big stone he saw earlier. He understood who was sitting on that stone.

"Tragalf Wisdom, the second member of Hawkins. Right hand of William K Shadow," Amiun said with a disturbed smile. He was feeling excited but he was nervous too.

"You got that right," Tragalf said and moved his hand making some sign. Amiun failed to understand what Tragalf meant.

However, the ground where Amiun was standing started to shake. Amiun jumped before a stone came out from that place. He got the hold of Tragalf's ability. It was the power of controlling and creating stones.

On the other hand Traz and Garfild were trapped in a dark place.

"Garfild, where are we?" Traz said being cautious.

"I am not sure either," Garfild said.

"We were right there on the battlefield and now we are here in this dark place. What happened?" Traz worryingly said.

"Get in your position. It can be an attack," Garfild said and pulled out his sword. Following Garfild, Traz pulled out his spear.

"Looks like you guys have no idea where you are," a man from the shadows slowly said.

"Where are you? Reveal yourself," Traz said and swung his spear.

"Welcome to my personal dimension, Yhwak," said the man from the shadows and revealed himself. It was none other than the third member of Hawkins, Caestro!

To be continued~

Author's Note: Hello there! With chapter 42, I'll be uploading daily from now on. My deepest apologies for the unexpected long break!